Saturday, January 08, 2011

A Boomer reflects on the sixties

 by Rod Williams, 

"Those on the front line of the baby boom generation, once carefree souls who frolicked through the Summer of Love, are now coming to terms with an inexorable fact: The're turning 65 in 2011." (link)

I sick and tired of every news article or TV show that speaks of baby boomers, characterizing them as left wing, hippy, dope-smoking, college students. I was not a carefree soul frolicking through the summer of love in 1967, I was serving in the U. S. Air Force in the middle of Missouri. When Woodstock happened, I was in Viet Nam.

If I had not been in the service, The Summer of Love would still not have had any appeal to me except for the part about getting laid a lot. Woodstock was not my type of music and I would have had no desire to be at that orgy of excess, mud and madness. I am a boomer but don't assume I relate to Woodstock. I was more into Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, and Buck Owens.

Even marijuana use is exaggerated in its importance. Many of the kids who smoked a little dope, did not identify dope smoking as something that defined who they were. It was something they did.

Certainly there were societal changes in the sixties and changes in attitude, especially about sex and conformity. Much of the style however such as bell bottom pants and long hair, which may have started out as an anti conformity statements or rebellion, quickly became simply the new style. By the time the fashion of the sixties became popular, that fashion became the new conformity.

Sure there were a lot of weekend hippies and people who adopted a certain fashion in clothes, hair style, musical taste and politics in order to be "cool." But really, that did not amount to much either. By the mid-70's, the braless babes, grunge, beads, long hair and bare feet of the sixties were replaced by the glamor of the disco era.

The politics of not all boomers was radical either. The street theater and leftist activism may have created an impression that all youth were left-wing. That is a misconception. There was always a large conservative youth vote and by the time the bulk of the boomer generation were of voting age, most of them were voting Republican and the youth vote was owned by Ronald Reagan.

In the sixties there were many more hard-working young people who respected their parents and authority than there were hippies. There were more people married, and going to work every day and raising families than there were in college or living in communes. There were many more of us baby boomers who served in Vietnam with honor than there were those who protested the war. As a percentage of young people, an insignificant number were at Woodstock or Haight-Ashbury for the Summer of Love.

The media romanticizes the sixties and creates a stereotype of the youth of the era. We do all relate to the image portrayed by the media. Recently on TV, there was a week of nostalgia and celebration of the life and times of John Lennon commemorating his death. I could care less. John Lennon was not an important person in my life. Don't assume everyone in their 60's is a John Lennon fan. I still miss Johnny Cash.

When I think of the person that epitomizes the anti-establishment spirit of the sixties and who should be the sixties poster child, I think of Charles Manson. The sixties was an ugly period better forgotten.

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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Will Congress will become more respectful of the Constitution?

Do you remember when during a press conference, Nancy Peolsi was asked where the Constitution authorized Congress to order Americans to buy health insurance? She dismissed the question by saying, “Are you serious?” and then took another question.

The House will no longer be so dismissive of the Constitution. The first order of business in the House when it convenes today will be a reading aloud of the Constitution. A new house rule will require that each bill filed in the House cite its specific constitutional authority.

The reading of the Constitution and the requirement that a bill site its constitutional authority may be symbolic and may not change liberal behavior. I am sure many bills will site what has become the very elastic “commerce clause” or “general welfare clause.” Nevertheless I think this is a good move. Symbolism can be important.

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance may be simple symbolism and may not necessarily make one a better American, but in some way I think it does. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance may cause one to pause and contemplate the loyalty they owe this nation and the meaning of being an American.

For the non-believer, public prayer may be simple symbolism but public prayer brings solemnity to an occasion and often expresses a spirit of a grateful heart. Public prayer may even be beneficial for the non-believer.

Marriage is often dismissed by people who are shacking up as mere symbolism. People will ask, why do we need a piece of paper to show our love for each other? While marriage is a legal bonding it is also a pledge of fidelity and a public statement of intentions. I think it is important. I think it changes behavior.

While the reading of the Constitution may seem like a time-waster to some, I applaud it. Congress needs to remember that their oath of office means smomething. They need to be reminded that there are supposed to be limits on their authority. Maybe citing the constitutional authority for a bill, when a member of Congress drafts a bill, will cause that member to think twice before proposing a major government expansion. Maybe Congress will become more respectful of the Constitution.

Maybe, when the question that was asked of Nancy Pelosi is again asked in the future it will not be dismissed as a ridiculous question unworthy of a response.

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Sunday, January 02, 2011

"RINO on the menu:" Tea Party Nation targets Bob Corker for defeat.

OK Republican, get in a circle. Ready, Aim, Fire!!

Republicans have had a taste of victory, but it is still not too late to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. We can now start shooting each other.  To insure we do not take the Senate in 2012, we must defeat sitting Republicans and nominate unelectable "real Republican."  Real Republicans  like Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, and Joe Miller.

Nashville's own Judson Phillips, founder and CEO of Tea Party Nation says 2012 will be good year for the Tea Party and, "RINO is on the menu! Senator Bob Corker is his number one target for defeat.

Running colorful candidates who say interesting things and have a lot of passion is a lot more fun than actually trying to govern. Governing is hard work. We would not want to actually win elections and have to take responsibility for solving problems would we? Being on the outside and going to demonstrations is a lot more fun than actually winning elections isn't it?  Do you think we could nominate Christine O'Donnell as our Presidential nominee? Or, maybe Judson Phillips?

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Favorite Commercial of the year: Piggy goes Wee, Wee, Wee all the way home.

This GEICO commercial is my favorite commercial of the year. I like this commercial better than most of the programs on TV. I laugh every time I see it. "Do woodchucks chuck wood," is a close runner-up.

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