Saturday, February 18, 2012

Nashville Republican Jewish Coalition presents Diane Black

RJC logo
RJC Nashville Chapter
Congressman Diane Black (TN-6)  
Wednesday, February 22   

As a small business owner, former educator and registered nurse for over 40 years, Congressman Diane Black brings a unique perspective to her work in Washington. Click here for more information
Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter
Save the Date:  
March 23-25  
RJC Winter Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas. Email Alex Siegel to upgrade to the National Leadership and attend our biggest meeting of the year! 

RJC Nashville Chapter
invites you to a conversation with
Congressman Diane Black
Wednesday, February 22 
Gordon JCC of Nashville  
801 Percy Warner Blvd. 
Nashville, TN 37205

No Charge for Current RJC Leaders and Members
$20 for eTeam, NonCurrent, and Friends

RSVP is Required.
Please RSVP to Alex Siegel by calling
202-638-2909 ext. 107 or email

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Vote for Bob Schwartz, Republican Delegate, March 6th.


 Founder, Music Row 4 McCain/Palin (2008)
Platform Committee, Republican Nat’al Convention (2008)

Tennessee Delegate, Republican Nat’al Convention (2008)

                Executive Committee, Davidson County GOP (2009)

                Candidate, Party Nomination, 5th Congressional District (2010)
                Executive Director, TeamTennessee, Newt 2012 (2012)

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low carbon-emitting technologies, such as wind and hydroelectric power, may not yield much of a reduction in global warming

I do not believe that global warming theory is all a scam and giant conspiracy on the part of liberals to take away our freedoms, but neither do I believe that the sky is falling immediately and that the science is settled once and for all and we must do something drastic. I tend to believe the theory is valid but overstated. I also believe that there has been a concerted effort to make the science fit a conclusion and to stifle descent. How is one who is himself not a scientist to know what to believe?

Below are two informative articles about environmental issues:

 Low-carbon technologies ‘no quick-fix’, says researchers at The Institute of Physics is a new study.

 A drastic switch to low carbon-emitting technologies, such as wind and hydroelectric power, may not yield a reduction in global warming until the latter part of this century, research published today suggests. Low-carbon technologies ‘no quick-fix’, say researchers Furthermore, it states that technologies that offer only modest reductions in greenhouse gases, such as the use of natural gas and perhaps carbon capture and storage, cannot substantially reduce climate risk in the next 100 years. "Achieving substantial reductions in temperatures relative to the coal-based system will take the better part of a century, and will depend on rapid and massive deployment of some mix of conservation, wind, solar, and nuclear, and possibly carbon capture and storage," the researchers write. 
This is not some opinion by some right-wing partisan or a coal industry funded study. Even if one accept completely the global warming theory, then the questions becomes what do we do about it. There are no simple answers.

UT Researchers Find China’s Pollution Related to E-Cars May Be More Harmful than Gasoline Cars.
Electric cars have been heralded as environmentally friendly, but findings from University of Tennessee, Knoxville, researchers show that electric cars in China have an overall impact on pollution that could be more harmful to health than gasoline vehicles. 
So much of environmentalism seems to be based on faulty assumptions and a desire to do something even if is wrong. I think few would now argue that ethanol produced from corn is beneficial to the environment but we spend million upon millions requiring ethanol in our gasoline which led to poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, poor land management practices and third world hunger due to an artificial increase in the demand for corn. The newest environmental folly may be the electric automobile.

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The Tennessean's Report on Brady Banks' Political Future

Brady Banks' political future unclear after arrest in prostitution sting | The Tennessean |

I agree with the opinions of Councilman Robert Duvall and  others quoted in this story.  Now is not the time to call for Bank's resignation. Now is not the time to pile on.  Banks needs to put off any decision on his political future and work on his marriage. He does need to issue a statement soon however. He needs to say something.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Update 2: Councilman Brady Banks Arrested on Patronizing Prostitution Charge

Brady Banks
North Precinct Crime Suppression Unit officers late this afternoon arrested Metro Councilman Brady Banks on a misdemeanor charge of patronizing prostitution during a sting at a hotel on Athens Way in the MetroCenter area.
          Banks, 33, is accused of paying $100 to a female undercover officer in exchange for sex.  Banks met the undercover officer in a hotel room after responding to an escort service ad posted by the police department on the Internet.  He was arrested at 4:40 p.m.
          Banks is one of three men arrested during the sting today.  Also charged were Matthew Moynihan, 38, of Hendersonville (arrested at 3:50 p.m.), and Jyotin Arora, 37, of Hermitage (arrested at 9:50 a.m.).
          Banks’ bond was set by a judicial commissioner at $1,000.  The same bond was set for Moynihan and Arora.

Update 2/17/2012: Brady Banks today resigned his job as Director of the non-profit Governor's Books from Birth Foundation. Councilman Banks and his wife had a baby a couple of months ago. The prostitution charge is a misdemeanor. There is nothing in the Metro Charter that would force Mr. Banks to resign his council seat as a result of this arrest. 

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Help protect our religious liberty: "WE ARE ALL CATHOLICS NOW"

The following alert is reposted from an email received from J. Lee Douglas of the Nine-12 Project Nashville group.

We need your help to protect our religious liberty.  

Appropriately, Beck has begun a movement called "WE ARE ALL CATHOLICS NOW".  The main goal of the initiative is to ask Americans to reach out to Congressional leaders (at the moment your Senators) to encourage the passage of Legislation that would protect religious groups' Conscience Rights.
Please Contact your Senators offices and Speak to whoever answers:
1.  Tell them that you want to tell the Senator to vote for the Blunt Conscience Protection Amendment.
2.  Ask them if they know how the Senator will vote on that amendment
3.  Tell them you want to be contacted back about how he voted (be sure to ask for accountability - - they hate it, but it makes them call back).
4.  When you call, be sure to tell them "we are all Catholics now".  This key phrase will let them know you are part of a larger, organized movement working in support of religious freedom.
Thanks to each and everyone.  This is one of the most important issues of our time.  WE CA N NOT ALLOW THEM TO TAKE OUR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AWAY.  WE MUST STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!!!!!!!
Lamar Alexander  202-224-4944 Washington, 615-736-5129 Nashville, 731-423-9344 Jackson
Bob Corker  202-224-3344 Washington, 615-279-8125  Nashville, 731-424-9655 Jackson

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Janis Sontany to leave TN legislature | In Session

We need a good Republican candidate to run for this open seat. Is Tonya Miller still interested? She ran against Janis in 2010. She has lots of contacts with the immigrant community and is bilingual and should poll well in the Hispanic community. Is Tony Tenpenny interested? I suspect Anna Page, former Metro Councilman, may be interested as a Democrat nominee.
Janis Sontany to leave TN legislature | In Session

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Southeast Conservatives Breakfast Meeting present Steve Abernathy

Southeast Conservatives Breakfast Meeting 
(council districts 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, but all are welcome!) 
Saturday, February 18 
8:30 am: breakfast and social time 
9:00 am Meeting 

Shoney’s Bell Road @ Cane Ridge Rd 
 Breakfast Buffet or order from menu - $5.00 minimum purchase required.

Guest Speaker
 Steve Abernathy 
Commissioner Davidson County Election Commission 
 “Insuring Davidson County Residents A Fair and Legal Election” 

Please RSVP to (731-1793) or Councilman Duvall at 
 Bring a friend or neighbor! 
 Pass the invitation on to other S.E. conservatives! All our monthly meetings in 2012 will focus on the 2012 elections. We plan to invite as many candidates as possible to attend our meetings.

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The Foundations of Islam, Understanding the basic Doctrine

Thursday, February 16, 2012, 6:30 PM

Selected By: J Lee Douglas
605 Wilson Pike, Brentwood, TN (map)
Selected By: J Lee Douglas
 Bill Warner
Author, Teacher, Publisher

Bill Warner has a PhD in physics and math and is the author of  over eighteen books on Islam. He has been a university professor, a busi­nessman and applied physicist. He founded, the Center for the Study of Political Islam and is an international speaker and teacher. He works with elected officials and has given lectures to the Danish Parliament and given testimony to the Dutch Parliament in behalf of Geert Wilders.

You may attend three Thursday evenings or one Saturday.  Thurday, February 16, 23rd and March 1st 66:30 - 8:30 PM New Hope Church, 605 Wilson Pike, Brentwood, TN  Register at

Or Saturday February 25  8:30 - 12:30 PM Salt and Light Institute - Embassy Center 612 Due West Ave., Madison, TN 
Cost for the course is $10  The books and CD are optional and can be purchased on site for $39.  Advance registration and a photo ID are required.

Disclaimer: From time to time A Disgruntled Republican may post announcements of interest to the conservative, libertarian, or greater community. Such announcements are posted as a public service to spread awareness and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SEIU announces protest at Metro school board meeting | Nashville City Paper

The City Paper, Monday, February 13, 2012 at 1:16pm By Joey Garrison
Unhappy with Director of Schools Jesse Register’s unwavering stance on unions, the Nashville chapter of the Service Employees International Union has planned a protest prior to Tuesday’s Metro school board meeting.
The rally, which SEIU Local 205 says will feature elected officials, parents and local clergy, kicks off at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday outside the central office on Bransford Avenue. (Read more:SEIU announces protest at Metro school board meeting | Nashville City Paper)

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Tennessee College Republican Fundraising Reception

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Nashville Grassroots Activist Training School

The March 10th Nashville Grassroots Activist Training School is sponsored by the National Association for Gun Rights and the Campaign for Liberty!

This one-day class will be taught by Dudley Brown, Executive Director of the National Association for Gun Rights, the fastest-growing and second largest grassroots gun rights organization in the country.

Dudley will teach you the real nature of politics, the biggest lie in politics, how to choose your battles, how to work effectively at the Capitol (what to do and what not to do), how to raise money, and how to build a group of liberty-minded activists.

With the proper “no-compromise” training, we can take back our country and restore America!

This is a class that you cannot miss. Reserve your ticket right now:
When: Saturday, March 10th, 2012, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Where: Granny White Church of Christ, 3805 Granny White Pike, Nashville, Tennessee 37204
Cost: $30 (includes lunch & materials)

Disclaimer: From time to time A Disgruntled Republican may post announcements of interest to the conservative, libertarian, or greater community. Such announcements are posted as a public service to spread awareness and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement. 

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Monday, February 13, 2012

David Hall announced his candidacy in the 20th

David Hall announced today his intent to run for State Senate in the 20th District. Guess who's back |

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