Saturday, November 26, 2011

Re: Occupy Nashville, Shut 'er Down!

by Rod Williams

Los Angels Mayor Villaraigosa has ordered the shutdown of Occupy LA effective 12:01 Monday morning, saying the city can no longer "maintain the public safety of long-term encampment."

It is about damn time cities started ending their occupation. Prohibiting people from camping in areas not designated for camping is not violating anyone's right of free speech. In Nashville, should tourist have the right to camp in Centennial Park or Riverfront Park? What if the Occupy Nashville decided to move from the Plaza to the actual grounds of the Capitol?  What if they decide to build more permanent structures for a long-term occupy or park campers on the grounds?  Is that protected speech?  To prohibit overnight camping is not violating anyone's first amendment rights no more than is prohibiting people from blocking streets.

Governor Haslam caved too easily after his first attempt to shut them down. I am beginning to lose confidence in Haslam's leadership abilities.  He is looking like a weakling. We the real 99%, not the loony left occupiers, need to reclaim our public spaces.

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I am Thankful for the 1%

I am Thankful for the 1%, and I wish I was one of them.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Outraged yet? More Millions in the Pipeline to the Predators!

by Rod Williams

Watch the above news clip from Channel 5 to see more on the story of how the Predators are shamelessly ripping off the city. 

Excerpts from the clip:

"I had a client and so I don't know what they knew or didn't know. I would be surprised if they didn't know," he said.

In fact, we discovered that the Predators got the extra tax money after language was inserted into two different tax bills pushed by the Bredesen administration.

First, in 2008, the law took state and local sales taxes from non-hockey games -- concerts for example -- and sent the money to the Nashville Sports Authority, supposedly to help cover the cost of the arena.

Then, in 2009, a second bill ordered that money be sent to the Conventions and Visitors Bureau to be spent at the direction of the Predators.

That same bill also imposed a privilege tax on all National Hockey League players -- again to be spent by the Predators.

And, for the team, it's been big money.
This is an absolute outrage! There is $9.4 million dollars, so far, in sales tax revenue that will go to the Predators rather than the general fund. This in all extra money to the Predators.  This is money they get as a result of the State legislation that was passed. This is in addition to any contractual subsidy. 
If the Mayor proposes a tax increase this year don't buy that crap that it is necessary to properly fund the schools and to properly fund public safety. It will be because of corruption, waste and mismanagement.  Deals like the giveaway to the Predators and the massive corruption and mismanagement of the convention center project will be the real reason for any need for a tax increase. 
Any council member who does not vote to right these wrongs should be defeated next election. The Council has until December 31st to renegotiate the Predators contract or it automatically renews. We should expect some action and outrage on the part of members of the Metro Council.  The public should demand the Predator sales tax deal be undone!

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Nashville Gives Away the Store for Hockey

The Predators Deal is an Outrage!
I am not a big sports fan. I have only been to one Predators hockey game and that was as a guest of someone else. However, I know many people really love hockey and I can see that it benefits the city. The bars and restaurants of downtown are packed on a Predators game day.  Hockey brings a vibrancy and excitement to downtown. However, at what price should we pay to keep hockey in Nashville?

The Tennessean recently ran a story revealing that Nashville is unique in that unlike other cities we subsidize the operating cost of the arena.  To learn more about this squirrely deal, follow the above link.   We not only pay the bonds on the facility but we give the Predators $7.8 Million a year to operate the center.

In principle, I would prefer that government not subsidize arenas, stadiums, or convention centers. I would prefer that the private sector build those facilities. I am enough of a pragmatist, however, to realize that we must compete in the world in which we live. If other cities are going to build conventions centers, and stadiums and arenas,  we must do so also.  In building these facilities however we should base our decisions on whether or not it is a wise investment and we should strive to get the best deal possible for the city. It appears to me that we have made some poor business decisions. We have been snookered. We have been screwed.

During the debate about building the new convention center, proponents argued that the new convention center would not cost the tax payers one cent, that the convention center would be paid for out of the hotel-motel tax revenues. Well guess what?  The annual $7.8 million dollar subsidy the city has been paying the Predators for operating the arena was paid out of the hotel-motel tax  but now that revenue goes to pay the debt for the new convention center. The subsidy to the Predators will now have to come out of the General Fund. That means we must raise taxes or cut $7.8 million out of city services such as police and schools and libraries and parks and public works.

One of the most amazing things to be revealed in the Tennessean piece is that the more events that are held at the arena, the more the city must subsidize the Predators and yet we provide incentives to encourage more events. What kind of deal is that?  

In addition, if all of this was not bad enough, all sales tax generated by non-hockey events at the arena goes to the predators, not the city as revealed in this Channel 5 report below:

This is really an outrage! It is especially appalling that the Garth Brooks flood relief concert sales tax revenue went to the predators rather than the city. Someone in the State Legislature had the language inserted into a tax bill giving this tax revenue to the Predators. The Dean administration claim to have had no roll in this but that had to be complicit or asleep at the wheel to allow that to happen.

The Hockey deal must be renegotiated. For starters, as soon as the Legislature reconvenes, the sweet-heart tax deal giving the Arena-generated sales tax to the Predators should be repealed. The Metro Council needs to pass a resolution urging that this be done.

Then, the rest of the deal needs to be renegotiated. Unless we can get a better deal, hockey may not be worth the price.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sharia Alert! Sharia Alert! Your Thanksgiving Turkey may be a Muslim

The creeping Sharia alarmist are all over the internet warming us that the turkey we eat at Thanksgiving may be Halal. You see, making our turkeys Halal is part of the Islamization of America plot. First of all they get you used to the idea of eating Halal turkeys and then the next thing you know your women will be wearing burqas. See the connection? I'm not sure I do; we have had kosher stuff in the grocery stores for years and I am not yet Jewish. Anyway, they want us to boycott Butterball. I don't really care if it is Halal, Kosher, or been kissed by the Pope, if it is good I will eat it.

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Draconian Sequestration Budget Cuts and the National Debt

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Are Homeowner's Associations a Communist Plot?

Periodically stories emerge about a Homeowners association not letting someone fly the American Flag and a lot of patriotic American get real upset. Recently The Blaze and Fox news ran a story about someone who was fined for violating a Homeowners Association rule on signs.  The sign in questions was a “Wake Up America” sign.  “Wake Up America” was a 9-12 project and 9-12 was originally an organization founded by conservative talk show host Glen Beck.  The Blaze commentor’s called the HOA communist. One commenter said, “HOAs are just another way the libs and progressives try to force people into uniform acceptance of things.”

I am all for flying the American Flag. I don’t mind political yard signs.  I like Christmas decorations. However, if you move into a community with deed restrictions or covenants that prohibit flags or yard sings, or Christmas decorations, or parking your company truck in the driveway, don’t complain about it. If you violate your HOA rules don’t play the patriot card and expect my support.  If you buy property that provides for the creation of a homeowners association and the homeowners association is empowered to set rules for what is permitted in the community, do not buy in that community.  It really is that simple.

Restrictions of this nature are not restrictions on your free speech rights.  The First Amendment does not mean you cannot voluntarily agree to give up your right to fly the flag or post yard signs. If you voluntarily agree to be governed by a Homeowners association you have no one to blame but yourself.  If you didn’t read your closing documents before you signed them; shame on you.

You have a lot less restrictions if you move to a community without an HOA but you will still be governed by some restrictions.  If you think you want to put aluminum siding on your home or paint it any color you want or change the period features of the house with modern upgrades, you want to avoid a neighborhood with a historical overlay or conservation overlay.

If you move to a neighborhood without an overlay you will still have zoning and codes restrictions.  If you want to open a lawnmower repair shop in the basement of your home you probably cannot do that in most residential zoned neighborhoods.  If you want to install a flashing LED “Wake Up America” sign in your front yard, you probably can’t do that. You may want to become acquainted with the codes, zoning and sign ordinances of your community if you think you will want to do anything drastically different from what your neighbors are doing.

If you want to have cars up on cement blocks in your front yard and a mobile home next to the main house and fly a flag as big as a football field and paint the barn "Wake up America," you can move to an unincorporated area way out in the country and probably no one will bother you.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stephen Colbert Occupies Occupy Wall Street

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Colbert Super PAC - Stephen Colbert Occupies Occupy Wall Street Pt. 1
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

I assume this is a comedy routine and these are not "real" people but I don't know. Anyway, it is insightful and very, very funny.

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'The Daily Show' Takes On Occupy Wall Street's Own Class Warfare

I seldom watch the Daily Show or the Colbert Report. Unfortunately, a lot of young people who think they are informed get a lot of their "news" from these two programs, along with SNL. This shows are so significant in shaping public opinion that they cannot be ignored. All of them definitely have a liberal slant, however occasionally the left is so ridiculous that even liberal comics cannot help poke fun. This is funny and insightful. (Unfortunately, you have to watch a short capitalist advertisement before you get to the good stuff.)

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Teach-in Reveals How the Left Thinks

As reported in this article about a "teach-in" at Florida International University, the speaker had ten chairs brought to the front of the stage and a person set in each chair, he then moved nine of the students to share three of the chairs to illustrate how wealth is distributed in the US.

This teach-in illustrates how the left thinks. They think there is only ten chairs. They think that if someone else has more, you have less. They are obsessed about distribution of wealth. The left thinks the economic pie is fixed and the slices should be of equal proportions. They see the economy as a zero-sum game. In America and in much of the world, we have always baked a bigger pie or added more chairs. If I can get enough, I don't care that someone else has more.  As long as we can add more chairs, I am OK if someone else has more than one chair. That is not my chair they have.

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