Saturday, October 09, 2021

Nashville Fed Soc: Tennessee Redistricting - How Does It Work?

Tennessee Redistricting: How Does It Work? 
John Ryder Attorney at Harris Shelton PLLC 

Event Details 
Date: Monday, October 18th, 2021. 
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT 
Location: Hilton Nashville - Downtown 121 4th Ave S Nashville, TN 37201 

CLE credit will be available. 
Paid parking is available on site and free parking is available in the surrounding area.

To RSVP: Click Here 

Price: $15 (members), $30 (non-members) Includes lunch and refreshments Note: If you would like to pay with cash or check, please email Grant Starrett at 

About John 
John Ryder's practice is split between two divergent areas of law: commercial litigation and election law. He has significant experience representing secured lenders, unsecured creditors’ committees, trustees and debtors in the bankruptcy process. He has participated in a number of major bankruptcies including The Julien Companies (the largest bankruptcy ever filed in the Western District of Tennessee), Microwave Products, Wexner & Jacobson, Wang’s, XpertTune and Braniff, to name a few. Mr. Ryder has also served as Receiver for Beale Street Historic District, Avery Outdoors, Inc and First American Monetary Consultants. In addition, Mr. Ryder is knowledgeable in the area of election law, having represented clients in numerous cases involving redistricting matters and election contests, as well as defending clients before the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance. Currently, he is litigation counsel for the Shelby County Election Commission. He has taught Election Law as an Adjunct Professor at Vanderbilt University School of Law.

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Friday, October 08, 2021

K-12 funding formula (BEP) to be replaced with new student-focused approach

Gov. Bill Lee wants to change how Tennessee funds schools, taking aim at the formula used since 1992

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Metro Nashville Public Schools Host Mandatory Transgender Training For School Administrators


Read the story at this link

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Wednesday, October 06, 2021

From Tim Skow: 

TN State Attorney General
Herbert Slatery! 

1ST TUESDAY Members and Friends !

The news is finally GOOD NEWS ... and there is a fair amount of it !!

These days, one of the busiest men in ALL of Tennessee is TN State Attorney General Herbert Slatery!  

But, the first bit of GOOD NEWS is that AG Slatery has been able to adjust his schedule and has found he can make time on Thursday, October 21st to return to 1ST TUESDAY !! 

There are SLEW of topics and legal fights breaking these days involving the State of Tennessee, multiple States vs. the Federal Government, the Biden Administration and MORE on the immediate horizon that will impact your life and/or the lives of many you know !!!  The list includes, but is not limited to:

1] Public schools and our students - be it ..... Biden Admin trying to push schools to push agendas and masks on students ...... OR .... fallout from the State Legislature passing legislation to pull State funds from schools caught including the tenants of Critical Race Theory in classrooms,,, OR ... fights from heated School Board meetings? 
Can you say "LAW SUITS " ?? 

2] Redistricting legal actions coming - Democrats aim to hold all 10 of State House seats in Nashville. Dems say they plan to challenge the lines Republican draw for the State Legislature and the 5th District Congressional seat. 
Can you say "LAW SUITS to follow" ?? 

 3] FACEBOOK .... Anyone see TN Senator Marsha Blackburn grilling the Big Tech Executives this year? Word is that multiple States are teeing up to sue Facebook on variety of counts seeking damages. Guess who will do that? 
Can you say "LAW SUITS to follow" ?? 


I promise that 1ST TUESDAY is going to be ZESTY !!

As has been the case since Covid-19 hit, we will meet at Brentwood's LUDLOW & PRIME [ 330 Franklin Road 
Doors open at 11AM. Lunch will be served at 11:30 with Programs starting at Noon. Q&A ends at 1:00PM sharp.

Lunch is $25 for Members and $30 for Guests. Please visit the following link / shopping cart to secure seating for you and Guests. Feel free to share this event with others! We expect this to be a VERY popular event !!!

NOW ... about our 1ST TUESDAY website and most importantly our website shopping cart.

In short, we have finally be able to determine that it is NOT me, nor is it 1ST TUESDAY who owns our website!! Technically, it is our website designer still showing on the records as "the official owner" of our 1ST TUESDAY website according to the WIX platform the website is built on. Once our site was operational, she then pointed all transactions via our website for lunches, dues and more through card processing firm named STRIPE. 
[ a large firm with HQ in California that ONLY communicates via email ]

After over 2 years of flawless operations, our dozens of credit card transaction for August event never landed in our 1ST TUESDAY bank account !! Neither WIX nor STRIPE recognize me or acknowledge to know our bank or anyone other than the lady who originated our 1ST TUESDAY website. 

She now refuses to assist. We have since learned she has torpedoed other clients she built websites for as well.
We are still trying to figure out if there is some way to rehabilitate the website and shopping cart. But for the short term, 1ST TUESDAY invites and link to our NEW Shopping Cart [ that we control ] will be coming to you via EMAIL, Facebook invites and other sources, but prepayments for lunch will be with this embedded link till further notice.

Thanks for ALL so many of you continue to do to support 1ST TUESDAY !!
We look forward to having you on Thursday, OCT 21st with Tennessee State AG Herb Slatery !!!

Looking forward to seeing you at LUDLOW & PRIME !!

Tim Skow

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U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) along with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter to President Biden urging him to tell the massive migrant caravan approaching our southern border, “You must turn around.”

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Metro Council votes to indefinitely defer bill on indoor mask mandate

Metro Council votes to indefinitely defer bill on indoor mask mandate. "Councilmember Joy Styles moved to defer the bill and did not give a reason why. Her motion was met with cheers from those in attendance."

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Joe Biden's socialist agenda is about tearing down this country, says Marsha Blackburn


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Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Tennessee is the 6th most financially healthy state in the nation.

by Rod Williams, Oct. 4, 2021 - Truth in Accounting has released its twelfth annual Financial State of the States report, a nationwide analysis of the most recent state government financial information. This comprehensive analysis surveys the fiscal health of the 50 states during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Despite receiving federal assistance from the CARES Act and other COVID-19 related grants, the majority of states’ finances worsened. Total debt among the 50 states amounted to $1.5 trillion at the end of the fiscal year 2020.

In a ranking of the states from best to worst, Tennesee ranks sixth most financially healthy state in the nation. The top five, which TIA calls "sunshine states"  are number 1. Alaska, 2. North Dakota, 3. Wyoming, 4. Utah, and 5. South Dakota. 

The five worst, what TIA calls "sinkhole states are number 45. Delaware, 46. Hawaii, 47. Massachusetts, 48. Illinois, 49.New Jersey, and the absolute worst at number 50. is Connecticut.  We often hear so much about how mismanaged California is. TIA ranks them as number 42 best. The neighboring state of Kentucky is 44th best.  

Below is what the report says about Tennesee.


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Monday, October 04, 2021

Mark Green's Old Fashioned Fish Fry, Oct. 16, 2021

 Order tickets at this link

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Sunday, October 03, 2021



Watch out! I think he may be a white supremacist! 

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn rebukes President Biden for participation in Black anti-White, anti-police conference.

The Spectator - Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Rep. Matt Gaetz are rebuking President Joe Biden for his participation in a conference that elevated anti-white and anti-police rhetoric. .... Biden delivered the opening address at the Root Institute 2021,  ... panelists espoused prejudiced ideas against white people and condemned policing. ... called white people ‘corrupt’, ‘morally and spiritually bankrupt’ and ‘committed to being villains’, .... said that police ‘actively make our communities less safe’ and that their primary goal is to control and oppress black people.

Sen. Blackburn commented that Biden’s decision to speak at the conference betrayed his alleged desire for national unity. ‘President Biden made the decision to not only attend, but speak at an event that was filled with discriminatory and anti-police rhetoric,’ (link)

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Justin Owen
SPN press release - At the Annual Awards Dinner and Presentation, a highlight of SPN’s 29th Annual Meeting, State Policy Network honored Justin Owen of the Beacon Center of Tennessee with the 2021 Thomas A. Roe Award. 

Named after State Policy Network’s founder, Thomas A. Roe, the award pays tribute to those in the state public policy movement whose achievements have greatly advanced free-market philosophy and policy solutions. It recognizes leadership, innovation, and accomplishment in public policy. 

A native Tennessean, Justin started his career as an intern at the Beacon Center, left to pursue a law degree, and returned to Beacon as a policy director—to later lead the organization as president and CEO in 2010. 

Justin’s focus on community outreach and relationship building lays the groundwork for Beacon’s policy wins 

Early on in his career, Justin recognized the importance of building relationships in order to advance meaningful policy reforms. Engaging with the community not only gives you allies and partners, it allows you to have a deeper understanding of policies that need reform and the people affected by those policies. With Justin’s guidance, Beacon became more intentional about building relationships with the people they serve. Thanks to this focus, Beacon has seen several policy wins and succeeded in making policy reform a community effort—one that involves the people whose lives and opportunities will benefit the most from positive change. 

One of those wins helped hundreds of women more easily earn a living and provide for their families. In 2019, Beacon befriended local hair braiders who faced burdensome licensing fees and requirements in order to start their business. Beacon partnered with these women to pass the “Hair Braiding Freedom Act,” legislation that removes the licensing requirement to braid hair. Since the law passed, hundreds of new hair braiders have been able to find work and serve their communities. 

The ability to connect with fellow Tennesseans is ingrained in Justin since he can often relate to the people Beacon is working to help. He knows what it’s like to struggle, having grown up on a rural farm with a single mom on welfare. “To talk and spend time with the people we work with is by far the most rewarding part of my job,” said Justin. Justin believes that people will flourish if government barriers are out of their way. It’s this belief that drives Justin and the rest of the Beacon team to eliminate those barriers so all Tennesseans can flourish. 

A leader who reaches across the aisle to find solutions 

As president and CEO of the Beacon Center, Justin has also stressed the importance of building coalitions to reach policy goals—even with non-traditional allies. This mentality brought the Beacon Center and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) together to reform Tennessee’s criminal justice system and civil asset forfeiture laws. 

Justin looks beyond partisan politics to find solutions to the problems ailing the state—and this attitude is yielding great returns for not only the Beacon Center, but the state of Tennessee. Under his strong leadership, the organization has quadrupled their budget and secured several important policy wins for Tennessee families. These wins include passing Tennessee’s first ever school choice program, repealing an income tax that saved taxpayers $300 million per year, and protecting right-to-work in the state constitution. Justin and his team at the Beacon Center are making Tennessee one of the best states to live and work, and the rest of the country is taking note.

Beacon’s success can serve as a model for other states. After receiving the Roe Award, Justin remarked: “It is the honor of my career to receive the Roe Award. SPN has been a major influence in my life and an even bigger influence on Beacon’s record of success in improving the lives of Tennesseans. It means so much to me to receive an award named after SPN’s founder and the visionary of our thriving network. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.” 

Congratulations, Justin! It is inspiring to see your leadership and dedication to improving lives in Tennessee.

Rod's Comment:  Congratulations! Well deserved. 

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