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Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Meet the Next District 22 Councilwoman Sheri Weiner
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Who wants to keep YOUR Fairgrounds
From The Davidson County Republican Party
The following list includes candidates for Metro Council who have promised to support the preservation of OUR Nashville Fairgrounds. Please note that this list does not necessarily constitute an overall endorsement by the DCRP of each candidate. This list is in regard to this single, yet quite important issue. Get to know YOUR candidates and remember, early voting ends July 30 and Election Day August 4!
District 1 | Charles "Chuck" Hoosier |
District 4 | David Patterson |
District 5 | Scott Davis |
District8 | Karen Bennett |
District 11 | William Guthoerl |
District13 | Josh Stites |
District14 | Robert J. Budesa |
District15 | Phil Claiborne |
District16 | Tony Tenpenny |
District19 | Bob Ries |
District20 | Mary Carolyn Roberts |
District22 | Sheri Weiner |
District23 | Emily Evans |
District25 | James Michael Kaminski |
District27 | Davette Dennison Blalock |
District28 | Duane A. Dominy |
District29 | Isaac Okoreeh-Baah |
District30 | Jim Hodge |
District33 | Robert Duvall |
District34 | Carter Todd |
District35 | Tonya G Jones |
At Large | Eric Crafton |
At Large | Ken Jakes |
At Large | Charlie Tygard |
See our website for a video on the history of our Fairgrounds
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Elect Ken Jakes Council-At-Large
Ken Jakes talks about promoting common sense values and preserving Nashville's historic fairgrounds.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Mayor Lies Again
In a recent mailing supporting Councilman Duane Dominy's opponent, Mayor Dean gave credit for a long fought for four-way stop sign to Dominy's opponent who had absolutely nothing to do with it. Now, as reported by Channel 4 news, the Mayor is using the same tactic to support the opponent of Councilman Robert Duvall. A flyer mailed to voters in the new District 33 gives Duvall's opponent credit for the new fire station on Hobson Pike and a bunch other accomplishments and works-in-progress.
"It's just a total misrepresentation of the truth," said Duvall."I consider it a political hack job."
Regarding the fire hall, current district Councilman Sam Coleman says, "I don't know Mrs. Page real well, but I don't recall her being instrumentally involved in it."
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"Clean House" says GOP County Chairman Kathleen Starnes
Music City Center Project Cost Overruns , Attempt to Dispose of Fairgrounds, Corruption, Doubling of City Debt cited as reasons to look to conservative Council candidates.
“This election gives Davidson County residents an opportunity to clean house in a positive way,” Starnes says. “I urge voters to look seriously at the disturbing record of many candidates seeking to retain positions in Metro government.”
Starnes points to recent reports of mismanagement of Metro County offices, mismanagement of tax dollars in the Music City Center project which will cost an additional 15 million dollars and the improper manner in which proposed development of the Nashville speedway and fairgrounds has been handled.
“We own the fairgrounds. That property belongs to the citizens of Nashville and costs us nothing,” Starnes notes. It brings $60 million plus into our economy. The Music City Center will cost one billion and is proposed to bring in 100 million. This is not smart math.”
“We’ve really seen an unfortunate pattern of partisan Democrats who have underserved Nashville taxpayers,” Starnes says. “And in the midst of all this, it appears that the amount of Metro debt could double within 3 or 4 years from $77 million to $154 million.”
In other notable cases, Davidson County Criminal Court Clerk David Torrence resigned after an investigation by the District Attorney into serious mismanagement of that office. Further, several elected officials have been cited or under investigation for offenses including not paying property taxes, shoplifting and revoked law licenses. The Juvenile Court Clerk was jailed. The County Court Clerk was under TBI investigation.
“We need good representatives to move Nashville forward,” Starnes says. “I think the people of Davidson County will agree. It is time to elect conservative candidates that will ask the hard questions and not provide a rubber stamp for the Mayor.”
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Cummins Falls Saved. Thank You Kathleen.
Cummins Falls is a 75-foot cascade with a large swimming hole at the bottom. I had the pleasure of going on a hike to Cummins Falls this spring with my sister Kathleen, brother Don, and their spouses and several of my nieces and nephews and my daughter Rachel. We had a wonderful time. We took a strenuous hike up stream to the falls where we had a picnic on rocks at the edge of the swimming hole. It was a warm day, but the water was bone-chilling cold. I swam at the foot of falls but not for long.
The falls are breath-takingly beautiful and the surrounding woods are also beautiful with an abundance of diverse flowers and variety of trees. Travel and Leisure has listed Cummins Falls as one of the top ten swimming holes in America. The falls are in Jackson County north of Putnam County near Cookeville and is the largest waterfall in private hands in the state. The volume of water makes it the eighth-largest waterfall in Tennesee.
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Kathleen Williams |

Knowing Kathleen, she will celebrate and sleep better tonight knowing this project has reached a successful conclusion and the weight is lifted off of her shoulders. Knowing Kathleen, she is already lusting after the next Tennessee treasure to save.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Graves Rushes to aid of Arriola
The Tennessean blog In Session reports that long-time employee of John Arriola, Sandra Alexander Graves, has asked District 16 Councilwoman Anna Page, a member of the council’s rules committee, to delay action on a memorializing resolution which will be on the council agenda Aug. 2. (link)
The resolution sponsored by Councilman Robert Duvall list the offenses committed by Mr. Arriola which include pocketing the money and failing to report the money he receives for performing weddings and his having his campaign treasurer on the Metro payroll. The resolution ask Mr. Arriola to resign.(read the resolution)
In a Facebook message, Sandra Graves wrote Council Member Anna Page and asked her to consider “giving Mr. Arriola consideration, delaying the process and letting the final investigate (sic) go ahead and run the proper course.”
Sandra Graves is the wife of former council member and current Metro Council candidate Jerry Graves.This is an example of what is wrong with Metro Government. There are too many people who think of Metro Government as a family business. There are too many office holders who have their kids or wife or other family member on the payroll. There are too many people not interested in efficiency or offices being managed with integrity because they have an interest in the status quo. There are too many "good 'ole boys" with family and long-time friends working for Metro to bring honest government and professionalism to court house offices. Too many people see public service as an opportunity to reward family and friends.
Too many people in elected office have family members or close friends on the payroll to honestly look at cutting budgets. If a metro department or agency can get by with less, then it may be your friend or wife or relative who loses a job. When you owe someone a favor because they hired or continued to employ your wife or child or close friend it is hard to be objective.
It is time to end nepotism, machine politics and the good 'ole boy system of government.
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A Principled Politician on the Subject of Whiskey
In 1952, Armon M. Sweat, Jr., a member of the Texas House of Representatives, was asked about his position on whiskey. What follows is his exact answer.
If you mean whiskey, the devil’s brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster that defiles innocence, dethrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean that evil drink that topples Christian men and women from the pinnacles of righteous and gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation, shame, despair, helplessness, and hopelessness, then, my friend, I am opposed to it with every fiber of my being.
However, if by whiskey you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the elixir of life, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer, the stimulating sip that puts a little spring in the step of an elderly gentleman on a frosty morning; if you mean that drink that enables man to magnify his joy, and to forget life’s great tragedies and heartbreaks and sorrow; if you mean that drink the sale of which pours into Texas treasuries untold millions of dollars each year, that provides tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf, our dumb, our pitifully aged and infirm, to build the finest highways, hospitals, universities, and community colleges in this nation, then my friend, I am absolutely, unequivocally in favor of it.I'll drink to that.
This is my position, and as always, I refuse to compromise on matters of principle.
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Monday, July 25, 2011
Robert Duvall: Arriola must go!
"It's time to ask John to step aside and do the honorable thing,"
link to video:
So Duvall filed the resolution, asking the rest of the Council to join him in calling for Arriola to follow the example of former Criminal Court Clerk David Torrence -- and resign.
"We have continued to find more and more that appears to be every bit as bad or maybe worse than David Torrence was ever doing," Duvall said. "I think David Torrence just didn't show up to work."
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Jason Holleman's Downfall
This is very clever and funny! It takes the dramatic scene from the German-language movie Downfall of Hitler’s last days in the bunker and turns it into the last days of the Jason Holleman’s campaign. There is mention of John Summer, “Em” (Emily Evans), Nick Bailey, Eric Crafton, Jeff Yarbro, Senator Henry and others.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Look Who is Backing Jason Holleman
Holleman's opponent has the support of the big guns: Mayor Karl Dean, Governor Phil Bredesen, and a slew of other members of the court house crowd and machine politicians. Look who is supporting Jason Holleman.
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