Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is ACORN?

The Washington Times, Editorial, Friday, October 10, 2008 - The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, better known as ACORN, is under investigation by state and federal authorities for its voter registration drives. Allegations are that ACORN's get-out-the-vote efforts have produced thousands of fraudulent registrations. The probes are encouraging; America wouldn't be in position to criticize other nations of ballot-stuffing if it permits the same at home. What's most encouraging, though, is that House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio is calling for ACORN to be defunded. "The latest allegations of voter registration fraud by ACORN are further evidence that this group cannot be trusted with another dollar of the taxpayers' money," he said.

ACORN helped make the term "affordable housing" a Washington staple. So as the roots of the financial crisis are laid bare, take a hard look at ACORN. (Read More)

ACORN members should be aggressively prosecuted for the massive fraudulent voter registrations they have conducted and all federal funding for the organization should immediately be suspended. The IRS should investigate the organization to determine if they have violated the terms of their tax except status. They should be investigated to see if they violated the RICO Act. This organization is a threat to our democracy and the concept of fair and honest elections. Obama's ties to this corrupt organization is alarming.

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Cnn's Report: ACORN and Massive Voter Fraud


Please view the above news report from CNN. This is unreal. We are witnessing massive, massive voter fraud conducted by ACORN on behalf of Obama. This election may very well be stolen.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

CNN's Report: Obama is lying about William Ayers Relationship

When challenged about his relationship with unrepentant American terrorist Bill Ayers, Obama dismissed Ayers as “a guy in the neighborhood” and someone he served on the board of a charitable organizations with.

In this CNN report, Anderson Cooper fact-checks Barack Obama’s claim to have barely known William Ayers and calls it dishonest.

Bill Ayers fought to bring a 50 million dollar education project to Chicago and recruited Obama to chair the project. For seven years Ayers and Obama worked together on this project. The Annenberg Challenge which Obama chaired, instead of giving money directly to schools, funded “external partners” which were often radical community groups that promoted “alternative” schools. Among the groups Obama funded was Ayers's Small Schools Project that provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund schools with an ideological curriculum.

Obama and Ayers also served together on a second charitable foundation, The Woods Fund, which funded Jeremiah Wrights church and a community center where Michelle Obama worked. In 1995, Obama’s political career was launched at a political coming out party at the home of Bill Ayers and Benadine Dohrn.

Ayers and Obama’s relationship was certainly deeper than a casual acquaintance with “some guy in the neighborhood.”

It is beyond me to see how anyone could support for President of the United States someone who has a close relationship with an unrepentant terrorist.

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Who is financing Obama's campaign?

Obama money from abroad could total $3.3 million

Tue Oct 7, 9:13 PM ET WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has raised about $3.3 million from contributors who did not list a home state....(link)

Secret, Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign

Monday, September 29, 2008 9:23 PMBy: Kenneth R. Timmerman - More than half of the whopping $426.9 million Barack Obama has raised has come from small donors whose names the Obama campaign won't disclose. And questions have arisen about millions more in foreign donations the Obama campaign has received that apparently have not been vetted as legitimate. (link)


Is Obama bought and paid for? If so, by whom? Where is the transparency? It is scary to think that the man who may be our next President financed his campaign with over $200 million from unknown donors. $200 million dollars is a lot money! We have no idea who is contributing to his campaign or why. We do know that many of those donors were most likely foreign nationals.

Public financing of campaigns used to be favored by liberals, yet Obama refused to a accept public funding and the restrictions that go along with it. There is an argument to be made that restrictions on campaign giving and spending is a restriction on our first amendment free speech rights, yet all should agree that transparency is important. All of us should be concerned if foreign interest are financing a candidates presidential campaign. The public should know where the money is coming from. We should expect full disclosure. Why will Obama not disclose who is financing his campaign?

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Do Democrats want to destroy our democracy?

“We oppose laws that require identification in order to vote or register to vote.
2008 Democratic Party Platform, page 56, read it here.

This above link is to the official Democratic Web site. Check it out! I am not making this up. I am not taking this out of context. This is unbelievable!

What are Decorates thinking? How could this plank make it into the party’s platform? This may be the most radical plank ever in any major party’s platform. What would happen it there were no laws requiring identification to register to vote or to cast a vote? Dead people would vote. Illegal aliens would vote. Underage people would vote. Some people would go from polling place to polling place and vote again and again and again. With early voting, the same individual could vote literally dozens, if not hundreds, of times. Caravan of voter would travel from “safe” states to go to battleground states to vote. Massive numbers of people would be bussed from states with few electoral votes to states with large numbers of electoral votes to cast their vote. This would spell the end of our democracy. Do Democrats want to destroy our democracy?

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Obama and his Slumlord Patron

April 23, 2007, BY TIM NOVAK Staff Reporter, Chicago Suntimes

For more than five weeks during the brutal winter of 1997, tenants shivered without heat in a government-subsidized apartment building on Chicago's South Side.

It was just four years after the landlords -- Antoin "Tony'' Rezko and his partner Daniel Mahru -- had rehabbed the 31-unit building in Englewood with a loan from Chicago taxpayers. (read more)


I do not understand why the press is letting Obama get by with portraying himself as a champion of the poor and downtrodden when in fact Obama served as the lawyer representing the corrupt slumlord Tony Rezko who victimized the poorest of the poor.

The press has lightly reported on the sweetheart real estate deal between Rezko and Obama, but the relationship between Obama and Rezko go far beyond the real estate transaction that allowed Obama to purchase his mansion at a favorable price. The more important story is how Rezko enriched himself at the expense of the poor of Chicago while Obama served as an attorney representing this despicable piece of human waste. While Rezko could not find the money to turn the heat on in his apartment buildings, Rezko gave $1000 in a campaign contribution to Obama and raised thousands more.

The 17 year friendship between Rezko and Obama is worthy of being a campaign issue. Not only did Rezko leave his tenants shivering in the cold of the windy city but he defrauded the tax payers out of millions of dollars. This story needs to be told.

Is this the kind of change Obama will bring to Washington? Is the the kind of change we can believe in?

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Victory for Music Row Entrepreneur Joy Ford In Nashville Eminent Domain Dispute

Ford Keeps Her Building & Gets More Land, Conflict Settled through Private Negotiation, Not Government Force

Institute for Justice, October 1, 2008

Eminent domain will not be used against Nashville music entrepreneur Joy Ford in a hotly contested battle about the abuse of government for a developer’s private gain. In an agreement signed Tuesday night, September 30, Ford, who has fought eminent domain since June of this year, keeps both her building and obtains more land adjacent to her building along Nashville’s storied Music Row while agreeing to give up land behind her office. (link)

Landowner Ford stays put as Music Row standoff ends

By CHAS SISK Staff Writer, The Tennessean, October 2, 2008

A $70 million Music Row project has cleared a major obstacle after the developer and city officials reached a high-profile compromise with landowner Joy Ford on Wednesday that saves her business from the bulldozer.

"I'm so elated this is over," Ford said. "This is not about money and material things. If you spend a day or a hundred years of creating something that rightfully belongs to you, it's wrong for somebody to take it." (link)

Music Row holdout saves her memories

By GAIL KERR, The Tennessean, October 2, 2008

They said she was an obstructionist. Greedy. Stubborn. Stupid. And yes, even the "b" word.
But Joy Ford would not budge. Not because she is any of those things, but because Country International Records, humble and dated as some may see it, is hers.

The saga of big and powerful people trying to take Joy's land is over. The two sides forged a compromise with a simple land trade.

That is good for the developers, good for Music Row and good for Joy Ford. But developers and city officials who help them should walk away from this with a lesson learned: Some people can't be bought. (link)


Finally this story has come to an end. Joy Ford stays put. Standing up to the city's closing of an alley which made it difficult for tour buses to park behind her building, facing the threat of condemnation, and rejecting large offers of money, Joy Ford refused to budge.

Joy had a lot of help in her David-versus-Goliath battle. Local radio conservative talk show host Phil Valentine took up her cause. The Tennessean, which usually can be counted upon to take a liberal position on any issue, came to the defense of Joy Ford with sympathetic news stories and pro Ford opinion pieces by Gail Kerr. Bloggers and chatters took up her cause. While there was never a public demonstration, if this case would have gone on, I believe a lot of people would have turned out to demonstrate on her behalf. I know, I would have. One organization that received little public mention but that fought her legal battles was The Institute for Justice.

Although this case is over, we should not allow this to happen to anyone else. The right of condemnation should be restricted to a true public purpose. Simply because a property is in the way of a redevelopment plan, the city should not be able to take the land through condemnation. The state legislature needs to redefine what constitutes "blight." In any normal use of the term, Joy Ford's property was not blighted. The Metro Council needs to take away from the Metro Development and Housing Agency the right to exercise eminent domain and all eminent domain condemnations should have to be voted on by the Council.
Ford achieved her victory but is not giving up the fight. She has pledging to work with other property owners and Metro and state legislators to stop eminent domain abuse saying, “I will not rest until eminent domain is stopped being used on behalf of private interests.”

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