Saturday, October 02, 2021

Nashville General CEO's pay may rise above $900,000, drawing scrutiny from mayor

by Brett Kelman, The Tennessean, Oct. 2, 2021- The Nashville General Hospital oversight board could soon consider a proposed contract for CEO Joseph Webb that may eventually pay him more than $900,000 per year, raising overcompensation concerns in the mayor’s office, according to hospital and city hall documents obtained by The Tennessean.

The proposed contract – an incomplete draft not yet presented to the full board – offers a $479,000 base salary, a $15,600 car allowance and the potential for 10% incentive raises each of the next three years. The contract also includes yearly deferred compensation payments amounting to 45% of Webb’s base salary. Webb’s proposed compensation is “considerably greater” than salaries for executives at the Nashville Electric Service, Music City Center, the Nashville Airport, the Nashville Housing Authority, the Metro Public Health Department and the Metro Transit Authority. (link)

Rod's Comment: This is an outrage.  The CEO should not be paid this kind of salary.  We should phase out General Hospital.  Close it! You may recall that former mayor Megan Barry proposed doing so, but got distracted and didn't do the heavy lifting to make it happen.  At least she proposed it. There is not a state law, nor a charter requirement that Metro provide a charity hospital.  Many cities do not operate a charity hospital. Poor people have Medicaid and they have choices.  For those who do not have Medicaid, hospitals provide charity care and write off the cost.  Poor people do not have to go to General and few do.   General cannot fill its beds. To read what I have written about General over the years, follow this link

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Friday, October 01, 2021

The journalist of The Economist discuss COP-26 and the decisive decade for climate change

by Rod Williams, Oct. 1, 2021 - The Economist is one of the journals that I read on a regular basis.  I  find they are a reliable source for just the facts. Their reporting is fact-based and their analysis is data-driven. The Economist believes in economics. They are never dogmatic nor sensationalist. In the below video the Economist journalist discuss COP-26 and the climate challenges facing the world. For anyone interested in the issue of climate change, this is suggested viewing.

Here is my summary of what they say:

The evidence shows that increasing extreme weather events are the result of climate change. Climate change is a complex problem to resolve. Humans knowing things does not mean they can adequately act as a group.  There is a huge gap between how much carbon reduction the Paris Accords promise to achieve and what is needed to meet the target of holding the earth temperature to below 2 °C. Individual actions are a drop in the bucket and might make one feel better but are fairly insignificant. Telsa is a good example of what the private sector can do that has a positive impact. Progress can come from private sector innovation. There needs to be a price placed on carbon emissions. Planting trees can help but cannot solve the problem. Wind and solar can help but not enough.  We need a technological breakthrough that would really pull carbon from the atmosphere. Climate change of a 2 ° C warming will not have a huge death toll in developing countries but will hurt and kill mostly people in poor countries.  Global warming of 2 ° is not going to destroy the planet; it is going to hurt humans.  Alarmist disinformation is a problem; we have moved beyond the problem of climate skeptics' disinformation.  A 3 °C warming above preindustrial levels would be catastrophic.

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Democratic state Sen. Katrina Robinson convicted on four counts of wire fraud.

 link, link, link

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Thursday, September 30, 2021

DCRP Poll Watcher training rescheduled to Oct. 9th.

DATE CHANGE The next DCRP Poll WATCHER training class will be held on Saturday, October 9th. The location will be The Peg Leg Porker, 903 Gleaves Street, Nashville, TN 37203 All Republicans are welcomed to become poll watchers. You do not have to be a resident of Davidson County to participate. Visit our website,, and click the Volunteer button or scan the volunteer QR code below to let us know you are interested in the training.


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 Monday, October 11 is Columbus Day

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Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn. on "Mornings with Maria."

Sept. 30, 2021, - Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., said the House plans to hold its vote on the infrastructure bill Thursday, on "Mornings with Maria." Rep. Green also said he expects Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring the bill to the floor regardless of whether Democrats have enough votes to pass it. 

Skip to 00:40 to see the Green interview.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tax payer funded Gideon's Army leaders voice controversial views on race, police, even respected Meharry president, calling him a "house nigger."

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Gideon's Army tells the public that it's all about justice, peace and harmony. But, buried among social media posts by some of the group's front-line leaders, NewsChannel 5 Investigates discovered a controversial side of the politically connected group that most of the public has never seen. 

Those posts include descriptions of white people as being a "pestilence" accidentally unleashed on the world by an ancient scientist, suggestions that police should be made to fear going into Black neighborhoods, even descriptions of Meharry Medical College's highly respected president, Dr. James Hildreth, as a "house n****r." (Read more


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Vanderbilt Assistant Police Chief arrested for DUI.

Vanderbilt Assistant Police Chief arrested for DUI. He was not a graduate of the Rod Williams School of Drunk Driving. 

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TSU Pays Al Sharpton $48,000 To Be Guest Lecturer

TSU Pays Al Sharpton $48,000 To Be Guest Lecturer. Al Sharpton is an anti-Semite, a race-baiter, and a con artist who has advocated assassinating police officers.  The State legislature should reduce any appropriation to Tennessee State University equal to the amount of money paid to Al Sharpton. .  For more on Al Sharpton as reported in this blog see this link and this link

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Monday, September 27, 2021

Sen. Marsha Blackburn on why she’s a ‘no vote’ on raising debt ceiling

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Afghanistan allies hold rally ahead of an estimated 300 refugees coming to Middle Tennessee


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – On Sunday, dozens of Afghanistan allies held a rally in downtown Nashville ahead of an estimated 300 refugees slated to come to Middle Tennessee. 

Tensions continue to rise in the Middle East as the Taliban continues to gain traction in Afghanistan. For some, it’s déjà vu. Afghan Refugee Masood Sidiqyar remembers seeing some of the same Taliban tactics when he left Afghanistan and came to Nashville in 1988. 

“Banning education for women, taking people’s property away, extortion, kidnapping, outright chopping people’s arms off,” Sidiqyar recalled. “

.... These people have hijacked a religion, a religion worshiped by over a billion people and turned it into a weapon,” Sidiqyar said. For Rashed Fakhruddin, the director of community partnerships for the Islamic Center of Nashville, one of his main concerns is the Taliban’s treatment of women. (read more)

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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Happy Columbus Day, Oct. 11th


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Get real about Climate Change. Part 3: Why are efforts to combat climate change such a failure?

 by Rod Williams, Sept. 21, 2021 - I am convinced that climate change is real and we are running out of time to address it and that thus far our efforts to do so have been anemic, ineffective, symbolic, and even counterproductive.  Why is that the case?

In a family email exchange recently on the topic of climate change, a close relative who is passionate about the issue of climate change said we were destroying the planet and she blamed, "Republicans and Fox News."  A am sure there are many of her persuasion who would agree with that simplistic explanation.  After all, President Donald Trump said he believed that climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese to deter American economic growth.  Donald Trump however is the exception.  Most significant Republicans accept the reality of climate change and few Republican skeptics have been as blunt as Trump. Most Republicans have been silent or have opposed bad policies that needed to be opposed.

Republicans have been in opposition to many liberal climate change proposals and with good reason. Many of those efforts would wreck the economy and some were simply symbolic and would accomplish little while costing much.  It does nothing to combat climate change for America to forgo energy independence, as an example. We simply replace the oil not produced in America with oil from authoritarian mid-Eastern regimes.   Some liberal environmentalist positions, such as opposition to nuclear energy and fracking, actually increase the volume of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 

Beyond the legitimate practical policy reasons for opposing ill-conceived liberal responses to the challenge of climate change, however, those who blame Republicans for lack of progress on climate change have a point.  In America, most climate change skeptics have been and still are Republicans. So, as long as liberals can blame "Republicans and Fox News," for the failure to respond to the challenge of climate change they do not have to look very hard at why the response to the challenge of climate change has been such a failure.  As long as they can blame Republicans they can excuse themselves for failure to put forth real solutions to the ongoing challenge.

The Republican opposition to action on climate change is not all because of disagreement about how to approach the issue, however.  There is genuine climate change skepticism, what the liberal mainstream call climate change "denial."  While I was convinced a long time ago of the validity of the climate change theory, many have not been convinced.  If one is not convinced, then one sees no reason for any action at all.  

Many have been unconvinced because of the voice of influencers like the late Rush Limbaugh who ridiculed and lambasted the theory and was entertaining while doing so.  Rush was the original personality who gave voice to and influenced the thinking of the conservative masses, and in his wake came many others, such as Nashville's own, the late, Phil Valentine. Those who came on the scene behind Rush continued to promote climate change skepticism.  

Following the popularization of climate change skepticism pushed by Limbaugh and then a whole host of other conservative commentators and influencers who followed, it seems to me that conservative voices that could have entered the debate were simply silent. I don't think most Republican leaders were ever as staunchly skeptical as the Rush Limbaughs of the world, however.  

In fact, there have been leading Republican voices who recognized climate change as a serious problem and who took meaningful action to combat it. President Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State George Shults negotiated the Montreal Protocol, which phased out the use of chlorofluorocarbons and other ozone-depleting chemicals. Those chemicals also are potent greenhouse gases, so the agreement also makes him the negotiator of one of the most effective global climate treaties ever.  Following George Shultz was James Baker as Secretary of State who advocated strong action on climate change.  Other prominent Republicans followed. 

You may recall the 2008 commercial that featured Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gringish sitting close together on a loveseat and the two political foes say concern about climate change is the one thing they have in common. “We do agree,” Gingrich says. “Our country must take action to address climate change.”

Up until the election of Donald Trump climate change skepticism was not a prominent position among establishment Republicans. That changed with Trump.  Trump did not only not hide his skepticism or keep quiet he used it to rally his populist base who had been raised on Rush Limbaugh. Trump was not the only Republican pushing skepticism, however.  Senator Jim Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, and Congressman Steve Scalise, Republican Of Louisiana were among the most vocal of Republican skeptics. 

In an environment where climate change skepticism was the norm among much of the Republican base and where there were popular Republican politicians advocating skepticism, if you were a Republican politician who actually accepted the theory of climate change as valid, then there was nothing to be gained by saying so.  And, the liberal response to the challenge of climate change was so misguided that one could oppose liberal climate change positions on legitimate grounds of opposing bad policy and never have to advocate skepticism nor have to offer alternative proposals of one's own. Liberals made it easy for conservatives to oppose liberal environmental policies. To stay in good graces with the Republican base, all a Republican had to do was oppose liberal lunacy.

Since Republicans were mostly absent from the debate, why didn't Democrats and passionate environmentalists come up with policies that would actually accomplish something? Why have responses to the challenge been so feeble or why have policies even been advanced that made global warming worse?

I contend it is because liberals have inherent blind spots and beliefs that make it difficult for them to offer real solutions. Here is some of what I see as to why liberals have failed to advance policies that address the issue. 

Liberals are at heart romantics.  They exhibit strong emotions, have awe of nature, reject modernity,  and they rebel at rationalization.  They see the battle to stop climate change in almost spiritual terms.  If we all simply loved mother earth enough and would renounce the modern world the problem would be solved. 

Many liberal environmentalists can not separate their general left-wing policies from their desire to do something about climate change. There is a term "watermelon" used to describes certain environmentalists as green on the outside and red on the inside.  That may be too strong of a term, and it certainly does not help to further dialogue to actually refer to an environmentalist with that term but it is, I think, useful to keep in mind.  Failure to separate their other liberal believes from a desire to deal with climate change is, I think, one of the reasons why we have not made real progress on combating climate change.  

The proposed $93 trillion (yes "trillion") Green New Deal is an example. It would massively expand the scope of the Federal government and have an army of bureaucrats dictate details of how the economy functions.  It relies heavily on central planning.  From Cuba to Venezuela to the old Soviet Union central planning has been a failure.  China, while still engaging in central planning, does not do so nearly to the extent it did in the era of Mao. China has let prices, for the most part, allegate resources. 

In addition to central planning of the economy, the GND also calls for things like single-payer health care and guaranteed national income.  These are proposals that go way beyond saving the planet. Often environmentalists talk about environmental justice and social justice and equity.  Failure to stay focused on just climate change makes their proposals unacceptable for reasons that have nothing to do with the issue at hand. 

Liberal environmentalists are  "economics deniers."  If climate change skeptics qualify for the pejorative term "climate change deniers," liberal environmentalists certainly qualify for the term "economics deniers."  They either do not believe in economics or are ignorant of economics.  One has to look no further than the proposed $90 trillion Green New Deal to see this.  Consider that the current GDP of the United States is about $22 trillion.  The current public debt of the United States is $28.5 trillion and growing and equals about 108% of GDP.  The Green New Deal proposal is like a household making $22,000 a year, already in debt $28,000, and proposing they buy a $90,000 boat.  How can anyone take environmentalists seriously when this is their proposal?

Beyond the fact that the math doesn't work, environmentalists do not recognize the superiority of the role of markets in allocating resources over command and control and central planning. People resist command and control and central planning usually fails.  Not only that but command and control economies with central planning have a worst environmental record.  Also, it seems liberal environmentalists never submit their proposals to cost-benefit analysis.  It appears to me that most liberal environmentalists are incapable of thinking in economic terms and weighing alternatives.  Their enthusiasm, or evangelical zeal, or certainty of the righteousness of their cause, makes them see concern over how one will pay for it or how a proposal will work in practice, look vulgar and mundane. 

The more rational liberals fear their base and the zealous enthusiast are in the driver's seat.  Just as on the right, the more rational voices are being drowned out by the loud populists and politicians fear to disagree with the base, I think the same is happening on the left. Liberals who might see the folly of the GND or recognized that to surrender American energy independence does nothing to solve the problem of climate change are simply too intimidated to disagree with the enthusiast. 

With these limitations, liberals are never going to put forth proposals that would make a difference.  What is needed are people who are realists sitting at the table discussing the issues.  We need people who are not starry-eyed utopians and romantics. We need people who are focused on the issue at hand and not using environmentalism to push a socialist or social-justice agenda.  And, we need people who understand economics and can think rationally.  We need realists to join the debate. 

Fortunately, there are some rational voices advancing solutions to the climate change challenge. Unfortunately, those voices are faint.  In a future essay, I will explore what a realist climate change policy would entail and we will hear from some of the advocates of climate change realism. 

For other essays in this series, see the following:

Get real about Climate Change. Part 1: Climate change is an established fact and time is running out to do anything about it.

Get real about Climate Change. Part 2: So far what we are doing about climate change is ineffective, anemic, symbolic, and counterproductive.

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Rep. Sam Whitson talks redistricting at Oct. 14th event


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