Friday, October 29, 2010


by John Murphy
(I received the following email from my friend John Murphy. Some of the formatting and highlighting is lost and I have not embedded the links, but this is very good, detailed research and clearly explains why we must defeat Jim Cooper. The links can be copied and pasted into your browser, if one wants to follow the links.)

Early Voting is over, please forward this Email to everyone on you email list. Our last chance to help stop run-a-way spending and unconstitutional bills is on November 2nd

YouCut – a first-of-its-kind project - is designed to defeat the permissive culture of runaway spending in Congress SEE JIM COOPERS RECORD BELOW! First Proposal: “You Cut” New Non-Reformed Welfare Program – Savings: $2.5 billion, Congressman Jim Cooper voted to continue the spending of tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Second Proposal: Federal Spending Cut: Eliminate Federal Employee Pay Raise - Savings: $30 billion over ten years, Congressman Jim Cooper voted to continue the spending of tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Third Proposal: Federal Spending Cut – Reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Savings estimated at $30 billion, Congressman Jim Cooper voted to continue the spending of tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Fourth Proposal: Federal Saving Cut – Sell Excess Federal Property - Potential savings of up to $15 billion, Congressman Jim Cooper voted against saving the tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Fifth Proposal: Federal Saving Cut – Prohibit Hiring New IRS Agents to Enforce the Health Care Law - Savings of $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years, Congressman Jim Cooper voted against saving the tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Sixth Proposal: Taxpayer Subsidized Union Activities – Saves potentially $120 million a year and $1.2 billion over ten years, Congressman Jim Cooper voted against saving the tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Seventh Proposal: – Prohibit Stimulus Funding for Promotional Signage and Recoup Previously Spent Funds – Saves: Tens of millions of dollars, Congressman Jim Cooper voted against saving the tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Eighth Proposal: Prohibit "First-Class" Subsidies on Amtrak – Potential savings of $1.2 billion over ten years, Congressman Jim Cooper voted against saving the tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Ninth Proposal: Bipartisan Proposal to Terminate the Advanced Earned Income Tax Credit Saves $1.1 billion over ten years, Congressman Jim Cooper voted against saving the tax payer’s money!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Tenth Proposal: Require Collection of Unpaid Taxes from All Federal Employees, political appointees and civil service employees or face termination of employment. Savings potential – $1 billion. Congressman Jim Cooper voted against the collection of unpaid taxes from Federal Employees!

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. Eleventh Proposal: Reduce Government Employment to 2008 Levels Saves taxpayers $35 billion over ten years. Congressman Jim Cooper voted against saving the tax payer’s money and to continue to expand the Federal Government!


Additional Votes cast by Congressman Jim Cooper

Cash for Clunkers - called the Car Allowance Rebate System (C.A.R.S.). Congressman Jim Cooper voted for this tax wasting bill.

SANTA MONICA , Calif. — October 28, 2009 —, the premier resource for online automotive information, has determined that Cash for Clunkers cost taxpayers $24,000 per vehicle sold.

Nearly 690,000 vehicles were sold during the Cash for Clunkers program, officially known as CARS, but analysts calculated that only 125,000 of the sales were incremental. The rest of the sales would have happened anyway, regardless of the existence of the program.


American Clean Energy and Security Act – H R 2454, better known as CAP and Trade, 26-Jun-2009

Congressman Jim Cooper voted Aye (YES) for H.R. 2454 Cap and Trade Bill

One of the provisions of this bill had it passed the Senate would have had the following impact on every American. To sell your home you would have had to retrofit your home to comply with the energy and water efficiency standards of this Act. H.R. 2454, the "Cap & Trade" bill. In effect, this bill would have prevented you from selling your home without the permission of the EPA administrator. To get this permission, you will have to have the energy efficiency of your home measured. Then the government will tell you what your new energy efficiency requirement is and you will be forced to make modifications to your home under the retrofit provisions of this Act to comply with the new energy and water efficiency requirements. Then you will have to get your home measured again and get a license (called a "label" in the Act) that must be posted on your property to show what your efficiency rating is; sort of like the Energy Star efficiency rating label on your refrigerator or air conditioner. If you don't get a high enough rating, you can't sell. The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) estimates that in just a few years the average cost to every family of four will be $6,800 per year. If would have been the largest tax increase any of us has ever experienced.


$814 Billion Economic Stimulus Package – Congressman Jim Cooper voted for this tax wasting bill.

The CBO found that the stimulus package -- with its combination of targeted tax cuts, government-funded construction projects and energy investments -- added 1.4 million to 3.3 million jobs to the U.S. economy from April through June, lowering the overall unemployment rate by 0.7 percent. When you consider there was a net loss of around 3,000,000 jobs during the same period, and official unemployment remains at almost 10% and actual unemployment is well above that (see how can the Economic Stimulus be deemed a success?


Affordable Health Care for America Act – H.R. 3962, 7-Nov-2009, better known as Obamacare. (See for healthcare analysis – extract from that analysis presented below)

Congressman Jim Cooper voted Aye (YES) for H.R. 3962 Obamacare

Some of the provisions in Obamacare that will impact every American are presented below.

•Beginning in 2014, you will be required by law to have health insurance and to attach proof of insurance to your tax return.
•If you fail to insure, you will be fined — with the penalty rising to $695 ($2,085 per family) in 2016 or 2.5% of your adjusted gross income, whichever is greater.
•If your employer fails to offer you health insurance, your employer can be fined as much as $2,000 per employee per year.
•The type of insurance you must have — including co-pays, deductibles and the employee’s share of the premium — will all be determined by federal regulations, rather than by you and your employer.
•If you are not covered by an employer plan, Medicare, Medicaid or other government plan, you will be required to buy insurance in a government-regulated health insurance exchange, where competing insurers will offer the government-mandated health insurance benefit package.
•How your doctor practices medicine and how you obtain care are likely to substantially change.
•$523 billion of health reform’s first 10-year cost will be paid for by cuts in spending on Medicare enrollees, according to Congressional Budget Office.
•In addition, there are new taxes on drugs and on such medical devices as wheelchairs, crutches, pacemakers, artificial joints, etc. — items disproportionately used by Medicare enrollees.
•Of the 15 million people expected to enroll in Medicare Advantage programs, 7½ million will lose their plans entirely, according to Medicare’s chief actuary, and the remainder will face higher premiums and lower benefits.
•Nearly 6 million retired employees will lose their employer drug coverage, according to the most recent Medicare Trustees report.
•A new tax on health insurance is likely to cost the families of employees of small businesses more than $500 a year in higher premiums.
•A 40% tax on the extra coverage provided by expensive “Cadillac” plans will apply to about one-third of all private health insurance in 2019; and because the tax threshold is not indexed to medical inflation, over time the tax will eventually reach every health plan.
•Scores of other items will be taxed, ranging from tanning salons to the sale of your home, in some cases.
•Health insurers will have to raise premiums for everyone in order to charge people with pre-existing conditions less than the expected cost of their care. Young people, for example, could see a doubling or tripling of their premiums, according to industry estimates.
•In order for employers to provide health insurance (or more generous insurance) to their employees, they will have to reduce what they pay in wages and in other benefits.
•The extra burden on employers could cost as many as 700,000 jobs by 2019.
•Under the law, Medicare fees paid to doctors are required to drop by 30% in the next three years.
•Medicare fees paid to doctors and hospitals will fall below Medicaid levels by 2019 and going forward will fall increasingly behind the rates paid by other patients. By 2050, Medicare fees are projected to be only one-half of what the private sector pays. By 2080, they will be only one-third.
•The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 9 million employees will lose their employer plan.
•Medicare’s chief actuary estimates that 14 million employees will lose the coverage they now have and, of those, about 2 million will enroll in Medicaid.
•A former CBO director is predicting a much larger employer response, with 35 million employees losing their current coverage.
•Loss of Medicare Advantage Coverage. About half of the enrollees in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans (7½ million people) are likely to lose their coverage and will be forced to return to conventional Medicare. If you are able to keep your MA plan, expect higher premiums and fewer benefits.


The news media has done nothing to expose any of the information contained above. The media has not ask any questions concerning the burdens that are being placed on the tax payer by the total disregard of any kind of fiscal responsibility by Congressman Jim Cooper. He claims to be conservative, but his track record states that he will vote for every spending bill that comes along and will increase taxes on a regular basis. This country is broke! We have a $13.5 Billion debt and another $110.6 Billion in un-funded obligations for a total obligation of every citizen (man, woman and child) of over $400,000 each. I don’t know about you but I don’t have $400,000 to spare, DO YOU? See: We must stop the insane spending on every social program that can be dreamed up, reduce spending and start revising or eliminating programs that were never conceived of or provided for in the U.S. Constitution.


Evaluations of Congressional Voting Record Monitoring Groups or Agencies are presented below. Rating by National Taxpayers Union – America's independent, non-partisan advocate for overburdened taxpayers. Congressman Jim Cooper – Party: Democrat Party – State: Tennessee

Year Grade Score Rank

2003 D 28% 269

2004 F 15% 266

2005 D 33% 234

2006 D 36% 229

2007 D 21% 204

2009 F 15% 219 Founded in 1964, American Conservative Union ACU represents the views of Americans who are concerned with economic growth through lower taxes and reduced government spending and the issues of liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values and national security. During Congressman Jim Cooper’s tenure as a Congressman he has voted against issues of liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values and national security 77% of the time.

STOP THIS MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. The National Rifle Association of America scores Representatives on their support of the Second Amendment to our U.S. Constitution. Congressman Jim Cooper received a grade of “C” which is “Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.”

STOP THIS ANTI U.S. CONSTITUTION MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. DAVID HALL RECEIVED AN “A” The National Right to Work Committee, established in 1955, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to the principle that all Americans must have the right to join a union if they choose to, but none should ever be forced to affiliate with a union in order to get or keep a job. Congressman Jim Cooper recently voted for the “Card Check” Bill which if passed will strip workers of their right to a secret ballot election when union organizers target their workplace. This not only nullifies a person’s right to cast a secret ballot, it allows union bosses to intimidate workers one-on-one into signing a so-called union authorization card which would unionize the company automatically. Ask yourself, if you were at the election poles and someone or several someone’s were standing over your shoulder indicating how you should vote, does that sound like the FREE America we have all known in the past?

STOP THIS ANTI U.S. CONSTITUTION MADNESS – VOTE FOR DAVID HALL NOVEMBER 2ND. When Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) gave her inaugural address as speaker of the House in Jan 2007, she vowed there would be “no new deficit spending.” Since that day, the national debt has increased by $5 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. Pelosi, the 60th speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has added more to the national debt than the first 57 House speakers combined. Congressman Jim Cooper who has ran a campaign ad stating that he is conservative and frugally watches over the expenditure of tax payer’s money has voted 9 times out of 10 (THAT’S 90% OF THE TIME) with Rep. Nancy Pelosi. THAT MEANS THAT HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HELPING INCREASE OUR NATIONAL DEBT BY ABOUT $4.5 TRILLION IN THE LAST THREE YEARS! Can you, your children or grandchildren afford this kind of frugal spending?


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