Saturday, October 09, 2010

Young Voters Get Serious

A recent "Rock the Vote" survey found that the Democratic Party's advantage among young people has been cut in half. (link)

All Right!

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Arthur Laffer Endorses David Hall for Congress

Nashville, TN – David Hall, candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, welcomed today’s endorsement from Dr. Arthur Laffer, renowned supply-side economist best known as the creator of the “Laffer Curve” and as an economic advisor to President Ronald Reagan.

“David Hall understands the recipe for economic growth: low tax rates, free trade, sound money and smaller government,” said Laffer.

Laffer, a resident of the 5th District, announced his support of Hall while acknowledging that he had previously voted for Jim Cooper, “I am endorsing David Hall because he is the pro-growth candidate.”

Said Hall, “Dr. Laffer shares my values of economic growth and fiscal conservatism. His endorsement means a lot to me, and it reflects on the incumbent’s trouble with convincing voters to send him back to represent the 5th District.”

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Jim Cooper, Bad Dog!

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Arthur Laffer host fundraiser for David Hall

Dr. Arthur Laffer the creator of the “Laffer Curve,” an innovation that earned him the distinction as the “Father of Supply-Side Economics,” is hosting a fund raiser for David Hall, the Republican candidate for Congress. The fundraiser is tonight at a home in Belle Meade.

Arthur Laffer is the author of numerous books and has been widely published in both scholarly and popular publications. Currently, he resides in Nashville and is the founder and CEO of Laffer Associates, an economic research and consulting firm that provides global investment-research services. He was a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board for both of his terms.

This is significant. David Hall's stealth campaign in the primary left David Hall an unknown among the influential and moneyed class of Nashville. They are getting to know David Hall and are now on board. The support of Arthur Laffer is a big boost to the Hall campaign.

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How to meet Jim Cooper

Kay Brooks reports that for folks who were looking forward to a debate between Rep. Jim Cooper and Republican candidate David Hall at the recent Haywood Lane Neighborhood Association's candidates forum but were disappointed that Cooper was a no-show may want to consider accepting an invitation that was published on the East Nashville and Inglewood email lists recently. Kay suggest this may be an alternative venue for folks to speak with their current Congressman.

Here is the invitation:

Dan Heller and Hope Browning, and Shawn and Elizabeth M-K Sullivan invite you to coffee and conversation with

U.S. Representative Jim Cooper

Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010
Time: 2-4 pm
Location: Riverside Village Courtyard –
The corner of McGavock Avenue and Riverside Drive in the Inglewood neighborhood - 37216
Parking available at Riverside Village, behind M&M Furniture and on the grassy lot at Maxey & McGavock Avenues. Please carpool and/or ride your bike. Bike parking at the courtyard aplenty
Free, casual, family friendly, come and go as your schedule allows.
Refreshments from Mitchell Deli provided.
RSVP: Email elizabethmksullivan at Comcast dot net to RSVP or to ask questions.

Getting invited to a private party is about the only way one is going to get a chance to talk to Congressman Cooper it appears. If you RSVP and do not get a reply you may want to just show up. I doubt they would turn you away. I have been know to crash a few parties in my time. Try it. If you do get to attend this event, please ask Congressman Cooper to stop hiding out and to debate David Hall.

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Cut Carbon Emission or we will kill you!

This is sick!

This is disgusting!

I assume the 10:10 people thought this was a humorous way to get their message out. Maybe they are not joking. Maybe this is what is in store for those of us who don't conform.

"10:10 is about one simple idea: we all commit to reduce our carbon emissions by 10% starting this year, then work together to make it happen." (link)

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Witness McDonald's: the effort to destroy private insurance is working.

By JANET ADAMY,Wall Street Journal, SEPTEMBER 30, 2010

McDonald's Corp. has warned federal regulators that it could drop its health insurance plan for nearly 30,000 hourly restaurant workers unless regulators waive a new requirement of the U.S. health overhaul.

The move is one of the clearest indications that new rules may disrupt workers' health plans as the law ripples through the real world. (link)

The Big Mac Attack On ObamaCare
A big employer mulls dropping health insurance coverage due to ObamaCare's mandates. The claim that if you like your plan you can keep it was a lie, and the effort to destroy private insurance is working. The 30,000 or so hourly workers at McDonald's undoubtedly like the health care plan their employer provides and would like to keep it. For $14 a week, a worker gets a plan that caps annual benefits at $2,000; $32 a week gets you coverage up to $10,000.

They get minimum coverage at a minimum price, but most younger workers are healthy and for that reason, they constitute a high percentage of the uninsured. What McDonald's Corp. offers is not a one-size-fits-all nanny-state special that forces young males to pay for mammograms.

President Obama promised that under ObamaCare these workers could keep these plans, but McDonald's has told federal regulators in a memo that it would be 'economically prohibitive' for its insurance carrier to continue to cover its hourly workers unless it receives a waiver to the ObamaCare requirement that 80% of premiums for such 'mini-med' plans be spent on medical care. Other large employers who offer such plans could find themselves in the same dilemma....

This administration doesn't understand how businesses operate and really doesn't care. As for private insurers, the White House doesn't care if they're driven out of business due to higher costs. ... Companies such as McDonald's, and insurance companies too, must manage their bottom lines to stay in business. ObamaCare distorts a system based on risk and turns it into an entitlement that is based on political considerations and aimed at getting as many people totally dependent on government as possible. --Investor's Business Daily

Comment: McDonald's is one of the few restaurants that provide health care insurance for their employees. That could change. The effect of Obamacare is to destroy the private health care insurance industry, forcing everyone into the government provided health care insurance. I think that was the intent. Obamacare must be overturned. Until it is, many more people will pay much more for insurance premiums and many will have to go without insurance.

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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Cooper and Hall invited to Nashville Women's Political Caucus candidates forum.

David Hall accepts, awaiting Cooper's reply.

The Nashville Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) has requested that David Hall and Jim Cooper participate in a 5th Congressional District candidates forum at a breakfast hosted by NWPC on Friday, October 29 at The Mad Platter Restaurant.

The event would be a forum type event rather than a real debate. Each candidate would be given five minute for an opening statement and then answer questions from a moderator to be followed by questions from the audience. It is unknown if the event would be open to the public and the press or would only be for NWPC members.

The NWPC asked the candidates to respond to the invitation by the close of the business day tomorrow, Wednesday, October 6. I have spoken to the Hall campaign and they have accepted the invitation and look forward to the chance to engage in a public forum with Congressman Cooper.

Jim Cooper has been conspicuously absent from public appearances where he would have to take questions from the public for almost a year now. During the summer, when Congress was debating Health Care legislation, Cooper refused to hold any town hall meetings.

Last Wednesday night there was a scheduled candidates forum sponsored by the Haywood Lane Neighborhood Association. In announcements promoting the forum, both Jim Cooper and David Hall were listed as participants. Jim Cooper failed to show, reportedly due to a conflict in scheduling. At the same time as the candidates forum, Cooper was serving as honorary chairman of a pricey Dinner of the Bridge event to raise funds for Nashville Greenways.

I will give Cooper the benefit of the doubt and assume the Dinner on the Bridge event was a prior engagement and the announcement that Cooper would be a participant in the Haywood Lane Neighborhood candidates forum was in error. Now, there is another chance for Cooper to redeem himself and face the public and share the program with his Republican challenger David Hall.

Due to space limitations and the time of the forum, this event will be seen by few people and Cooper will be appearing before an audience that will probably ask few hard questions. Nevertheless, this will be the first time that Cooper and Hall have shared the same program and it is better than nothing. I would hope that during this campaign there would be a real debate, open to the public and perhaps televised and in a venue capable of holding a large audience.

There are major philosophical differences between David Hall and Jim Cooper. The public deserves the opportunity to hear the candidates debate the issues. Jim Cooper needs to stop hiding out and face the public.

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Sunday, October 03, 2010

Metro Council votes to continue abuse of Eminent Domain

Last month the Metro Council took a strong stand against private property rights and voted to continue the abuse of Eminent Domain.

Council Jim Gotto was the sponsor of a proposed charter amendment that would have taken the power of eminent domain away from agencies such as MDHA and reserved the power of eminent domain to the Metro Council. Now, several agencies of Metro Government can condemn property without the condemnation ever going before the Metro Council. In the past, private property has often been condemned to benefit private institutions or developers. In making his case for the charter amendment, Gotto argued, "The use of eminent domain should be limited to only those projects that are absolutely necessary for government to fulfill its purposes."

Gotto recalled the abuse of eminent domain in the recent case of Joy Ford: "Ms Ford owns a business that is within the footprint of the Gulch Redevelopment District. MDHA through a subjective decision making process declared her property blighted and undertook proceedings to obtain it through eminent domain against Ms Ford’s wishes. The purpose of this property seizure was to pass it on to Lionstone Group, a private developer." (link)

Unfortunately, most council members did not agree with Mr. Gotto. Next time Metro Council elections roll around we should remember this and hold accountable those councilmen who voted against private property rights. Candidates running for office should have to declare how they stand on this issues. Only candidates who support private property rights should be elected or reelected to the Metro Council. There are very few clear cut issue that come before the council that reflect an ideological choice. Often reasonable people can disagree about issues before the council. In my view, this is not one of those issues. Anyone who voted against this proposed charter amendment does not deserve to be reelected.

A Good Dozen

God Bless Jim Gotto and the eleven other Council Members who voted with him. Those voting in favor of the proposed charter amendment were:

  • Frank Harrison (District 2),
  • Walter Hunt (District 3),
  • Michael Craddock (District 4),
  • Jamie Hollin (District 5),
  • Karen Bennett (District 8) ,
  • Jim Gotto (District 12),
  • Bruce Stanley (District 14) ,
  • Phil Claiborne (District 15),
  • Eric Crafton (District 22),
  • Randy Foster (District 27),
  • Duane Dominy (District 28),
  • Vivian Wilhoite (District 29).

Those opposing the reform charter amendment

  • Tim Garrett (At-large),
  • Megan Barry (At-large),
  • Jerry Maynard (At-large,
  • Mike Jameson (District 6),
  • Erik Cole (District 7),
  • Jim Forkum (District 9),
  • Rip Ryman (District 10),
  • Darren Jernigan (District 11),
  • Anna Page (District 16) ,
  • Sandra Moore (District 17),
  • Kristine LaLonde (District 18),
  • Erica Gilmore (District 19),
  • Buddy Baker (District 20),
  • Edith Taylor Langster (District 21),
  • Jason Holleman (District 20),
  • Sean McGuire (District 25),
  • Greg Adkins (District 26),
  • Jim Hodge (District 30),
  • Parker Toler (District 31),
  • Carter Todd (District 34),
  • Bo Mitchell (District 35).

Other members were absent from this special called session of the Metro Council. To read the proposed charter amendment follow this link: RESOLUTION NO. RS2008-431

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