Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fire Department Budget Hearing: They want $2.3 million more. more money.

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Fire Department Budget Hearing
Fire Chief Steve  Halford make the presentation.

New fire stations have opened in the last year. If the department was to have a 2% reduction, we would have to have a reduction of 31 personnel.  This would result in the elimination of 2 of the current 35 fire companies. This would result a reduction in response time. The Department this year had a Department of Homeland Security grant called a "safer grant" which allowed, along with some existing vacancies, the department to train hire and field 63 new firefighters and emergency medical technicians. We need to make up with local funds the loss of this one-time grant. The bottom line? The Chief list several line item "budget modifications" that total to a $2.3 million additional budget request.

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Police Department Budget Hearing: Police wants $8.2 million of new money.

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Police Department Hearing summary
Chief Anderson represents the Department.

This is one of the longest of the budget hearings, running 44 minutes, however the first 10 minutes is a budget overview and introduction from Mayor Dean. Homicides are down, the lowest in 45 years. The Federal "Cops" grant which added 50 officers to the force expires this year and local funded will have to be provided to keep those officers on the force. That is a commitment we have made and a commitment we plan to keep, says the Mayor. We have expanded the number of police precincts and when the 12th Ave South prescient opens, we will be up to 8 precincts. Additional funding will be needed to fund the new DNA crime lab. A 2% decrease in funding would result in reducing the number of police by 57. "From my position," says the Mayor, "there is no going back."  Anderson says he is asking for $1.3 million to hire 20 crime lab scientist. The potential exist for our crime lab to work over 1000 DNA cases a year. Bottom line? The Police Department wants an additional $8.2 million.

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Corker Says Health Care Law is Going to Drive Up Costs, Will Need to be Replaced

As the Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the president's health care law, Senator Corker said the law is going to drive up health care costs and will have to be replaced with "common sense" legislation that "fits these times, fits the American people, allows the freedom and choice that American people are accustomed to" and is "fiscally sound.

Senator Corker explains that regardless of the outcome of the Supreme Court decision regarding Obamacare, the Senate must put in place a different piece of legislation. He explains how Obamacare mandates massive cost to the State, and how the bill will incentivize a mass exodus of people off of employer provided health care plans to government subsidized health care and will drive up the cost of health care. "There is no way that the projections that were laid out as to what the cost of this bill was going to be, are going to be what the actual cost are."

I would hope that Senator Corker and his Republican colleagues and the Republican nominee for President would come up with a specific list of proposed legislative changes that would be a plan for real health care reforms. Simply saying "no" to Obamacare is not enough. Something is terribly wrong with the way health care is provided in this county. To just say we have the best health care system in the world and to pretend the status quo is OK, is not true and is not something the American people will buy. My fear is that if we do not come up with a Republican alternative health care reform plan, cost will continue to spiral out of control, more and more people will be without insurance and in frustration the American people will accept a system even more radical than Obamacare.

I feel certain there will be movement on health care in one direction or the other. We must have health care reform, but we need reform toward more individual choice, empowerment of the individual, less government control, and a system that uses market forces to contain cost and expand coverage. The Republican proposal should be a ten-point program, or some such set of number of concrete proposals, that would actually lower cost and expand coverage. I don't know all of what should be in a plan, but these are starting points: (1) allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines, much like auto insurance is sold (2) allow reimportation of drugs from Canada and elsewhere, (3) allow individuals the same deduction for buying insurance that employers get for providing insurance, (4) tort reform, (5) incentivize medical tourism, (6) remove barriers to private sector companies such as Medibid that create a direct market for medical procedures and services, (7) require, where possible, that Medicare and Medicaid use competitive practices to purchase health care for medicare and medicaid recipients. There are other proposals, but this is a start. The Republicans need to aggressively push for replacing Obamacare, not just undoing Obamacare.

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Carl Boyd, Jr: Another Voice Joins the Conservative Chorus

Carl Boyd, Jr. Brings “Nothing But The Truth” to Radio

Nashville, TN --- A new voice joins the airwaves with Carl Boyd, Jr. bringing his “Nothing But The Truth” radio show to Supertalk 99.7 WTN. The station already boasts personalities including Ralph Bristol, Michael Delgiorno and Phil Valentine.
“After much prayer, we have decided to accept the offer to carry our brand of conservatism to the number one local news talk station in the city of Nashville,” Boyd says. “We are very excited about the opportunity. The station is a good fit for us and I am very grateful to WTN’s Tim Meagher and Brian Wilson for the opportunity.”
A Tennessee State University communications graduate, Carl Boyd, Jr. is currently pursuing a graduate degree at TSU’s College of Public Service and Urban Affairs. Boyd launched his radio career on the campus of Tennessee State University on WTST campus radio. Inspired by the likes of Bill O’Reilly, Anderson Cooper and Tom Brokaw, Carl was driven to serve his community and offer to the best of his ability, the truth.
Boyd is the self-proclaimed independent Conservative voice of the people. As Boyd explains, “My mission is to inform taxpayers of elected officials’ decisions, hold them accountable, and make the listener aware of the political bias that surrounds them.”
Boyd has interviewed local, state, and federal government officials including Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, U.S. Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, and State Representative Brenda Gilmore. His show gained notoriety when Boyd uncovered facts on a controversial issue surrounding the city of Nashville, and when he appeared as a guest on This Week with Bob Mueller on the Nashville ABC affiliate.
An ordained preacher, Boyd attended American Baptist College and Immanuel Bible College. He calls himself an African American Independent Christian Conservative who believes in standing with the word of God on social issues without wavering.
“Nothing But The Truth” launches on Easter Sunday, April 8 from 6 – 9 a.m. and on Sunday, May 6th moves to the 3 – 6 p.m. slot, replacing Laura Ingraham.
For more information, visit

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Update: What to look for at the April 3rd Council meeting

You can get your own copy of the Metro council meeting agenda at this link: Agenda. The agenda also links to the analysis. Council meetings can be really, really boring if you don't know what the Council is voting on. With an agenda and analysis, they are just really boring.

As per a tweet from Michael Cass, "Council agenda includes appointment of attorney Brock Parks to Beer Permit Board. Parks lost close race for council District 26 last year." Chris Harmon is the Council Member currently serving his first term in District 26. He won his race against Parks in a squeaker winning 50.3% of the vote. It seems like a slap in the face to a sitting council member to appoint a defeated challenger to a board or commission. The Mayor recently appointed Ana Page, who was defeated by Tony Tenpenny, to a position on the MDHA board.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-118 sponsored by Council Members Clairborne, McGuire and Tygard is the Gaylord-Dollywood Snow-Splash Park subsidy bill. It gives a 60 percent property tax break to Gaylord-Dollywood for developing the park. This should generate some good discussion and should be controversial. To learn more see the Metro Staff Analysis and read here and here and here.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-121 by CM Karen Johnson amends the “passenger vehicle for hire” regulations in the Metropolitan code to exclude shuttle vans that solely provide transportation to and from a parking facility and the airport. This is probably just a housekeeping measure and will generate no controversy and looks like a good bill, but since Metro is facing a lawsuit for its vehicle for hire price fixing and because the city has conspired to restrict competition in the limo and taxi business, any bill concerning taxis, limos or shuttle services should be watched very carefully.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-116 by Council Members Sean McGuire, Fabian Bedne, Ronnie Steine, and Karen Johnson, on third reading, is the HCA tax give break bill. This deal would give 100% tax abatement for the first five years, and a 50% abatement for the next five years on a new regional data center being built in Antioch. This will probably sail right through without debate. The bill was approved by the Budget and Finance Committee and passed on second reading by a voice vote. Two council members were recorded as abstaining but none requested they be recorded as voting "no."

There are a couple other bills (BL2012-115, smoking ban extension and BL2012-92, a property rights expansion) which I though would generate some opposition when they were on second reading, but they did not, so I would not expect them to be opposed on third reading.

Other than the Gaylord-Dollywood Snow-Splash Park tax giveaway bill, there is nothing on the agenda that will likely generate controversy.

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Davidson County Sheriff's Office Budget Hearing

Watch the video
Summary of the Sheriff's Department budget hearings.

Daron Hall makes the budget presentation. He says the Sheriff's Department will be within budget this year and will be for the coming year. He can live with the 2% budget cut.  He has managed cuts well. The personnel turn over rate is one of the lowest in the county which saves a lot of money. The Department has one of the lowest overtime rates in Metro government and one of the lowest overtime rates of any sheriff's department in the Country. We have some 1100 empty beds in our system. (There was a time in the past when we had jail overcrowding.) This saves a lot of money. The staffing ratios are within standards due to the decrease in inmates. One whole building that can house 300 inmates is closed. He is looking at taking inmates from other counties for a fee or leasing an empty building to a for-profit corrections company that would use the building to house state juvenile offenders.

The 287G program (illegal immigrant deportation program)  is one of the reasons for the decrease in inmate population. Only 2% of those arrested under 287G are rearrested anywhere.

A program called "transition from jail to community" is credited with reducing recidivism. Nashville is only one of six jurisdictions in the country that has this program and Nashville's has been the best of those. Nashville's program is recognized as the "best practices" model. Cooperation between various elements in the criminal justice community and non-profits has made this program successful.

It is my view that we are fortunate to have Daron Hall as our Sheriff and it is my impression that he is doing a good job.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Fairgrounds Master Plan notice from Ann Hammond (Planning)

To those who have participated in prior studies of the Tennessee State
Fairgrounds and surrounding area:

Attached you will find a preview of the process to create the Fairgrounds Master Plan, as directed by Metro Council.  I will let you know by follow-up email when the consultants begin work and the dedicated web page is launched.  You will find additional information in the attached memo.

Please let me know if you have any questions at this time.

Best Regards,

Ann Hammond

Metro Planning Department

  Memo Stakeholders FMP initiation.pdf
48K View Download

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State House Candidate Charles Williamson to post $100,000 Campaign Fund

First Quarter is Rock Solid for Geologist/Rancher

100_6264.JPGNASHVILLE, TN. – Charles Williamson is a small business owner of more than 20 years, a Registered Professional Geologist and a rancher with a herd of American Bison located right in Davidson County. He’s also the Republican candidate for the State House in District 50 and is set to release a rock solid first quarter filing.

“I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response I’ve received since announcing my candidacy,” Williamson says. “These are tough economic times and I am honored by the people who have so willingly stepped up early to support this campaign. I promise you, this campaign is not for me. It’s for the people of District 50 and I appreciate their confidence.”
Williamson, the first candidate qualified and certified for the Republican primary, is set to report more than $100,000 raised in the first quarter according to Campaign Treasurer, Tom S. Battle. 
State law requires that each candidate file quarterly reports of all campaign contributions and expenditures. The first filing is due by April 10. First quarter campaign financial disclosures cover the period of January 16, 2012 through March 31, 2012.

Charles Williamson is President/Geologist, Geotechnical & Environmental Service, Inc. He was formerly Geologist/Regional Manager of Sauls Blasting Engineers, Inc. and Assistant Engineering Geologist, Bhate Engineering Corporation. Williamson owns and operates a bison farm in Goodlettsville, raising buffalo for more than 20 years.

For more information about the Charles Williamson campaign or to schedule an interview, contact 615-830-1981.

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Ken Jakes on the Fairground budget Request: Maybe we should look toward new management.

After watching the budget hearings for the State Fairgrounds and learning that the Fairgrounds was asking for a $245,000 subsidy, I asked Ken Jakes for his thoughts. This is the response from Ken:

Something just doesn't seem right.

How on earth could the Fairgrounds be paid for, take in all the events and revenues from those events, and now charge $ 5.00 for parking, and not be able to be self supporting ? Maybe instead of hiring a consulting company to tell the management how to run and operate the Fair Grounds, we should look toward acquiring New Management. Government is business and should be managed in a business format, other then one exception.

Business is in place to make money and Government is in place to serve the people. We need management in place that can make sound business decisions that will let our Fairgrounds be able to serve the people. It is my opinion that the Mayor, has never lost site of the Fairgrounds and would like for it to fail so it could go before the Council for redevelopment.
Ken Jakes is a citizen activist and frequent critic of Metro government. He is a former candidate for an at-large council seat and was a leader in the effort to save the State fairgrounds

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Budget Hearings: Fairgrounds wants $245,000

Metro’s first-ever fairgrounds subsidy key to facility’s future

Faced with thinning reserve funds, Tennessee State Fair Director Buck Dozier is hoping for $245,000 in Metro dollars to sustain operations, an allocation that would represent the city’s first-ever fairgrounds subsidy.

Revenue collected from fairgrounds events –– the annual state fair, auto-racing events and flea markets –– has historically provided the financial backing to run the city-owned fairgrounds. But Dozier told Mayor Karl Dean and his administration Monday that the fairgrounds would need to find a place within Metro’s operating budget to ensure its short-term welfare. read more
Watch the video
 Fair Board Budget Hearings summary: Buck Dozier, Director of the State Fair Board makes the budget presentation. Mr. Dozier says booth rents are up about $82,000, thanks in large part to the good weather. He says the policy of charging $5 for parking is generating revenue, "up $81,000."  The fair board now charges a parking fee for all events. There are 5000 parking spaces. The public has generally been accepting of the new fee for parking.  The flea market is going great. For every month of this year, attendance is up over the previous year. This was the best year for Christmas Village. The racing season looks good. Mr. Formosa has put together a good team. For the first time in a long time, all of the billboard spaces at the racetrack are sold. He has put together a good package. He is reaching out to the community to hear their concerns and establish good community relations. The reserve fund has  $724,781 in it. This current year we estimate we will use about $560,000 of the money in reserve. The previous year we used $898,000 out of reserves. With a $245,000 metro subsidy we estimate that next year we will end the year with $360,000 in reserves. Cost are exceeding revenue. We did not try to raise fees to the extend called for in the Maximus study. We just did not think that was possible. We raised fees as much as we thought we could get buy with. We are in competition with surrounding counties that would try to attract our vendors if we raise fees too high.

My View:  The city has never before subsidized the Fairground. Mr. Dozier makes a good argument that the Fair Board must have a subsidy explaining that they have been staying afloat by drawing down reserves. When the Council conducts their budget hearings, the Budget and Finance Committee should look long and hard at the Fairgrounds budget before going down the road of subsidizing the fairground.  If the current Fair Board can not make the fairgrounds operation break even, then maybe it is time for a new Director and management team. I cannot believe, that since the fairgrounds is paid for, that income cannot cover expenses. I would want to know, when was the last time the Fair Board was audited. Is the current management team committed to making the fairground a success or are they committed to having the fairgrounds fail so the city can dispose of the property?

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

State Senate Candidate Dickerson Set to Release over $200,000 Raised

Cashing in on Tremendous Support

Dr. Steve Dickerson
NASHVILLE, TN. - Dr. Steve Dickerson, the Republican candidate for the State Senate in District 20, is set to release a solid first quarter filing.

 “Since announcing my intentions to run, I have been humbled by the support I have received for my campaign for State Senate. As we all know our current economic situation is tough, therefore I have been truly touched by the amount of monetary support for my campaign,” said Dickerson.  “The tremendous outpouring of support has been a strong reminder of why I am running and I look forward to representing the constituents of this great district.”

Dr. Dickerson, the first candidate to enter the race for the Republican primary, is slated to report over 200,000 dollars raised in the first quarter alone. 

“I believe releasing such strong numbers shows great momentum for our campaign that we will continually build upon throughout the race.” Dickerson continued, “As a physician and small business owner I understand the importance of a strong financial backing, while these numbers show that we are off to a good start the campaign will continue to work tirelessly to greatly expand these numbers.”

Each candidate is required by State law to report all campaign contributions and expenditures each quarter, the first quarter filing is due by April 10th. The first quarter campaign financial disclosures cover the period of January 16, 2012 through March 31, 2012. 

Steve Dickerson is a practicing physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates. Dickerson attended the University of the South in Sewanee graduating with a B.A. in History. He then received his medical degree at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Steve Dickerson has been married to his wife Katrina for 19 years and they have three sons, Reid, Evan, and Bennett.

For more information about the Steve Dickerson campaign or to schedule an interview with Dr. Dickerson contact: 615-519-1896 or visit

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More budget hearings: Clerk and Master, Circuit Court Clerk, ITS,

The Clerk and Master's presentation is only 3:57 minutes long. The Clerk and Master's facebook page only has nine friends at this time. Delinquent tax collections are up.  Here is the video.

The Circuit Court Clerk budget is presented by Richard Rooker, the Circuit Court Clerk. People can  now pay fines online. The office is being more aggressive in collected fines and is more user friendly. Here is the video. The 2% cut would result in the loss of one full time employee plus some and would result in a decline in revenue collections. The number of tickets being written is way down resulting in loss of revenue from previous years. Here is the video.

Information Technology Services budget: This department reports it can live with the proposed 2% cut without a drastic reduction in services. This department produces all of the productions on the Metro Government Cable channel and produces the Metro YouTube videos and related information services. Here is the video.

Is this an essential government service? I would suggest this department sell advertising to help fund their service and rely on volunteers to do some of the work of this department. Maybe they could form a partnership with a University to use interns to produce the YouTube videos and man the cameras at the meetings they cover. While I watch the Government Channel and Metro YouTube videos, I think this department should be low priority for funding. Rather than raise taxes, this may be a luxury we cannot afford.  

Office of Internal Audit Budget Hearing: A 2% decrease would not devastate the department.  Here is the video.

More budget hearings that I have not yet reviewed can be found at these links. 
State Trial Courts Budget Hearing
Social Services Budget Hearing
Nashville Career Advancement Center Budget Hearing
Hospital Authority Budget Hearing
Metro Action Commission Budget Hearing


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Department of Finance Budget hearing

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The Department budget is presented by Budget Director Rich Reibling. The hearing is only 4 minutes long.  The city is doing more with less, we have solid fund balances and we have maintained a good credit rating. Refinance of bonds have saved money. Mr. Reibling presents a budget with a 2% decrease as requested and says this can be accomplished without employee lay-offs.

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