by Rod Williams, Feb 5, , 2024 - Below is the email newsletter report on the Council agenda provided by Rae Keohane. Rae is a local active Republican. She reads and studies each Metro Council agenda and shares her opinion on items of interest and shares her email to those on an email distribution list. Having done this myself in the past, I know how time consuming this can be. If you would like to be included on Rae's email distribution list, contact her at In addition to her reporting on the Council, Rae is a facilitator of the Nashville Conservatives breakfast group.
Since you will be voting on several matters of concern below is my opinion and questions about some matters before you tonight.
I would appreciate some responses to my questions.
I spend a few hours on this each meeting I would appreciate a response to my questions.
I and many others will be WATCHING you all on TV!
RS2024-158 I SUPPORT! I see no problem with CITIZENS voluntarily sharing their videos with police. This is no different than being a witness to a crime and giving the info to the police only better. I would like for the next time this needs to be renewed we get quotes from other companies providing the same service. A resolution approving Amendment Number 2 to a sole source contract between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Fusus, Inc. to increase the value of the contract.
BL2023-79 I SUPPORT BUT WHERE IS THE SUBSTITUTE FROM PLANNING? An ordinance amending Section 17.12.040 of the Metropolitan Code, Zoning Regulations regarding covered front porches within the required street setback (Proposal No. 2023Z-008TX-001).
BL2023-110 I OPPOSE I don’t usually comment on bills in other districts but, I have friends who live in the neighborhood and there are many people against this project. Councilman Parker has not been responding to e-mails from the neighbors he was supposed to have more community meetings. An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from SP to MUL-A zoning for properties located at 2631 and 2635 Gallatin Ave., at the southwest corner of Gallatin Pike and Carolyn Ave. (0.19 acres), and located within the Gallatin Pike Urban Design Overlay, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2023Z-101PR-001).
BL2023-138 I SUPPORT. An ordinance amending Section 17.40.010 of the Metropolitan Code, Zoning Regulations to require notice to the district council member for reasonable accommodations to the Zoning Ordinance granted by the zoning administrator (Proposal No. 2024Z-001TX-001).
RS2024-195 I SUPPORT. I support cutting the budget. A resolution reducing the authority of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to issue general obligations bonds pursuant to certain initial resolutions previously adopted by the Metropolitan County Council.
RS2024-196 I SUPPORT. A resolution appropriating the amount of $22,848,000.00 from the General Fund Reserve Fund for the purchase of equipment and building repairs for various departments of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
RS2024-198 I SUPPORT. A resolution to appropriate grant funds from the Martha O’Bryan Center’s Tennessee Opportunity Pilot Initiative Implementation Grant and the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Action Commission, to formalize the party’s relationship while collaborating on direct services, capacity building, collaborative activities, and grant compliance.
RS2024-199 What are these “PAY CARDS” for, how will they be used? Why can’t the employees be paid via direct deposit into their bank accounts/. When I work for the Election Board on election day that is how I get paid. A resolution accepting the terms of a cooperative purchasing master agreement for money network pay card services for the Metropolitan Finance Department.
RS2024-200 I SUPPORT. A resolution amending Resolution RS2022-1560 to include Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition’s revised scope of services.
RS2024-201/202/203/205 I SUPPORT. A resolution amending Resolution RS2022-1450, which appropriated $5,546,000 in American Rescue Plan Act Funds to the United Way of Greater Nashville, to extend the projected program term through December 31, 2024.
RS2024-204 Why are we eliminating ONE of the houses??? A resolution to approve the First Amendment to a grant contract for constructing affordable housing approved by RS2022-1857 between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission, and Thistle Farms, Inc.
RS2024-210/211/212/213/216 I SUPPORT. A resolution approving a grant contract between the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, and the Mental Health Cooperative to help operate the Mental Health Crisis Treatment Center and provide emergency psychiatric care, including crisis stabilization, respite care and treatment.
RS2024-214/215 I SUPPORT. Will there be some reporting to the citizens of Nashville re details of success and failure? A resolution approving an application for a Continuum of Care Collaborative Applicant grant from the Nashville Continuum of Care to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Office of Homeless Services, to address the critical problem of homelessness through a coordinated community-based process of identifying needs and building a homeless response system of housing and services to address those needs.
RS2024-224 This doesn’t impact me one way or another but have you made sure this sign is not shining into someone’s apartment, or future apartment?? Because I would be very annoyed! A resolution authorizing Fourth and Broad LP to construct and install aerial encroachments at 405 Broadway. (Proposal No. 2023M-017EN-001).
RS2024-228 This contract is going to cost TAXPAYERS $11 MILLION till November 2024. Is it really COST EFFECTIVE to have trash service CONTRACTED instead of picking up trash by city employees????? A resolution approving amendment 1 to the contract between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Platform Capital Waste Solutions, LLC for the provision of solid waste collection.
BL2024-181 I OPPOSE. This needs COMMUNITY MEETINGS and CONSTITUENT INPUT! An ordinance to amend Section 16.08.012 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to amend adopted building codes to allow for certain residential buildings up to six stories to be served by a single exit stairway.
BL2024-182/183/184/185/186/188 I OPPOSE. This needs COMMUNITY MEETINGS and CONSTITUENT INPUT! I DO SUPPORT THE AMENDMENT BY COUNCILWOMAN JOHNSTON. An ordinance to amend Title 16 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to clarify who may update the official website regarding issuance of permits and notices, remove requirements for washer and dryer hookups in certain homes, remove and separate bathroom facilities at gas stations, and add regulations to permit large homes with three to six attached dwelling units.
BL2024-152 I SUPPORT. An ordinance to amend Section 2.222.040 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws regarding the board of ethical conduct.
BL2024-153 I SUPPORT. An ordinance amending section 15.64.035 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws.
BL2023-136 I think I support this I have seen many complaints on Next door about loud parties, noise, and violence at short-term rentals. I hope this means the people who live with STR’s will have more redress! I DO NOT SUPPORT THE AMENDMENT IT SEEMS TO BE GIVING THE STR OWNER TOO MUCH CONSIDERATION! An ordinance to amend Section 6.28.035 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws regarding the review of appeals made to the Short Term Rental Appeals Board.
BL2023-137 I OPPOSE An ordinance amending Title 13 of the Metropolitan Code to add a new chapter thereto for the purpose of allowing participation agreements between the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure and developers to be approved by resolution.
BL2023-139 I support the intention. Once again I am asking do we receive data reports of success and or failure and how many people are in the programs? An ordinance approving a contract between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Mayor’s Office, and the United Way of Middle Tennessee, Inc., to provide financial counseling and other financial education activities to low-income residents in accordance with the Financial Empowerment Center program model.
BL2023-140 I SUPPORT! SCHOOL CHOICE good for all. An ordinance approving a Lease Agreement by and between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Education and LEAD Public Schools, Inc. d/b/a Cameron College Prep, Nonprofit LLC (Proposal No. 2021M-011PR-002).
As always thanks for your time and attention.
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