You have got to watch this! This is so very cleaver and laugh-out-loud funny. Saturday Night Live star Victoria Jackson list the radical connections of President Obama and all the while is cute and funny while doing it.
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A right-leaning disgruntled Republican comments on the news of the day and any other thing he damn-well pleases.
You have got to watch this! This is so very cleaver and laugh-out-loud funny. Saturday Night Live star Victoria Jackson list the radical connections of President Obama and all the while is cute and funny while doing it.
Green Hills Grassroots Summit
Republicans, Conservatives & All Who Want to Help
Build a Better Community and Nation!
sponsored by the Davidson County Republican Party
Saturday, March 6 10AM -11AM
Green Hills Public Library
3701 Benham Avenue Nashville, TN 37215
Special Speaker: Tn. House Rep. Beth Harwell House member since 1988 & Chair of the Commerce Committee For further information, please contact | |
"Eggs & Bacon Summit"
(Dutch Treat)
A meeting to strategize, organize & unify
Sponsored by the Davidson County Republican Party
Saturday, March 6, 2010
8:30 am Dutch treat breakfast - 9 am meeting
721 Madison Square Shopping Center
Gallatin Road
Guest Speaker:
Jane Ferrell of The Tennessee Energy Forum
speaking on Cap and Trade
Former Metro Councilman Rod Williams
speaking on Organizing for Election Victory
Please join us! Help us make a difference.
__________________________________________________________I just got this email from the President. The suspense is over. The final march has begun. After the phony dog and pony show of Blair House where Mr. President met with John, Marsha, Lamar and all his subjects, he has given his orders to ram it through. I thought you might find it interesting how he is presenting this to his loyal troops. The type in bold face in the following email is the emphasis of the President. Remember, I get email from the President so you won't have to. Rod
Friend --Last Thursday's first-of-its-kind summit capped off a debate that has lasted nearly a year. Every idea has now been put on the table. Every argument has been made. Both parties agree that the status quo is unacceptable and gets more dire each day. Today, I want to state as clearly and forcefully as I know how: Now is the time to make a decision about the future of health care in America.
The final proposal I've put forward draws on the best ideas from all sides, including several put forward by Republicans at last week's summit. It will put Americans in charge of their own health care, ensuring that neither government nor insurance company bureaucrats can ration, deny, or put out of financial reach the care our families need and deserve.
I strongly believe that Congress now owes the American people a final vote on health care reform. Reform has already passed the House with bipartisan support and the Senate with a super-majority of sixty votes. Now it deserves the same kind of up-or-down vote that has been routinely used and has passed such landmark measures as welfare reform and both Bush tax cuts.
Earlier today, I asked leaders in both houses of Congress to finish their work and schedule a vote in the next few weeks. From now until then, I will do everything in my power to make the case for reform. And now, I'm asking you, the members of the Organizing for America community, to raise your voice and do the same.The final march for reform has begun, and your participation is crucial. Please commit to join with me to take reform across the finish line.
Essentially, my proposal would change three things about the current health care system:
First, it would protect all Americans from the worst practices of insurance companies. Never again will the mother with breast cancer have her coverage revoked, see her premiums arbitrarily raised, or be forced to live in fear that a pre-existing condition will bar her from future coverage.
Second, my proposal would give individuals and small businesses the same choice of private health insurance that members of Congress get for themselves. And my proposal says that if you still can't afford the insurance in this new marketplace, we will offer you tax credits based on your income -- tax credits that add up to the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history.
Finally, my proposal would bring down the cost of health care for everyone -- families, businesses, and the federal government -- and bring down our deficit by as much as $1 trillion over the next two decades. These savings mean businesses small and large will finally be freed up to create jobs and increase wages. With costs currently skyrocketing, reform is vital to remaining economically strong in the years and decades to come.
In the few crucial weeks ahead, you can help make sure this proposal becomes law. Please sign up to join the Organizing for America campaign in the final march for reform:
When I talked about change on the campaign, this is what I was talking about: coming together to solve a huge problem that has been troubling America for 100 years and standing up to the special interests to deliver a brighter, smarter future for generations to come.
I look forward to signing this historic reform into law. And when I do, it will be because your organizing played an essential role in making change possible.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
By Nate Rau • THE TENNESSEAN • March 2, 2010
A reinvigorated Davidson County Republican
Comment: The Party is invigorated. A lot of people are working hard to build the Party. There is an excitement in the air and we are having a lot of fun. We have some really great candidates. I really believe the Party can become competitive in Davidson County. I think we can win some elections!
Democrats can no longer take Davidson County for granted. I urge you to get active and help make Nashville a two-Party town. Start attending the "Egg and Bacon summits" and meet our candidates and learn what you can do to help build the Party. Join a Republican or conservative independent group and network with like-minded people and stay motivated and stay informed. These Republicans running for office are going to need a lot of help. Volunteers are needed to work the phone banks and man the polls and campaign for candidates. There is plenty to do. Would you like to start a Republican group in your community? We will show you how. Have you ever thought about running for office? Don't keep it a secret. You can make a difference. Get involved!
I want health care reform. I want it because the system we have simply is not sustainable. The trajectory we are on will bankrupt the nation and leave more and more people without health care if something is not done.
I also want it because I want people to be free from being forced to work jobs they hate simply for the insurance. Too many people feel chained to their desk by the insurance their employer provides for them. For many people the most important aspect of a job is not the work they will do or the pay they will earn but the insurance. Your employer should no more provide your health insurance than they should your homeowners or auto insurance. Your employer should no more provide your health insurance than they should your housing or pay you in script that is only redeemable at the company store.
Most importantly, I want health care reform because someone very close to me who I love very dearly cannot get insurance due to having a preexisting condition. I see the anguish this situation causes and the worry and fear of living without coverage and the threat to the health of this good person.
I am not alone in wanting health care reform. I run in Republican, conservative, and libertarian circles and I have yet to meet a single person who does not want health care reform. We differ on what kind of reform we want. The other side wants to take over 17% of the economy and greatly expand government control; this side wants common-sense reform that will use market forces and empower the individual to achieve the same desirable results.
One of the things our side thinks will go a long way toward reforming health care is to allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines. In this clip from the Blair House Health Care Summit, Representative Marsha Blackburn argues that robust competition will lower insurance cost. She argues that we should empower patients by giving them the ability to buy insurance products that fit their needs. She says people are tired of being forced to buy insurance they don’t want. She says to avoid the premium acceleration of the type we are seeing in California, Californians should be allowed to go to Oregon where they can buy a policy for 25% less. Watch the clip:
In this article, First Step: Allow shopping across state border, which appears in today’s Tennessean, Representative Blackburn further makes the case for empowering patients through expanding markets and increasing completion.
The boos, Ron Paul in his own words, and Morning Joe commentary: