Saturday, July 30, 2022

Will Senator Josh Hawley's Manhood meet expectation?

by Rod Williams, July 30, 2022 - This is laugh-out-loud funny, and I just have to share it. 

I assume you know who Josh Hawley is? He is the Senator from Missouri who when walking into the Capitol on January 6th gave a fist pump to the already rowdy crowd of Trumpinista insurrectionists being held back by Capitol police. It is reported his fist pump further riled the mob. Later he is filmed running 
for his life in the Capitol trying to flee the angry mob. (link)

Well, Josh Hawley has a new book to come out in May of next year called Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America NeedsJohna Goldberg of The Dispatch has some fun at Hawley's expense.  Here it is:
Sen. Josh Hawley has a book coming out titled Manhood. I would love to see the internal discussions at Regnery about how to market Josh Hawley’s Manhood. How many times did the editors say, “Let’s keep it short,” or, “Hawley’s Manhood is running implausibly long.” When his Manhood goes on sale, eager customers will go to the store to grab Hawley’s Manhood at full price, others will wait until it ends up at Costco where his Manhood will be available for cheap, and others will simply say that Hawley’s Manhood is cheap at any price and always for sale. 

Critical reviewers will suffer from a literary version of Peyronie's disease and bend whole paragraphs toward declaring the prose in Josh Hawley’s Manhood limp and his reasoning less than rigid and hard to grasp. Favorable reviewers will strain to avoid calling the insights of Josh Hawley’s Manhood seminal. His comms people will gird their loins for his Manhood’s first sales reports. Will Hawley’s Manhood have a soft debut? If so, they will hold out hope that demand will eventually swell. If Hawley’s Manhood rises to the occasion and stores sell out of his Manhood, eager buyers will go out to search in vain for Hawley’s Manhood.

Now, that's funny.


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Nashville committee receives overview of legal obligations for Tennessee Titans stadium repairs

By Jon Styf | The Center Square, July 30, 2020-  Metro Nashville’s East Bank Stadium Committee heard an overview of its obligations for stadium repairs, including the legal department’s definition of the key "first-class condition" term at its most recent meeting.

The terminology is key as the committee evaluates the city’s options related to the current Nissan Stadium and the Titans’ proposal for a new $2.2 billion stadium, which could include as much as $1.5 billion in public funding.

Margaret Darby, the Director and Special Counsel in the Metro Nashville council’s legal office, said on Thursday that the lease requires Nashville to keep the stadium in compliance with the law, in good condition and repair with normal wear and tear expected and having the level of improvements and technology "from time to time found at a reasonable number of comparable facilities."

Those stadiums are any completed within 10 years before or after Nissan Stadium was completed on July 30, 1999.

"Whenever I hear normal wear and tear accepted, my mind immediately goes to carpet," Darby said. "You’re going to walk on the carpet and you’re going to have normal wear and tear. That’s not something that would have to be done in order to keep something in a first-class condition."

Darby said that the new technology clause applies to new technologies that are in a majority of the comparable facilities.

"I think the main gist of this is that we are not required to pay for things that are early adopter-type technology," Darby said. "So, if the new thing was to have a screen in the back of every seat so you can watch it while you watch the football game, that would not be something that we would be required to pay for until a majority of the comparable facilities had done it."

The lease terminology has become key after Titans CEO Burke Nihill estimated at a sports authority meeting in May that the city is obligated to pay $1.839 billion in repairs and upgrades before the end of the team’s current lease.

Metro Nashville plans to hire Venue Solutions Group for at least $250,000 to conduct a study, due to be completed in November, on those obligations after the group estimated in 2017 that the city would need to complete $293.2 million in capital improvements over 20 years on the stadium.

"(In 2017), I believe that VSG was just doing an assessment of the systems in the facility to determine what types of systems were in there and the life of those systems and when they might need to be replaced," Darby said. "… I’m not sure they were looking at it from the lease perspective as much as they were just … here’s a building, here’s what’s in it and here’s what future maintenance and repairs and improvements and replacements might look like."

The city plans to attempt to obtain revenue bonds to pay for its estimated $1 billion in funding, which will come from state and local sales taxes at the stadium and surrounding district along with a 1 percentage point hotel-motel tax increase.

Council member Sean Parker added that any revenue bond shortfalls would be Metro Nashville’s responsibility to pay using general funds.

Committee Chair Bob Mendes noted that the city will not go to a referendum before obtaining bonds because that ability only comes from general obligation bonds, not the revenue bonds that have been proposed for the stadium project.

The committee is scheduled on Aug. 18, when the group will look at the city’s repair obligations under its current lease.

On Aug. 31, Mendes plans to invite Mayor John Cooper’s office and the Titans to the committee’s meeting to provide an update on the potential stadium deal.

Jon Styf is an award-winning editor and reporter who has worked in Illinois, Texas, Wisconsin, Florida and Michigan in local newsrooms over the past 20 years, working for Shaw Media, Hearst and several other companies. The underlining in the above post is that of the publisher of Disgruntled Republican. 

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Friday, July 29, 2022

How Metro Codes destroys affordable housing, tramples property rights and due process and victimizes Blacks, the elderly, and the poor and facilitates and accelerates gentrification.

by Rod Williams, June 29, 2022- The Nashville Scene is the type of publication that could use the term "birthing person," with a straight face if publications had faces. To read the Scene you may need to refer to the Liberal Speak Translation Guide, but it can be worth the effort because despite its trendy, super-woke, snarky, elitist, condescending tone, the Scene does, on occasion, do good journalism. It does so in its most recent issue with an analysis of the Metro codes department in an article by Radley Balko called, "Code Snitching: Nashvillians Are Weaponizing Metro Codes Against ‘Undesirable’ Neighbors."

The article lays out how codes enforcement leads to an unjust war against the poor, how it contributes to the loss of affordable housing, how codes rules are arbitrary and people are prosecuted without legal due process and the Environmental Court is a joke and runs roughshod over people because most people facing a codes complaint and taken to court are not the type people with money to hire a lawyer. I have long thought and sometimes said much the same thing. The Scene article backs it up with facts and figures and analysis of lots of data. If you care about justice, affordable housing, or the plight of the poor, you need to read this article.

Having spent the bulk of my working years helping low-income people become homeowners, I am deeply concerned about the issue of affordable housing, but oppose any approach that would mandate that private developers be required to build affordable housing. Thankfully the State legislature has prevented the city from going down that path. While I do not outright oppose the city building or subsidizing the building of affordable housing, I recognize that it is a drop in the bucket of what is needed and will have very little impact.  Also, the price point of most "affordable housing," is still way above what poor people can pay. The most important thing the city could do to advance affordable housing is to do no harm. And, the city does lots of harm by destroying affordable housing and restricting the housing supply which pushes up prices.  I explain some of how the city destroys affordable housing in a blog post, "My advice to the new Mayor Cooper appointed Affordable Housing Task Force."

One way the city destroys affordable housing is by the use of codes. Let me tell of my own experience. I own a rental house. It is the house I lived in prior to where I live now.  It is a modest 2 bedroom, 1 bath house in Woodbine in the Radnor subset of Woodbine.  I rent the house for a modest $900 a month. I am sure that I could sell it for close to $275,000, or I could put $10,000 in it, get a new tenant and raise the rent to $1600 a month. I don't, because of a couple reasons.  

One, I don't make a good evil money-grubbing landlord. I still have the heart of a social worker, I guess.  My tenant is an American citizen who came here as a Cuban refugee on a raft. Despite living in this country for a long time, he speaks with a heavy accent and does not have a high school diploma. He works picking up and selling scrap metals. At times he barely scraps by.  He always pays his rent on time, however, and never complains about anything. He would have a difficult time paying a higher rent. 

In addition to being compassionate, another reason I don't sell the house or improve it and raise the rent is simply because of inertia.  I have gotten to where I don't want to deal with stuff unless I have to.  I would rather just coast. And, I don't need the extra money.

I get phone texts, phone calls, postcards, letters, and emails all of the time, sometimes a dozen or more a week, wanting to make me a cash offer on the house.  I also occasionally get turned into codes.  I suspect,  but don't know, that developers ride around looking at houses that look a little unkept or not up to date and turn the house into codes. This article provides other people's experiences that reinforce my belief that code complaints are used as a weapon by developers to accelerate gentrification.  If a person like me knows he is losing money on his house and is kind of tired of being a landlord anyway, and received a code compliant, that may be all it takes to push him into selling the house for a cash offer or to call a realtor and put in on the market.  If you don't need the rental income, who needs the headache of dealing with codes? I have no doubt codes is destroying more affordable housing units than the city can ever build. 

The Scene article covers so much ground, I am not going to try to summarize it but will provide some excerpts:

... From the street, or even the front yard, you’d be hard-pressed to understand why, according to Benford, inspectors from the Metro Codes Department have visited the couple more than 50 times. Or why, he says, they’ve racked up $3,500 in fines. Or why in 2016, just a few years after the couple finally paid off their mortgage, the city put a lien on their home — one that remains in place today. ... the first problem is the small fishing boat the couple has parked on a trailer in their front yard. That apparently isn’t allowed. can’t have tools that aren’t put away. He said I can’t have the work bench. ... Everything you see out here, they told me I can’t have.” 

... Nashville prohibits residents from keeping inoperable or unregistered vehicles on residential properties unless they’re stored in an enclosed garage. Paradoxically, the city also forbids residents from making major repairs on their own vehicles ... the same Codes inspector has repeatedly shown up at his home over the years solely to demand that Benford prove that the car is operable. “I lost count of how many times he made me do that,” Benford says. “More than 20.”

“Think about who a system like this targets, and who it benefits,” ...“Poor people don’t typically call Codes on their neighbors, because poor people don’t trust the legal system. The people who benefit from complaint-driven systems are people for whom the legal system already works perfectly. Wealthy people. White people. Developers. And they usually use it as a weapon against people who don’t have the means to fight back” 

Tennessee in general is among the worst states in the country when it comes to predatory fines and fees. Environmental courts, which exist only in Davidson and Shelby counties, can add another layer of harassment. Nashville and its leaders also have strong incentives to keep the system as it is. “Want to know who benefits most from gentrification?” Hollin asks. “It ain’t developers or landlords. It’s the city of Nashville. For all the talk about affordable housing you hear from the Metro Council, remember that every time a poor family has to sell their house and move out of a ‘desirable’ neighborhood, what happens? A bigger house goes up. The property value goes up. And the city gets more tax revenue.” ...

“I’d compare it to anti-loitering laws,” ... “You have these vague laws that are wildly open to interpretation, that essentially make everyone a potential criminal. But then you have this added component where everyday people become the enforcers, with no accountability for false reporting. So everyone is a potential criminal, but the only people actually criminalized are those who happen to have neighbors who don’t like them.”

... “It shows that low-income people tend not to call Codes on other low-income people, and few people call Codes on wealthy people. It’s usually newer, wealthier residents calling codes on older, poorer people who have lived in these neighborhoods for years.”

... the inspector assigned to our case, ...  told me every plant on the slope longer than 12 inches would need to be removed. He threatened me with a fine of $50 per day, per weed, if we didn’t comply. 

Jamie Hollin recounts the first time he visited Davidson County Environmental Court, ... “I was stunned and appalled,” he says. “And frankly, to call it a court gives it way too much credit. It’s a sham. A joke. A predatory body. Here’s the common denominator among the people I saw in that room: poor, Black and elderly. Ninety-five percent of them didn’t have a lawyer. And their rights were being trampled.” ... Environmental Court is Hollin’s latest battle. He wants it abolished. 

I commend the writer of the Scene article for a job well done.  And, I commend former Metro Councilman Jamie Holin for his fight for justice.  I know Jamie Hollin is a progressive, but labels don't matter if you are fighting the good fight.  I might disagree with Hollin on some other issues, but we are certainly on the same page on this one.  I also am pleased to see The Institute for Justice, one of the recipients of my financial support, join this fight for justice in Nashville. Over the years they have fought the city over several issues when the city tried to deny people the use of their property, or the right to work, or were the victims of eminent domain abuse.

What should be done? In my view, the codes department should be required to draw up less ambiguous codes, so one would clearly know what is and is not a code violation, the Environmental Court should be abolished, anonymous complaints should be abolished, and the codes budget should be cut. 

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Rep. Sam Whitson Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

NFIB State Director Jim Brown presenting the award to Representative Whitson Whitson. 
FRANKLIN (July 28, 2022) -- The Tennessee office of NFIB, the state’s leading small business advocacy organization, has presented its coveted Guardian of Small Business award to state Rep. Sam Whitson (District 65). Representative Whitson had a perfect NFIB Voting Record in 2021-2022, joining only 15 other Tennessee state representatives with that distinction. NFIB State Director Jim Brown made the presentation yesterday to Whitson on Tom Lawrence’s morning radio show on WAKM 950 AM in Franklin. 

The Guardian of Small Business award is the most prestigious honor that NFIB bestows on legislators in recognition of their efforts to support small business. The NFIB Tennessee Leadership Council, an advisory board comprised of NFIB members, voted to present the award to Representative Whitson for his outstanding leadership on small business issues.  

“Sam Whitson is an exceptionally strong supporter of small businesses in Tennessee, not just with his words but through his many actions,” Brown said. “His leadership as chair of the House Transportation Subcommittee and as a member of the Finance, Ways & Means, Health, and Transportation committees has greatly helped small businesses in his district and across Tennessee. 

“Sam is well regarded in the legislature for many reasons, including his open-mindedness and willingness to hear from all sides of any issue. He is a key leader in the House and a great friend of small business committed to reducing burdens on our state’s entrepreneurs,” Brown said. 

“It’s a very high honor to receive the NFIB Guardian of Small Business award,” Whitson said. “I’m especially proud of the work we’re doing in the Tennessee House to promote strong job growth and to cut red tape, which have made Tennessee one of the friendliest states for small businesses. I look forward to advocating for more policies that help maintain the welcoming, predictable business environment that Tennessee’s entrepreneurs appreciate.” 

NFIB is the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization. To learn more about NFIB in Tennessee, visit

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please email ALL COUNCILMEMBERS with your comments asking them to SAY YES to the RNC !

Robert Swope
by Councilman Robert Swope, July 27, 222- The ordinance to approve the contract between the RNC and Metro to host the 2024 Republican National Nominating Convention has been re-filed with the Metro Clerk to be heard by the Metro Council on August 2nd.  Additionally, we have filed a Resolution alongside the ordinance welcoming the RNC and DNC conventions to Nashville and welcoming a discussion with the State of TN enabling Development Impact Fees to be implemented in Davidson County, like they are in 93 of 95 TN counties.

Now is the time to ACT.      And WE NEED YOUR HELP!   Please email ALL COUNCILMEMBERS with your comments asking them to SAY YES to the RNC !

The direct email to all members is:

Both pieces of legislation will be considered at the August 2nd Metro Council meeting, and here are countless reasons to say YES, including:

  • Nashville, Tennessee has recently been named by National Geographic magazine as being the Number One place in the World to visit, furthering our international status as one of the greatest cities in the world, and has, for decades, been globally recognized as one of the most Welcoming Cities in America;
  • Nashville has flawlessly executed enormous citywide events including the NFL Draft, the 4th of July Celebration, the NRA Convention, the News Years Eve Bash, and numerous other events bringing tens of thousands of guests into the downtown area without incident;
  • Nashville has the unique and esteemed opportunity to host the 2024 Republican National Committee National Nominating Convention in the summer of 2024 and the opportunity to host the 2028 Democratic National Committee National Nominating Convention in the summer of 2028.  
In consideration of this opportunity, a contract between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County has been negotiated that fully indemnifies Metro from any and all financial obligations as the host of the 2024 RNC Convention.  The estimated revenues from hosting this convention are estimated to exceed $200 Million dollars net to the Metropolitan Government, and will further create additional and considerable revenue for the entire middle TN region.  The Federal contribution for this convention is $50 Million, the State of TN has committed $25 Million, and the Nashville Host Committee has agreed to cover any and all additional expenses Metro may incur;

Regarding security, it is common practice for any National Nominating Convention (RNC or DNC) to supply over 5000 additional police, fire and EMT personnel to assist in the security of these conventions, and will operate under the direction of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department;

In our capacity to host world-class events, Nashville can further its stellar reputation for welcoming respectful civil discourse on an international stage by welcoming these conventions.

PLEASE email the Metro Council, Invite your friends and family to do the same.   This is a one-time vote to show we are the Welcoming City we claim to be!

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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

I support Republican candidate Kelli Phillips for District 4 School Board

Why are you running for this office?

The vast majority of our school board are out of touch with the views and needs of parents, so I'm running to put parents back in control of our schools. I'm for scrapping mask mandates, focusing on better grades and banning extreme politics in our classrooms such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and discussions on topics that should be addressed at home.

Parents have been rallying against unscientific mask mandates in class that have become a huge barrier to learning - especially for children with learning needs like my son, who has a speech disorder. To see our kids unable to compete in their sports when neighboring counties were back in the field was heartbreaking.

As a proud "momma-bear" of three kids that are use our public schools, I will speak-up for the many parents who want our schools to get back to basics and focus on getting grades up for math, writing, reading and science - rather than wasting time on political issues like Critical Race Theory.

The tip of the iceberg is that across 36 of our schools, less than 10% of students are testing at grade level in Math. Of those 36, 19 schools have less than five percent of students testing at grade level. This paper reported to readers that last summer that Metro Schools saw a 6.3 percentage point drop from 25.9% in 2019 to 19.6% of students resting on track in reading. Despite the hard work of students and teachers, this cannot go on and we need change at the top with leaders prepared to focus on core subjects and vocational skills that lead well-paid and sorely needed trade jobs.

Visit her Facebook page at this link. The donate box is to the left beneath "info."

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I support TODD PEMBROKE Republican Candidate, MNPS District 2 School Board


Why am I running for School Board?

The most influential people in my life are educators. Both of my parents retired after teaching at public schools for more than 40 years, and my wife is a former MNPS school teacher of 4 years.

My biggest reason: I'm a dad. As my three young daughters begin their academic journeys, with my eldest starting Kindergarten this fall at our neighborhood MNPS school, I have a vested interest in making Metro Nashville Public Schools as strong as it can be. 

I feel compelled to run for School Board, not as a political stepping stone, but because this is where change needs to occur in order to ensure the brightest future for our children, society, and country. I've lived in District 2 for twenty years and have deep roots in this community. I share the concerns of my friends and neighbors about the chaos and mismanagement seen in MNPS during the pandemic, but I need to do more than complain or worry. It's time to be part of the solution.

If elected, I would herald the voice of parents, advocate for all children, and support our teachers and staff with steadfast resolve.

Visit his website: Todd Pembroke.

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Davidson Co. Democrats pour $70k into 4 contested school board races

By Vivian Jones, Main Street Nashville, Jul 25, 2022 - Executive committee members of the Davidson County Democratic Party voted Friday to spend $70,000 supporting Democrats in four contested school board races — nearly as much as has been spent by all candidates of all parties combined so far this cycle. (See fundraising totals and read more of this article)

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I support Senator Jack Johnson


Jack Johnson grew up in a small town in Texas, but has proudly called Middle Tennessee “home” since graduating from Texas State University with a degree in Education.

Jack and his wife Deanna, the Circuit Court Judge for the 21st Judicial District, are raising their three children in Franklin. Jack and Deanna met over 30 years ago at a Young Republican function, sharing the same conservative values and the same dream of a future filled with faith and family.

Jack was first elected to the Tennessee State Senate in 2006. Since his first day in office he has proudly represented Tennessean’s conservative values. Jack knows that conservative values are Tennessee values, which is why he always fights to lower taxes, defend constitutional rights, secure our southern border, protect our most vulnerable and ensure parents’ always have a voice in their children’s education.

Jack was proud to cast his first vote in the Senate for the first Republican Lieutenant Governor in 140 years.  After only two years, he was appointed as Chairman of the Government Operations Committee.  A year later, he was named Chairman of the Commerce and Labor Committee.  He served as Commerce Committee Chairman for nine years until December of 2018, when he was elected by his Republican colleagues as the Senate Majority Leader.

Jack Johnson has over 20 years of hands-on experience in the financial industry, beginning his career with Third National Bank (now SunTrust).  Over the last few years, Jack worked as the Vice President of Public Affairs for an internet start-up company based in Brentwood.  More recently, Jack serves as the Senior Vice President for Studio Bank in the Cool Springs area.

Senator Johnson proudly represents the 27th District, which includes most of Williamson County. When the day’s work is done, Jack enjoys spending time with his family and playing guitar.

Visit his website: Jack Johnson, State Senate.

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So, is the Tennessee Conservatives PAC which is attacking Andy Ogles a Left-wing Pac, or a Trumpinista PAC, or a California Billionaire RINO PAC?

... And, do I care?

by Rod Williams, June 26, 2022-  The Tennesee Conservatives PAC had previously supported Trump's favorite candidate for the 5th Congressional district, Morgan Ortagus, before she was disqualified to run as a Republican by the Tennessee Republican Party.  Now the PAC has been running attack ads against Andy Ogles, a candidate for the 5th Congressional District nomination. The PAC is also supporting Tennesee State Senator Jack Johnson's opponent. Andy Ogles called the PAC, a "left-wing PAC." That seems to me, frankly, to be out of left field. The online publication and organization Tennessee Conservative says the PAC is funded by a California billionaire and Tennessee RINOs.  Despite labeling it as such the details of the article reveal the deep ties and financial funding from Donald Trump.

So, which is it? Conservative? Left-wing? RINO? Trumpinista? My conclusion from all of this is that the terms "left-wing," "Conservative," and "RINO," have no meaning when used by one Republican to describe another except to signal condemnation or virtue depending on how they are used. To call yourself a "conservative," may mean you are a right-wing nut job or Trump worshiper as opposed to what the term used to mean. To call someone "left-wing," may mean they don't support you. And, of course, the term "RINO," is the catch-all term to describe any Republican with whom you may have a difference of opinion. 

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Monday, July 25, 2022

Judge temporarily blocks White House directives on transgender use of bathrooms and Sports. For now, boys can still be prohibited from playing girls sports.

By Mark Moore, The New York Post, July 17, 2022 -​A federal judge in Tennessee temporarily blocked the Biden administration from enforcing directives that would allow transgender students and workers to use bathrooms and locker rooms and play for sports teams that correspond to their gender identity.

Judge Charles Atchley Jr., of the Eastern District of Tennessee, ruled in favor of 20 Republican state attorney generals who sued last August, arguing that the federal directives would make it impossible for states to enforce their own rules about transgender athletes participating in girls’ sports or accessing bathrooms.

Atchley issued the temporary injunction until the matter can be resolved in the courts. (read more)

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Former pro-Trump media calls Trump "unfit." "Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again."

 Trump’s silence on Jan. 6 is damning

By New York Post Editorial Board, July 22, 2022 - There has been much debate over whether Trump’s rally speech on Jan. 6, 2021, constituted “incitement.” ....  What matters more — and has become crystal clear in recent days — is that Trump didn’t lift a finger to stop the violence that followed. ... He was the only one the crowd was listening to. It was incitement by silence.

Trump only wanted one thing during that infamous afternoon: to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to decertify the election of Joe Biden.  ... He thought the violence of his loyal followers would make Pence crack, or delay the vote altogether. ... he instead further fanned the flames by tweeting: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.”

His only focus was to find any means — damn the consequences — to block the peaceful transfer of power. It’s up to the Justice Department to decide if this is a crime. But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.


The President Who Stood Still on Jan. 6

Even as the riot raged at the Capitol, Trump wouldn’t tell his supporters to stop.

By The Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2022 - Shortly after Mr. Trump urged protesters to march on the Capitol, he was told violence was breaking out. At about 1:30 p.m. he went to the dining room, where he stayed until 4 p.m. There is no official record of what he did, and the photographer was told no pictures. 

All of MAGA world was texting Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that Mr. Trump needed to call off his supporters. White House Counsel Pat Cipollone testified that he argued internally “there needs to be a public announcement, fast, that they need to leave the Capitol.” He added that Mr. Meadows joined those calls throughout the day, as did Ivanka Trump. ... At 2:24 Mr. Trump issued his tweet saying Mr. Pence “didn’t have the courage” to stop the electoral count. ... 

Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out. ...

Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his.

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