Saturday, December 05, 2009

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, along with Reps. Wilson, And Price Discuss Importance of Conservatism

"In Tennessee we believe when it comes to taxes if 10% is good enough for God on Sunday, it's for damn sure good enough for the government on Monday." -Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)

Marsha Blackburn for Senate! (to replace Bob Corker when he is elected President)

Marsha Blackburn is principled, smart, and so darn cute.

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Friday, December 04, 2009

British university to probe integrity of climate date

Phil Jones the director of the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia stepped down on Tuesday. Thursday the university announced it would investigate whether scientist at CRU manipulated data on global warming. (link)

When institutions investigate themselves I am suspect. Does anyone see a whitewash coming? Will anyone be surprised if the University concludes that the information revealed in the leaked documents and email reveal no significant malfeasance that would invalidate any of the CRU’s research? Will you be surprised if Phil Jones is reinstated? I will not be reassured if this is the outcome.

To have confidence in the outcome of any inquiry, the inquiry needs to be conducted by a high-level blue-ribbon panel of respected scholars and statesmen and the inquiry needs to be conducted in the light of day. There also needs to be a vigorous skeptical press keeping the players honest. If left up to the mainstream press this story would never have seen the light of day. I suspect the MSP will assist in the whitewash.

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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Climategate is not the final word on global warming

While I have been concerned if not outraged about the climategate scandal, this leak of documents and emails showing conspiracy and scientific fraud is not the final word. There is still a large body of evidence to support the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

For those who want to know more about the climategate issue and see how global warming scientist explain and put in contest this most recent scandal please visit RealClimate. RealClimate describes itself as “a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists.” The scientists who are associated with this site are highly educated and credentialed working scientist.

While the climategate scandal looks like proof of fraud and deceit, it has only moved me from the “believer” to the “undecided” column. I am not yet a full fledged “skeptic.” If climategate is simply ignored rather than addressed then I think one would be justified in joining the ranks of skeptics.

We need to know the truth. I would like to see a high-level panel of respected scientist and academics conduct hearing on the climategate scandal and rule on the value of current climate science. They should address the body of evidence and issue an opinion on the validity of the current science. They should issue a statement on the strength of the “consensus.” They should address whether or not contrary viewpoints from reputable scientist were silenced or if open inquiry and seeking scientific truth was permitted and encouraged. They should rule as to what extent the manipulation of data at CRU corrupted the current understanding of climate change.

I would not expect this panel of respected scientist to resolve the issue for everyone. I don’t care what the evidence shows I don’t think I will ever hear Rush Limbaugh say, “Maybe there is something to this global warming stuff,” nor do I think I will ever hear Al Gore say, “Maybe we overstated the case.” Nevertheless, I think a formal, public inquiry into the climategate scandal and its significance for the current understanding of climate change would be beneficial to those of us who find this recent scandal disturbing and are open to discovering the truth.

If the proponents of the theory of global warming are correct, then the implications of that theory are too important to have the issue derailed by a few bad scientists. If global warming is real, we need to address it. There is not a lot of time to waste. On the other hand, if the global warming theory is based entirely on junk science we should not support policies that could curtail economic growth and possibly wreck the economies of the world. This issue is too important to stop seeking the truth.

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Climate Research data

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Climategate Professor racked in $22.6 Million in Grants

by Frank Beckman, Detroit News, November 27. 2009

[Excerpt] It turns out that our planet has been safe from man all along, and the climate change alarmists knew it.

That's the conclusion to be drawn from the disclosure of e-mails -- authenticity not disputed -- between so-called climate experts involved with the University of Anglia's Climate Research Unit in Britain, which had been the center of the anthropogenic global warming universe.

[Excerpt] As Jones wrote to one-time United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change lead author John Christy in one of his e-mails, "I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn't being political, it is being selfish." (link)

Comment: I can hardly contain my outrage over this. As one who believed the science of global warming for many years, I feel I have been deceived. I am outraged not only over the deception but outraged at the general conspiracy of silence on this issue. Why is no major network digging into this story? Are there no people of integrity who feel they were betrayed and who want accountability? Should the White house, members of Congress, Heads of State, and the General Secretary of the UN not be calling for an investigation? Should not this be the topic under discussion at Copenhagen? Did these scientist not break some laws? Taking vast amounts of money and doctoring data to produce predetermined outcomes should be a violation of some law. This makes me question other scientific research. This makes me inclined to never trust my government again on anything. This makes me think that science is for sale to the highest bidder. We deserve answers.

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