Saturday, December 17, 2022

Oberlin College pays bakery it called 'racist' over $36 million after years-long defamation lawsuit

by Rod Williams, Dec. 17, 2022 - As explained at this news linkOberlin College in Ohio has paid out over $36 million to Gibson’s Bakery and Food Mart after years of attempting to overturn a jury decision that found the college defamed the local bakery. 

In 2016, a Black student stole a bottle of wine from the bakery, the owner gave chase and tackled the student, two other Black students came to the aid of the student who stole the wine, and blows were exchanged. The three students were arrested and pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges.

Students from Oberlin College protested outside the bakery and the Oberlin College vice president and dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, handed out flyers stating that the bakery is a "RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION." 

The bakery sued for defamation and won, the college appealed and lost. The college just paid up. 

Hallelujah! Maybe people ought to think twice before calling people racist and ruining their reputation and attempting to ruin their business. $36 million could have gone a long way toward scholarships for underprivileged students. Unfortunately, justice is expensive.  I would like to see more public interest law firms taking on cases of this nature. Society needs to push back against woke bullies. 

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Metro needs to reject the proposal for a new $2.1 billion indoor stadium. Back to the drawing board.

by Rod Williams, Dec. 13, 2022 - Bruce Barry writing in Tennessee Outlook sheds light on the issues surrounding the proposal to build a new stadium for the Titans. Below are some of the highlights of the points he makes

  • Proponents of the new stadium have stage-managed the public comment sessions. Vested interest used the public comment sessions as a vehicle for advancing the establishment's pro-stadium narrative.
  • The assertion that “This doesn’t cost Nashville’s taxpayers a dime; the revenue is coming from people who travel here and come from outside” is demonstrably false.
  • County superstar Garth Brooks in a letter to Metro Council said "domed stadiums are revenue-generating machines because they can be kept busy 365 days a year." Others have made the same argument. Barry provides data. Sofi in Los Angeles which books more events than any other domed stadium only booked 17 nights last year. 
  • The alternative to building the new stadium is to rehab the existing one and "we still don’t actually have a conclusive and reliable analysis of those costs. "
The push for a new stadium needs to be slowed down and the Council needs real cost analysis and facts before allowing this to be railroaded though. 

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Sunday, December 11, 2022

TN man sentenced to more than 5 years for role in Jan. 6 Capitol riot

Sandlin smoking a
marijuana joint in the
Rotunda of the Capitol.
by David Royer,  Dec 9, 2022, MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Millington, Tennessee man who participated in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol last year will spend more than five years behind bars.

Ronald Sandlin, 35, was sentenced Friday in the District of Columbia for conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers. He also faces three years of supervised release and a $2,000 restitution payment. (read more)

Rod's Comment

Revolution might seem like fun and games until you pay the penalty. I am pleased to see the January 6th insurrectionist punished, I just wish that insurrectionists involved in the 2020 BLM/Antifa riots had received the same harsh treatment. 

In the 2020 BLM uprising, hundreds of riots occurred nationwide, over 2,000 officers were injured, and nearly $2 billion worth of property damage occurred. Our own Metro Nashville Courthouse was set afire. Streets were blocked and White people were pulled from their cars and beaten. Portions of some big cities were just abandoned to be ruled for weeks by Antifa/BLM activists.  During this time, police did not respond to assaults and rapes in the lawless occupied zones.  During the unrest, people died. 

The 2020 BLM riots were the most destructive in U.S. history.  Liberal big city attorney generals often just dismissed charges against the rioters and liberal politicians and media were understanding and excused the rage.

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