Media Reluctant to Endorse Four More Years | Blue Collar Muse |
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A right-leaning disgruntled Republican comments on the news of the day and any other thing he damn-well pleases.
Media Reluctant to Endorse Four More Years | Blue Collar Muse |
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus |
I am by no means a prude, but this Obama ad really is in poor taste. Why should I be surprised and expect more from this President?
Actress Lena Dunham says, “Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody. You want to do it with a great guy.” She is speaking of voting. I guess the President thinks this is the way to reach the young voters of America. Show how cool and hip and irreverent you are and they will vote for you? I hope most college age people are not that shallow.
Explosive new allegations surrounding the Benghazi attack emerged this morning, with FOX News’ Jennifer Griffin reporting that sources have confirmed that three urgent requests for military assistance sent from the CIA annex were all denied. Additionally, CIA operators were told to “stand down” rather than respond when shots were heard around 9:40 p.m. on September 11. Following the alleged developments, Charles Woods, father of ex-Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods who was killed in the attack, spoke out on Glenn Beck’s radio program.(link)The more we learn about Bnegazi, it looks with increased certainty that the Obama administration ignored warnings prior to the event that would indicate our consulate should be reinforced or withdrawn, that the administration watched drone aerial transmission of events on the ground in real time, that a plea for help as the attack was underway was ignored, and that the administration lied and provided a story they knew to be untrue claiming the attack was a spontaneous eruption resulting from a YouTube video insulting to Islam.
Today the Tennessee Court of Appeals upheld the
state's new law requiring voters to show photo identification at
polling places and ruled that election officials must accept an ID
issued by the Memphis library.
Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey released the following statement on today's appeals court ruling:
allowing library cards clearly violates the legislative intent of this
law, the court rightly affirmed the law's constitutionality. Just
yesterday, we saw Democrat Party voter fraud efforts make national news
in Virginia, as the son of a U.S. Congressman was caught on tape
explaining how to commit fraud at the ballot box. This is exactly the
type of illegal behavior our law will stop. Tennessee's voter ID law is
necessary, proper and completely constitutional. This has been made
plain by the courts and remains undisputed."
To see the video mentioned by Gov. Ramsey, see the next post on this blog.
Published October 23, 2012 Associated Press DENVER – There are 300 more suspected noncitizens on Colorado's voter rolls, Secretary of State Gessler announced Tuesday in the latest chapter of a contentious national debate over what Republicans say is vulnerability in the voting system. Read more:
Brad Staats For Congress,October 25, 2012,
![]() |
Brad Staats |
Conservative Fusion Book Club meeting
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Book Description from Amazon
Publication Date: January 1, 1935
What does one need to know about politics? In some ways, Nock has summed it all up in this astonishing book, the influence of which has grown every year since its publication. Nock was a prominent essayist at the height of the New Deal. In 1935, hardly any public intellectuals were making much sense at all. They pushed socialism. They pushed fascism. Everyone had a plan. Hardly anyone considered the possibility that the state was not fixing society but destroying it bit by bit. And so Albert Jay Nock came forward to write what needed to be written. And he ended up penning a classic of American political commentary, one that absolutely must be read by every student of economics and government.
One realizes many important points about Nock when reading this. First, he was brilliant, original, and courageous. Second, he hated politics -- indeed he hated politics so much that he wanted a society that was completely free of it. This is why he is often described as anarchist. Third, he surely was one of the great stylists of the English language in the history of 20th century writing. Those who have read Nock know that there is something about his writing that tugs very deeply on one's conscience and soul. This book will linger in your mind as you read the daily headlines. He makes his points so well that they become unforgettable.
MSNBC's Matthews claims it's unconstitutional for Romney to challenge Obama |
The new October 25, 2012 Farmers Market Commission meeting agenda is now available. You can find the agenda at the link:
Farmers Market Commission Agenda
The Farmers Market Commission is one of the Metro agencies in need of a citizen watchdog. This agency has been plagued by mismanagement and waste. I wish a citizen who can understand financial spread sheets and budgets would regularly attend the farmers market meetings.
The Boston Herald's endorsement is strong and unequivocal. Here are some excerpts:
Four years ago the voters put their faith in a man who offered vague promises of hope and change at a time when any change looked like a good idea and hope was in short supply.To read the entire editorial follow this link.
What this nation got in Barack Obama was a president who used an economic crisis to further his redistributionist agenda — and, not surprisingly, failed miserably at restoring American prosperity. Oh, he brought change all right — to a government-knows-best philosophy that has given us four years of high unemployment, higher gas prices, a $16 trillion deficit, and a job-killing regulatory environment.
.....this nation can’t afford four more years of Barack Obama, four more years of his divisive class warfare rhetoric, four more years of his Chicago-style eco-cronyism and four more years of an administration that will lie and obfuscate — even about the death of a U.S. ambassador — to save its sorry hide.
During the last four years the world has become a more dangerous place. We can’t afford four more years of a leadership vacuum.
I again watched the debate at a debate watch party at the Republican Party storefront office in Green Hills.
In my view, the debate was a tie or maybe a slight win for Romney. Romney appeared calm and collected: Obama appeared contemptuous and irritated. I think Romney made no mistakes that would detour the momentum of the campaign and Obama was not reassuring and was not able to paint Romney as reckless or adventurous in foreign policy.
I thought a high point for President Obama was when he dismissed Romney's charge that we have fewer Navy ships than we did in 1917. I or course, do not know what the correct number of ships are that we need but I thought Obama's logic was valid. In a different era when troops can be ferried by air to trouble spots around the world, we may not need as many ships as at some point in the past.
I thought a high point for Romney was when he described President Obama's Apology tour of the Mid-East.
....the reason I call it an apology tour is because you went to the Middle East and you flew to Egypt and to Saudi Arabia and to Turkey and Iraq. And by the way, you skipped Israel, our closest friend in the region, but you went to the other nations.
And by the way, they noticed that you skipped Israel. And then in those nations, and on Arabic TV, you said that America had been dismissive and derisive. You said that on occasion America had dictated to other nations.
Mr. President, America has not dictated to other nations. We have freed other nations from dictators.
Former Florida Democrat Party Executive Director Dumps Obama For Romney
Nashville, TN- Dr. Steve Dickerson, candidate for State Senate in District 20, announces today that Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey will campaign on his behalf this Thursday, October 25th.
The campaign releases the following schedule that Dr. Dickerson and Lt. Gov. Ramsey will follow:
2:15pm-4:05pm: Early Vote Rally in Bellevue- Bellevue Community Center 656 Colice Jeane Road
• Join Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey and Dr. Steve Dickerson at 3:10pm, as Steve cast his vote!
4:25pm-5:05pm: Green Hills GOP HQ- 4108 Hillsboro Road (Across from Green Hills Mall)
• Meet and greet with volunteers. Join as Dr. Dickerson and Lt. Gov. Ramsey make phone calls into Senate District 20 on behalf of Steve.
5:30pm- till: Middle Tennessee Conservative Meeting- Logan’s 2400 Elliston Place
• Lt. Gov. Ramsey will be the guest speaker at their monthly meeting. Dr. Dickerson will be in attendance with him.
Steve Dickerson is a practicing physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates. Dickerson attended the University of the South in Sewanee graduating with a B.A. in History. He then received his medical degree at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Steve Dickerson has been married to his wife Katrina for 19 years and they have three sons, Reid, Evan, and Bennett.
For more information about the Steve Dickerson campaign or to schedule an interview with Dr. Dickerson contact: 615-519-1896 or visit
Brad Staats today announced that he is inviting Rep. Jim Cooper (D), Nashville to join him in a discussion of the issues on the Steve Gill Show. “Jim Cooper has flown under the policy radar for too long and it is time for him to surface and defend his liberal voting record,” said Staats. “Jim is out of touch with the people of the 5th District and they need to know how far left he is of their principles.”
Cooper has represented the 5th District for XX terms and has never faced a serious challenge since replacing Bob Clement. Staats continued, “Though called the “Jackson District” for former President Andrew Jackson, Jackson would not recognize the policy positions of Jim Cooper as being anyway related to his political heritage. Jackson was a fierce policy Conservative, being one of the biggest opponents in his day to the National Bank, an entity he felt was a federal overreach.”
“Jim Cooper has carried Barack Obama’s water for four long years and the 5th District is drowning in it. He needs to come out and publicly defend his voting record. Our current economic malaise is directly related to Democrat Party control over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their refusal to rein them in after they took control of Congress in 2009. Jim was ‘missing in action’ on these issues and the 5th District is paying the price. He should come out and defend his record.”
Brad Staats is a private businessman in Nashville and the Republican candidate for the 5th District Congressional Seat including Davidson County, Dickson County and southern Cheatham County. You can find out more about Brad Staats at or on Facebook.
I have wondered why the rapid escalation of government printing of money (quantitative easing 1, 2 and 3) has not led to inflation, which has been minimal for the last few years. If you have wondered the same thing, here is the answer.
At about the same rate the Fed has been increasing the money supply, dollars have left the country in the form of balance of trade deficits and and interest paid on the national debt. So, despite the increase in the money supply of about $470 billion a year for the last few year, the amount of money in circulation in America has not significantly increased. We are not experiencing too many dollars chasing too few goods. As long was we continue to be the tallest midget in the room, we can keep doing this. That is, as long as foreign nations use the US dollar as the worlds reserve currency we are OK. If however, the Chinese or Saudis were to dump their dollars, we would be up the creek. This policy of perpetual quantitative easing is not without risk. The more we do it, the greater the likelihood that a day of reckoning is coming. To learn more follow this link.
There is certainly much that is wrong with the health care system in America, mainly it is too costly and too many people are uninsured. We need drastic reform, but not a government takeover as provided in Obamacare and not a single-payer or fully nationalized system as many critics advocate. We need sensible reforms that will let market forces bring down cost and expand coverage.
During the debate over Obamacare, not only were the shortcoming of America's health care system publicized but a lot of false information was discriminated to make it appear that by international standards American health care is much worse than it is.
The next time you are having a discussion with a liberal who starts demonizing American health care and holds up the British National Health Service as a model that should be emulated by America, here is a fact to repudiate their argument: NHS death rates four times higher than US. Or, you could present it this way: The most seriously ill NHS patients were seven times more likely to die than their American counterparts.
This information is the result of a joint research project conducted by University College London and Columbia University in New York which will be published in medical journals later this year and was reported in the London Daily Mail.