Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Rep. Andy Ogles introduces "Make Greenland Great Again Act" supporting territory acquisition

 Fox 17, Jan. 15, 2025 - ... In a statement on the bill, Rep. Ogles says "The acquisition of Greenland by the United States is essential to our national security. Joe Biden took a blowtorch to our reputation these past four years, and before even taking office, President Trump is telling the world that America First is back. American economic and security interests will no longer take a backseat, and House Republicans are ready to help President Trump deliver for the American people. That’s why I introduced the Make Greenland Great Again Act."

The bill authorizes President Trump to begin negotiations with Denmark following his inauguration on January 20, 2025. Once, and if an agreement takes place, Congress would then have 60 days for review. If there is no disapproval by Congress within the 60 day period, the agreement would go into effect and "take the full force of the law," per the bill language.

The bill also is supported by 12 other House lawmakers, including fellow Tennessee Representative Diana Harshbarger [TN-01], Reps. ... (Read More)

Rod's Comment: Disgusting!

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'Speed bumps need to go': Hundreds sign petition to remove Nashville speed bumps

Nearly 500 people have signed a petition calling for NDOT to stop
installing speed bumps across Nashville.

( — A petition in Nashville is gaining traction as nearly 500 residents call for the removal of speed bumps, citing vehicle damage. While the Nashville Department of Transportation defends the installations, petitioners seek more effective traffic calming measures. (link)

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Continuing Choas at the Metro Arts Commission

 Metro Arts Commission Interim Director Resigns After Brief Tenure

The Nashville Scene, Jan. 15, 2025- Interim Metro Arts executive director Paulette Coleman tendered her resignation on Saturday after less than a year leading the department.

Coleman was named interim director in April following a botched fiscal year 2024 grants cycle that left artists and arts organizations with little faith in the department’s ability to distribute funds in a timely manner. The situation resulted in a conciliation agreement between the Metro Arts Commission, Nashville artists and other Metro departments to improve the grants process for future years. Coleman was tasked with overseeing the department through that rebuilding phase.

However, according to emails and letters obtained by the Nashville Banner, Coleman was failing to hold up Metro Arts’ end of the agreement, leading artists to question if Metro Arts was about to have a repeat of the FY24 grant cycle. ... second time in less than a year that the department responsible for distributing grants to artists and arts organizations is left without leadership at an essential time.

Former Metro Arts Director Daniel Singh resigned in May with a $200,000 settlement agreement. Before that, he had been on FMLA leave followed by administrative leave since February, leaving the department rudderless. (read more)

For more on the years of chaos at the dysfunctional Metro Arts Commission see the following.


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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Thoughts on the House Banning Boys from Competing with Girls in School Sports.

by Rod Williams, Jan. 14, 2025- Today the House of Representatives passed a bill that would prohibit men from competing in women’s school sports. The bill passed 218-206, mostly along party lines. However, two Democrats voted for the bill and some Democrats instead of voting against it voted "present."  Some Dems adamantly opposed the bill saying Republicans were fixated on the private parts of small children and saying the Republicans in the House were mean and cruel. 

Since the House does not have the filibuster, all it took was a majority of votes cast to pass the bill. It will be interesting to see if the Senate Dems filibuster the bill or allow it to pass. In the Senate, seven Dems would have to join Republicans for the bill to pass.

I am pleased to see this bill pass. I find it ridiculous that men, even men on hormone replacement drugs with fake tits, can compete with girls on the sports field of play. That said however, I have reservations about the Federal government dictating such policy to the states. If California wants to allow boys who think they are girls to play against girls, let them; if Tennessee want to ban it, that should be up to Tennessee. One size does not have to fit all. 

The House was able to pass this bill, which would dictate policy for the whole nation, because the Federal government provides funding for education.  While it provides funding, it does not provide much. Only about 8% of public education funding comes from the Federal government and for that small amount of money, the Federal government dictates education policy and social engineering for the whole nation. According to some reports, nationwide at the N.C.A.A. level there are only ten boys competing against women. In most places in this nation, local schools will never even encounter this issue. 

President Trump's DOGE is looking for cost savings and ways to cut the size of government. One place to start is to abolish the Department of Education and leave education up to the states. 

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