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A right-leaning disgruntled Republican comments on the news of the day and any other thing he damn-well pleases.
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Councilman Duane Dominy with a Karl Dean mask taunts taxpayers from the dunking booth. |
Rod Williams and Tim Skow |
Jim Gotto and Robert Duvall (photo by Randy Foster) |
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Steve Dickers plays the Tennessee Waltz |
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Brad Staats |
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Betty Cannon, left, member of the State Executive Committee; Bobbie Patray, right, State President of Eagle Forum. In the background center is Sue Duess and Louella Ballenger. |
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Chatting with Bob Corker |
Pat Carl was presented with the Windfield Dunn Leadership award for her service to the Party. She was joined on stage by previous winners which were myself, Tootie Haskins and Senator Jack Johnson. (photo by Randy Foster) |
Kathleen Starnes (photo by Randy Foster) |
US Senate
Critics of Obamacare need an alternative vision. This from The National Center for Policy Analysis is such a vision: A Health Care Contract with America.
The major components of this vision are tax fairness, portability, empowering patients, "real" insurance, and universality.
Unfortunately, I fear that some of the same passion that was stirred to generate hostility to Obamacare could be stirred to generated opposition to market oriented reform. Despite the obvious unfairness of people at all income brackets getting the same untaxed healthcare provided by their employers, many people will balk at changes to the status quo. The status quo is not acceptable however. Unless we have drastic change in the way health care is insured, health care cost will continue to rise and the number of uninsured will grow. When that occurs, at some point in the future the Democrats will be back with a vision of health care even worse than Obamacare and the public will buy it.
As soon as Republicans are back in power, assuming they are, they should aggressively pursue market oriented health care reform.
In South Nashville district, youth will carry the day
All four of the candidates to succeed state Rep. Janis Sontany in the Tennessee House of Represent...
I am adamantly opposed to Obamacare or, worse yet, a fully socialized single payer system. Yet, I am not without compassion. How can we deal with problem of pre-existing conditions yet avoid a government solution? The market can deal with this issue. The following article explains how. The solution to raising insurance cost, preexisting conditions and health care inefficiency is less government; not more.
What to Do About Pre-existing Conditions
Most Americans worry about health coverage if they lose their job and get sick. There is a market solution.
But what about pre-existing conditions?
A truly effective insurance policy would combine coverage for this year's expenses with the right to buy insurance in the future at a set price. Today, employer-based group coverage provides the former but, crucially, not the latter. A "guaranteed renewable" individual insurance contract is the simplest way to deliver both. Once you sign up, you can keep insurance for life, and your premiums do not rise if you get sicker. Term life insurance, for example, is fully guaranteed renewable. Individual health insurance is mostly so. And insurers are getting more creative. UnitedHealth now lets you buy the right to future insurance—insurance against developing a pre-existing condition.As we work to elect a President, Senators and Representatives who pledge to repeal Obamacare, there must be an alternative. While the public may not like Obamacare, I feel certain that the status quo is not acceptable. Even if we are successful in repealing Obamacare, unless there is a viable alternative, we will again be facing a liberal, government solution that may be worse than Obamacare. We must lower cost, expand coverage, and deal with the problem of pre-existing conditions. We need a ten-point plan (or six, or eight or twelve point plan) that fixes what is wrong with American health care.
These market solutions can be refined. Insurance policies could separate current insurance and the right to buy future insurance. Then, if you are temporarily covered by an employer, you could keep the pre-existing-condition protection.(read more)
Matt Nemeth |
Elissa Kim |
by Ken Jakes
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Ken Jakes |
Members of the Council,
It appears to me that the council is attempting to replace John Arriola's Office by appointing an Interim County Clerk to serve until another is elected by the people.
I see things lining up as usual politics in Nashville.
TCA 18-6-115 Clearly states that the Chief Deputy can serve in the full capacity as Davidson County Clerk until such time as a new Clerk can be elected by the people.
Metro Charter Provision Section 8.118 Clearly states the Chief Deputy shall have the powers and duties and liabilities of the County Clerk.
The present Chief Deputy Mike Taylor has served over 35 years in the Clerks Office, under four different Court Clerks. Surely, he should have the experience, knowledge, and capabilities to run this office for the short time until a new County Clerk can be Elected by the people.
I will post the Charter Provision and the State Statue for your review below.
Check with Legal to confirm the accuracy of this information.
Thank you,
Ken Jakes.
TCA 18-6-115. Vacancies.Ken Jakes is a frequent critic of Metro Government and a citizen activist discovering and exposing government corruption and waste. He is a former and probably future candidate for public office.
If the office of the county clerk becomes vacant due to death, resignation or removal, the duties of the county clerk shall be temporarily discharged by the chief deputy, or deputy designated as temporary successor by the county clerk in writing, until a successor county clerk is elected or appointed and qualified according to law.
HISTORY: Acts 1993, ch. 315, § 19
Metro Charter Provision
Sec. 8.118. - Powers and duties of county court clerk.
There shall be as an independent agency of the metropolitan government, the office of county court clerk, the head of which shall be the county court clerk, elected for a term of four (4) years as provided by the constitution and the general laws of the state. The county court clerk shall be furnished with such deputies, office personnel, material and supplies as he may need for the proper functioning of his office and as may be provided by ordinance and within his annual budget appropriations. Deputies appointed by him as approved in rulings by chancery court shall have the powers and duties and liabilities of the county court clerk. All employees of the county court clerk, other than these deputies, shall be employed in accordance with civil service regulations. Nothing in this Charter is intended or shall be construed to alter or affect the powers, duties and responsibilities of the county court clerk as a collector of state privilege licenses or other state revenues or as the clerk of the probate court or monthly county court. However, all fees, revenues, incomes, commissions, emoluments and prerequisites of the office of county court clerk shall accrue to the metropolitan government and shall be deposited with the metropolitan treasurer daily, except as otherwise provided by ordinance.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing or empowering the county court clerk to assess or collect such taxes as may be provided for in the division of tax assessment, division of property tax collections and division of collections of the department of finance.
"Laws of Nature and of Nature's God...
All Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions...""And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
"We have this day restored the Sovereign to whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His kingdom come."
"I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.
It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this time forward forever more."
I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all the means.And that Posterity will triumph in that Days Transaction, even although we should even although we should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not."
U. S. Senator Bob Corker |
Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey |
Congressman Marsha Blackburn |
Senator Jack Johnson |
Nashville, Tennessee (press release) – The Staats’ Campaign continues to gain momentum before the primary by picking up another endorsement from a prominent Republican. State Senator. Senator Bill Ketron announced his support for Brad Staats' candidacy for the Republican nomination in Tennessee 5th Congressional District.
Senator Ketron, who serves as Republican Caucus Chair in the Tennessee State Senate, stated why he was supporting Staats for the nomination, “Brad is a solid conservative, but also someone with the talents and resources to defeat Jim Cooper in November. It is my belief that we as a State would be best served with Brad Staats in Congress.”
Welcoming Senator Ketron's endorsement, Staats stated, “I am honored to have, Bill Ketron, the second ranking member of the Tennessee State Senate, endorse our campaign. It is with support like his that we will emerge victorious in the primary and defeat a liberal like Jim Cooper in November.” | Nashville News, Weather
I saw the video Homegrown Terrorist last year, or maybe year before last, at a special showing at Belcourt Theater. Quit frankly, I was not impressed. That video reveals that there are isolated Muslim communities across the United States which the producer of the video label as Jihadist training camps. They claim it, but the evidence to support the case seems weak.They never prove their case.
I hope the Federal government is aware of these isolated Muslim communities and does not let political correctness get in the way of prudent lawful investigation if there is reasonable suspicion of terrorist training activities or the planning of acts of terrorism. On the other hand, I hope spreading alarm about these communities does not lead to vigilantism and terrorism of a people who may simply look different and may just want to be left alone.
The fact that new immigrants live in communities with others of their same national origin is not new. Large American cities have had their "Little Italy" or Polish section or whatever ever since there has been sizable immigration into this country. Many cities still have "China Townes" or enclaves of ethnic minorities a hundred years after the first immigrants of that ethnic group arrived. Overtime however, most emigrants do assimilate and integrate into the larger community. The fact that people of the same national origin or ethnicity live in a community separate from the larger community proves nothing, in and of itself.
It should be interesting to see what Channel 5 learns.
8:30 am - Breakfast & Social
9:00 am - Meeting
546 Donelson Pike 37214
Guest Speaker
Councilman Robert Duvall
Candidate for House District 59
more about the Property Tax increase and where our tax dollars are
going in Metro. Also why we need Councilman Duvall to be Rep. Duvall
Alex and Kathyrn Stillwell
Chairmen of the Donelson-Hermitage Conservative Group or 773-2775
By Joey Garrison, City Paper, Sunday, July 1, 2012The above is another good article explaining this issues in the School Board race and explaining which groups are supporting which candidates.
When word spread in April that Elissa Kim, an executive of Teach for America, was poised to launch a run for Metro school board, emails started to circulate from the city’s foremost charter enthusiasts. They were all abuzz, having found their contender.
Besides Kim, Great Public Schools — its leaders have notable private school ties — has contributed financially to Jarod DeLozier, who is running in District 3, and Margaret Dolan, running in District 9. Dollar amounts won’t be clear until financial disclosures are turned in by July 10. The election for Metro’s five school board races is on Aug. 2, with early voting set to begin July 13. (read more)
by Nate Rau, The Tennessean, July 2, 2012The above article in today's Tennesseen is informative, explaining the issues and who is supporting which candidate.
This year’s election for five seats on the Nashville school board is shaping up to be a referendum on Director of Schools Jesse Register, though his name is not anywhere on the ballot.
Special interest groups have been galvanized by Register’s direction on expansion of charter schools, tension with the support employees union and student achievement measures like graduation rates. (read more)
June 28, 2012, The Foundry (Heritage Foundation)This is a very important point. If Republicans take the White House, hold the House as they are assumed to do, and win a simple majority instead of a super majority, they can repeal Obamacare.
Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that Obamacare’s health insurance mandate is in fact a tax levied on those who do not purchase insurance, Senate Republicans will look to repeal the full law through the budget reconciliation process.
Reconciliation was used to push Obamacare through the Senate in 2009. Generally reserved strictly for budget-related measures, it eliminates the possibility of a filibuster, meaning Republicans would only need 51 votes to repeal that portion of the law – or even the full law itself. (read more)