Friday, August 29, 2008

Only in America

Did you notice that at the end of the Democratic Convention when Senator Obama came back out on the stage and he was joined by his family and Senator Joe Biden that the song they were playing was "Only in America" by Brooks and Dunn? I was surprised. It is not that I don't think Democrats also like country music or that Democrats don't love America and can enjoy songs that celebrate what a great country this is, but I was surprised that they would feature that song. I guess I thought that song had been claimed as a Republican song . I think of "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" as a Democrat song and forever will me associated in my mind with the Clinton campaign. I would not expect Republicans to play it at their convention. This issue was addressed in Beverly Keel's column today in the Tennessean (link). It seems that "Only in America" has been used in campaigns of both political parties. Brooks and Dunn are Republicans. The co-writer of the song is Don Cook, founder of Music Row Democrats.

I love this song. It makes me happy every time I hear it. When I read the words I get a lump in my throat. I love this country and think America is a unique place and an exceptional country in world history. As Ronald Reagan said, we are that shinning city on a hill. This song expresses patriotism without being overly maudlin or jingoistic. Below are the lyrics. Click on the song title to see the video.

Sun coming up over New York City
School bus driver in a traffic jam
Starin' at the faces in her rearview mirror
Looking at the promise of the Promised Land
One kid dreams of fame and fortune
One kid helps pay the rent
One could end up going to prison
One just might be president
Only in America
Dreaming in red, white and blue
Only in America
Where we dream as big as we want to
We all get a chance
Everybody gets to dance
Only in America

Sun going down on an La. freeway
Newlyweds in the back of a limousine
A welder's son and a banker's daughter
All they want is everything
She came out here to be an actress
He was the singer in a band
They just might go back to Oklahoma
And talk about the stars they could have been
Only in America
Where we dream in red, white and blue
Only in America
Where we dream as big as we want to
We all get a chance
Everybody gets to dance
Only in America

Yeah only in America
Where we dream in red, white and blue
Yeah we dream as big as we want to

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This is the clip that Obama does not want you to see.

The Obama campaign has used persuasion, threats of lawsuits and economic might in an all-out effort to suppress this video. They have written the Justice Department demanding an investigation of American Issues, the organization responsible for the ad, claiming the ad violates federal election laws. The Obama campaign has vowed not to purchase campaign advertising from any media outlet that carries the ad and is threatening to organized supporters to punish any TV station and those who advertise on any station that carries this ad. So far their suppression has succeeded. Both CNN and Fox have announced they will not carry the advertisement.

This ad questions Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, unrepentant domestic 60’s terrorist and co-founders of The Weather Underground. The Weather Underground described itself as the “Red Army in America” and declared war on The United States. They engaged in bombings, jailbreaks, and instigated violent riots. They bombed government buildings, banks, police stations, police cars, state and federal courthouses, state prison administrative offices, military recruiting stations, National Guard facilities, and university facilities with military or government connections. Several people were killed in connection with these bombings. Their most famous bombing was the bombing of the U. S. Capitol building in 1971.

Benadine Dohrn is every bit as radical as Ayers. Like Dohrn she engaged in revolutionary activity. Following the Charles Manson killings, Dohrn’s comment was “"Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!"

The ad Obama seeks to suppress does not allege that Obama was in any way part of the Weather terrorist activity. Obama was only eight years old when the Weather Underground was formed. Obama has said Ayers is “just a guy in the neighborhood.” Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn are now tenured professors at the University of Illinois. Ayers and Dohrn hosted a fund-raising party for Obama which launched his first bid for public office. Ayers and Mr. Obama have served on the board together of a Chicago-based charity.

To be fair to Obama, one may have casual acquaintances with unsavory characters and not be aware of their past. People that you may not approve of may give you campaign contributions. It is also possible you may sit on the boards of organizations and have nothing in common with the other board members except the project at hand. We should be cautious to jump to conclusions and allege guilt by association. Nevertheless, I want to know how close of a friendship there is between Ayers and Dohrn, and Obama. I think the Obama association with Ayers needs be be explored. Was the relationship just a casual association or does Obama share the values of Ayers and Dohrn?

The ad ask, "How much do your really know about Barack Obama? What does he really believe?” Obama is very likely to be the next President. Is it inappropriate to question his association with people like Ayers and Dohrn? I would like to know more and I would like to know what Obama really believes.

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Gustav May Help the Party

Some good news for Republicans! No; not the nomination for VP of Palin, although that is good news. The good news I am speaking of is that hurricane Gustav may actually help the Republican Party.

I was reading in the morning’s paper about the preparations being made in case Gustav hits New Orleans. It appears they are ready this time. Seven hundred buses are standing by to evacuate those without transportation. A plan to make sure everyone knows to evacuate including blanketing the city with policemen with bull horns to announce the evacuation is in place. The city does not plan to have any shelters of last resort this time which was such a disaster during Katrina. Detailed plans are in place for the evacuation. FEMA and the Red Cross are standing by. Host cities are standing by. Nashville is among those cities prepared to accept evacuees and we know where they will go and what we will do when they get here.

Katrina was a disaster and there was enough blame to go around but President Bush ended up taking the brunt of the criticism. I always thought the blame should have started with the mayor, then the governor and then the Bush administration. If Hagan would have had a better plan in place the disaster could have been avoided. I remember seeing on TV hundreds of inundated school buses that could have been used to evacuate people. That was Ray Nagin's fault not the fault of George Bush. Unfortunately, weather it is teenage pregnancy or drunk driving or crime or a natural disaster, many people tend to think the solutions must come from Washington and if things aren’t going well then it is Washington’s fault. The idea of individual responsibility, local self-government, and federalism seems to be fading in America.

With the Republican convention to start Monday, the news article I just read focused on the political implications of Hurricane Gustav. The first political consideration is whether or not the convention should be delayed. It may look unseemly to start the convention on Monday if Gustav is a major hit on New Orleans immediately prior to the convention opening. Another possible impact is that if Gustav hits a wallop on New Orleans and the evacuation goes off without a hitch, a lot of the blame heaped on President Bush and by association the Republican Party for the failure of the Katrina response, will be blunted. On the other hand, if it goes poorly again, the Party will suffer

Here is the part that I consider potential good news: ‘The white House is also concerned that Gustav will throw Bush’s schedule off, and possibly force him to cancel his McCain-boosting, farewell appearance as Monday night’s star at the Republican National Convention.”

I have been apprehensive about how the Republicans can handle Bush. You cannot, not allow the sitting President of your party to address the convention. However, with Bush’s popularity so low, and the Democrats trying to paint a McCain win as Bush’s third term, I do not see Bush’s presence at the convention as a boost but instead as a drag. McCain needs to put as much distance between his campaign and president Bush as possible. People do not need to be reminded that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They do not need to be reminded of signing statements and spying on Americans in violation of established law, and run-away spending and appointment of unqualified cronies to high positions. Bush’s presence will just remind people of what a failure and embarrassment Bush has been.

I want to forget why I am disgruntled and instead look to the future and see John McCain elected president. The best that we could hope for is that Bush would make some little forgettable speech lightly praising John McCain and then disappear. Now however, Bush may not show up at all. That would be great news! I don’t want New Orleans to get hit by another major hurricane, but if the threat of a hurricane can keep Bush from attending the Republican convention, that would be a Godsend.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama's 'Weatherman' Connection

There has been a sudden spate of blog items and newspaper articles, mainly in the British press, linking Barack Obama to a former member of the radical Weather Underground Organization that claimed responsibility for a dozen bombings between 1970 and 1974. The former Weatherman, William Ayers, now holds the position of distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Although never convicted of any crime, he told the New York Times in September 2001, "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough." (link)
Comment: The above is from the Washington Post's Fact Checker column about the Obama-Ayers connections. What is the truth and does it matter?

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Joe Biden on Barack Obama

Biden on Obama for voting against funding U.S. Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan:

"And, look, Tim, if you tell me I've got to take away this protection for these kids in order to win the election, some things aren't worth it. Some things are worth losing over. That would be worth losing over. Hundreds of lives are being saved and will be saved by us sending these vehicles over which we are funding with this supplemental legislation. And I want to ask any of my other colleagues, would they, in fact, vote to cut off the money for those troops to protect them? That's the right question. This isn't cutting off the war. This is cutting off support that will save the lives of thousands of American troops."
~NBC's Meet The Press, 9/9/07

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

3 AM

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Democratic Convention Lineup

Denver, Colorado

4:00 PM – Opening Flag Burning Ceremony
4:05 PM – Singing of “God Damn America” led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright
4:10 PM – Pledge of Allegiance to Obama
4:15 PM – Ceremonial Terrorist Fist-Jab led by Michelle Obama
4:30 PM – Joe Biden Acceptance Speech
5:30 PM – Joe Biden Acceptance Speech
6:30 PM – Joe Biden Acceptance Speech
7:00 PM – Tips on Dodging Sniper Fire – Hillary Clinton
7:15 PM – Jesse Jackson Spaying and Neutering Clinic
7:30 PM – UFO Abduction Survival Tips – Dennis Kucinich
7:45 PM – John Edwards Speaks on “Family Values” via Satellite from Hotel Bathroom
8:00 PM – Eliot Spitzer Speaks on “Family Values” via Satellite from Emperors VIP Club
8:15 PM – Tribute to All 57 States Obama Has Visited
8:30 PM – Ceremonial Setting Aside of Grievances by the Clintons
8:45 PM – Hillary Clinton Releases Her Delegates, Flying Monkeys
9:00 PM – Bill Clinton Delivers Rousing Endorsement of Obama Girl
9:15 PM – Tribute Film to Freedom Fighters at Gitmo – Michael Moore
9:30 PM – Celebrities Gone Wild for Obama – Paris Hilton and Britney Spears
9:45 PM – Personal Finance Seminar – Congressman William “Cold Cash” Jefferson
10:00 PM – Denunciation of Bitter and Clingy Gun Owners
10:30 PM – Ceremonial Denial of Progress in Iraq and Waving of White Flag
11:00 PM – Obama Energy Plan Symposium/Tire Gauge Demonstration
11:15 PM – Free Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Pep Rally
11:30 PM – Al Gore Accepts Tony and Latin Grammy Awards
11:45 PM – Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish – Obama Presiding
12:00 PM – Official Nomination of Obama via Text Message Sent by Scarlett Johansson
12:01 AM – Barack Obama Accepts Nomination for Lord and Savior
12:05 AM – Celestial Choirs Sing
3:00 AM – Hillary Clinton Delivers Acceptance Speech
Lifted from

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Che Guevara

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Confederate Belt Buckles and Che Guevara

Recently in Clinton, Tennessee a teenager's free-speech lawsuit against the Anderson County School Board ended in a mistrial when a jury in federal court failed to reach a verdict.

The teenager, Tommy Defoe, routinely wore a Confederate belt buckle to school in violation of a dress code that bars the Confederate symbol from student clothing. By the time he finished school last fall he had been suspended more than 40 times for wearing Confederate flag apparel.
While many consider the flag a symbol of racism, DeFoe said he considered it an emblem of Southern heritage.

Usually cases such as this are dismissed by judges or settled out of court. It is rare that such cases go to trial. The attorney for Defoe is quoted as saying, "The fact that we have gotten this far and the fact that we came so close to a victory ... should send a message to all school boards in the country that if you are banning things based on the fact that it is offensive, that violates the Constitution,"

I know that the Confederate symbol has been appropriated by the Klan and other White power hate groups, but it has also been used to simply denote Southern identity and is often associated with everything from Southern Rock music to NASCAR to college football. I have no way of knowing the motivation of Defoe in wearing the Confederate Flag.

I generally support school dress codes, and without having set through the trail I do not know how I would have voted. If the dress code banned all slogans and emblems and symbols as clothing or clothing accessories, I would have had to support the school board. If the Confederate flag was specified as a banned item of clothing but not other controversial symbols, I would have to side with Defoe.

I am certain that many find the Confederate Flag offensive, but I do not think that that is sufficient justification for banning it. I do not think we have the right not to be offended. There are other symbols that I find as offensive as I am sure some liberals find the Confederate flag. If we are going to be selective about the symbols we ban, I would start by banning the peace sign (link) and images of Che Guevara.

Che has become chic. Images of Che Guevara have become popular items of clothing accessories among celebrities and the youth. Many decent liberal parents would be outraged if their teenage son wore a swastika or Confederate flag but never bat an eye at their child wearing a Che Guevara necklace or tee shirt. These otherwise decent people somehow never have equated Communism with evil the same way they do Nazism or even the Confederacy. Ask a liberal what their response would be if their teenage son was to wear an image of Hitler around his neck. How do you think they would respond?

Che Guevara was a murdering Communist revolutionary terrorist and in South America attempted to bring about Communist revolution. In Cuba, he was Chief executioner for the Castro regime responsible for the murder of thousands. As Cuban’s Minister of Economics and the Minister of Industries he was responsible for the total destruction of the Cuban economy. Productive factories were closed and food rationing implemented. Thousands of Cuba’s most productive citizens risked their lives and took to the open sea on makeshift rafts with only the clothes on their back to escape the police state created by Fidel and Che. These people are real heroes, not the jailer they were escaping; yet liberal parents think it cute if their teen wears Che apparel.

When Che is banned, talk to me about the Confederate flag.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

A Tribute to Senator Edward Kennedy

In Memory of Mary Jo Kopechne

Remember the Chappaquiddick incident? Six older married men party with six young single women known as the "Boiler Room Girls," all of whom had worked in the Bobby Kennedy Presidential campaign. Ted Kennedy leaves the party a little after 11 PM with Mary Jo Kopechne. The car runs off of a bridge and ends upside down in the water. Kennedy allegedly swims to safety and Mary Jo drowns. Kennedy does not report the accident until the next day. A thorough investigation is never conducted. Kennedy was found guilty of leaving the scene of an accident and had his drivers licence suspended for a year. Thirty-five years later there are still a lot of unanswered questions. If this had happened to anyone but a Kennedy in Massachusetts more questions would have been asked. Did Ted Kennedy got away with murder?

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Joe Biden: His own Word on Obama's Experience

“… the presidency is not something that lends itself to on the job training.”~ Joe Biden

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