Sunday, October 03, 2021

Sen. Marsha Blackburn rebukes President Biden for participation in Black anti-White, anti-police conference.

The Spectator - Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Rep. Matt Gaetz are rebuking President Joe Biden for his participation in a conference that elevated anti-white and anti-police rhetoric. .... Biden delivered the opening address at the Root Institute 2021,  ... panelists espoused prejudiced ideas against white people and condemned policing. ... called white people ‘corrupt’, ‘morally and spiritually bankrupt’ and ‘committed to being villains’, .... said that police ‘actively make our communities less safe’ and that their primary goal is to control and oppress black people.

Sen. Blackburn commented that Biden’s decision to speak at the conference betrayed his alleged desire for national unity. ‘President Biden made the decision to not only attend, but speak at an event that was filled with discriminatory and anti-police rhetoric,’ (link)

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