Monday, September 27, 2021

Afghanistan allies hold rally ahead of an estimated 300 refugees coming to Middle Tennessee


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – On Sunday, dozens of Afghanistan allies held a rally in downtown Nashville ahead of an estimated 300 refugees slated to come to Middle Tennessee. 

Tensions continue to rise in the Middle East as the Taliban continues to gain traction in Afghanistan. For some, it’s déjà vu. Afghan Refugee Masood Sidiqyar remembers seeing some of the same Taliban tactics when he left Afghanistan and came to Nashville in 1988. 

“Banning education for women, taking people’s property away, extortion, kidnapping, outright chopping people’s arms off,” Sidiqyar recalled. “

.... These people have hijacked a religion, a religion worshiped by over a billion people and turned it into a weapon,” Sidiqyar said. For Rashed Fakhruddin, the director of community partnerships for the Islamic Center of Nashville, one of his main concerns is the Taliban’s treatment of women. (read more)

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