Rod's Comment:
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A right-leaning disgruntled Republican comments on the news of the day and any other thing he damn-well pleases.
by Rod Williams, Dec. 28, 2021 - New Year's Eve is right around the corner, the number one day of the year for people driving while intoxicated. Many of these people will be people who only occasionally drink and rarely get drunk, so they will not have developed good drunk driving skills.
This guide from the Rod Williams School of Drunk Driving is provided to help you improve your drunk driving skills or think about alternatives to drinking and driving.
(1) Don't Drive drunk. That is the number one tip: don't do it. Getting arrested for drunk driving is only one reason not to drive drunk. The most important reason is you could kill yourself or someone else. If you are lucky and don't kill someone else or yourself, getting arrested for drunk driving could cost you your job, your election, your social standing, custody of your children or visitation rights, a lot of money, and maybe your marriage.
If you overindulge, there are alternatives to driving drunk. Take a taxi, get a hotel room, call a friend or family member and ask them to come get you. If at a friend's house and you have had too much to drink, stay the night.
Use ride-sharing services like Lyft and Uber. These services are cheap, fast, and convenient. By now most people who live an active life have probably used one of these services. To use these services you page a ride using your phone. To do that you must first download an app. Don't wait until you're drunk to try to download the app. Here is a link to the Uber app.
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Rep. Bill Beck |
Stay safe. Don't drive drunk. Drive careful.
December 30, 2021, Metro Nashville press release -The MNPD strongly encourages Nashvillians to lock their automobile doors, secure any valuables---especially guns, and REMOVE THE KEYS.
So far this year, 1,287 guns have been stolen from vehicles in Nashville. More than 70% of ALL guns reported stolen in 2021 (1,825) were taken from vehicles. Last week, 27 guns were stolen from cars and trucks. Just yesterday, East Precinct community engagement officers recovered two guns in the possession of two male teens, ages 13 & 16. Both guns had been stolen from vehicles.
Going hand in hand with vehicle burglaries is vehicle theft. A review of last week’s stolen vehicle reports in Nashville shows that 70% of the automobiles taken (33 of 47) were easy targets because the keys were left inside or made available to thieves. Three of the 47 vehicles stolen were left running without the driver present.
Just like guns taken from vehicles, these stolen autos are also routinely involved in criminal activities, including carjackings and robberies.
by Rod Williams, Dec. 30, 2021- Charles Brooks, convicted in 2006 on state charges for voluntary
manslaughter, employed by Gideon's Army as a "violence interrupter," is facing four years in federal prison after pleading guilty to firearms charges as a result of his role in a shootout in a North Nashville public housing project in April of this year.The shoot-out occurred at the Cumberland View public housing project where Gideon's Army was supposedly working to end violence. This housing project has long had a reputation as one of the worst and is sometimes referred to as "Dodge City," or at least it used to be referred to by that name back some years ago when I working as a social worker in the area. My understanding is that it has continued to be a violent neighborhood. Gideon's Army had claimed it had completely eliminated violence in the neighborhood before the shoot-out involving their 'violence interrupter' occurred.
Gideon's Army is a favored political activist organization among Nashville's progressive elites. Despite exaggerating their success in ending violence and despite anti-White racism rhetoric and calling Meharry College president a "house nigger," the white-guilt-ridden progressive of our city love them. They have received city funding and their views are taken seriously. As this incident was unfolding the organization was mounting a public-relations campaign to get over $1 million in Metro funding included in the city's 2021-2022 budget for violence interruption. I will not be surprised if they still do not get funded.
The above story comes from Channel 5 reporting by Phil Williams. Thank you Phil Williams for bringing this to light. To see a video and read more follow this and this link.
Below is a previous blog post on Gideon's Army.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Gideon's Army tells the public that it's all about justice, peace and harmony. But, buried among social media posts by some of the group's front-line leaders, NewsChannel 5 Investigates discovered a controversial side of the politically connected group that most of the public has never seen.Those posts include descriptions of white people as being a "pestilence" accidentally unleashed on the world by an ancient scientist, suggestions that police should be made to fear going into Black neighborhoods, even descriptions of Meharry Medical College's highly respected president, Dr. James Hildreth, as a "house n****r." (Read more)Related:
Many may be mystified that white and middle or upper-class people kowtow, romanticize, and fund radical violent activists, racist thugs. This is nothing new. The current era is much like the era of the mid 60's to mid 70's. At that time Hollywood elites and other hip new leftists, what we would now call progressives, did the same thing. The radical Black Panther Party was a favorite of that era's new leftist. For an interesting and entertaining work addressing this phenomenon read Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers by Tom Wolfe.
As if we were not polarized enough already, in 2013 President Obama introduced pajama boy who, on Christmas mourning, was supposed to educate his ignorant backward parents on the virtues of socialized medicine.
It is hard enough these days to have a family get-together and avoid the landmines of politics without the president of the United States inciting family squabbles. One must be careful in even talking sports or the weather. Don't talk cars, for sure.
The Biden Administration is sometimes called Obama's third term. Well, as a person, I don't think Biden is as bad as Obama. President Biden could have brought out pajama boy as a model for educating your dumb Republican uncle on the advantages of Build Back Better. He didn't. Biden may be bad, but he could be worst. He is just wrong and has some cognitive ability issues but he is not evil. Obama set out to ruin your holiday and cause family conflict; Biden didn't.
Press release, December 22, 2021, WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), chairman of the Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight (ETSO) Subcommittee for the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), released his 2021 “Festivus” Report, totaling over $52,598,515,585 billion in government waste.
This marks Dr. Paul’s and the subcommittee’s seventh edition of the Festivus Report as he continues working to alert the American people to how their federal government uses their hard-earned money.
Sections are broken down into COVID-19 spending, Afghanistan, and Miscellaneous.
You can find Dr. Paul’s 2021 Festivus Report HERE.
Dec. 26—NASHVILLE — Tennessee Republicans have high hopes the city of Nashville can win a bid to host their party's national convention here in 2024.
The city is among a group of states now under consideration by the Republican National Committee for the convention, according to Republicans here.
"Stay tuned," Beth Campbell, a Republican National Committee member from Nashville, told executive committee members during a Dec. 4 meeting in Brentwood. "We have a very, very strong chance of securing this convention."
Cautioning that it was "a tall order," Campbell told executive committee members "You know what? We can do this in Tennessee. It's going to be good for the whole state, it's not just Metro Nashville." (read more)