Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fringe faction of the Democratic Party behind the Obama=Hitler signs

Hitler Obama

I find those Obama=Hitler signs and swastikas to be in poor taste. The mainstream media has been vigilant in publicizing these incidents where someone carries a sign of Obama with a Hitler mustache or someone carries a swastika with a “no” slash mark across it.

President Obama and Speaker Pelosi and numerous political pundits are on a campaign to paint all citizens who are opposing Obama’s plan to nationalize health care as extremist. We who exercise our right to publicly disagree with the President are depicted as mobsters, members of the right-wing fringe, and tools of the special interest. The Hitler=Obama signs gives them ammunition to marginalize and paint all of us as the nut fringe.

It does seem strange that the same people who are so outraged about the pictures that show President Obama with a Hitler mustache did not seem outraged when President Bush was routinely compared to Hitler. I, however, have come to expect selective outrage and a double standard from the left. Those who appaud students who shout down conservative speakers on campus think we should all speak one at a time in a soft voice at a town hall meeting. I got over expecting consistency, balance, and fairness from the mainstream press and liberal activist and pundits a long time ago. I personally know liberals who are decent, fair-minded people, but it seems the liberal leadership, the mainstream press and liberal pundits and activist have no shame or sense of fair play.

Who is behind the Obama=Hitler signs? No doubt, there has been the occasional overzealous non-affiliated citizen who has made the comparison, but the evidence is overwhelming that the bulk of the Hitler=Obama comparisons is the work of a fringe faction of the Democratic Party. The mainstream media has reported this fact (link) but for the most part has downplayed it. They prefer to paint those carrying the Hitler/Obama signs as representative of the citizens showing up at town hall meetings to protest ObamaCare. It suits their agenda to do so. The responsible party for the Hitler/Obama comparison is open about who they are but Obama’s protectors in the mainstream media are downplaying the roll of the guilty party.

The faction behind the Obama=Hitler campaign are followers of Lyndon LaRouche. Lyndon LaRouche is a registered Democrat and has run in Democratic primaries for the Democratic Presidential nominee seven times and once he ran for President of the United States as the candidate of the U. S. Labor Party. He is one weird dude. In his youth he was a member of the Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party and in the 60’s he was active in the left-wing radical and anti-war movement including Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). He spent a period in prison for tax evasion and mail fraud and has a cult-like following. He has had a movement that has attracted followers and has networked with radicals in Germany, Russia and Latin America. Despite being down right weird, he is by all reports an intellect and is highly educated. He is a fascinating character. Despite his long history of left wing activism, that places him to the left of Stalin, he has sometimes taken positions that are out of charter for an orthodox leftist and has sometimes been accused of anti-Semitism and he subscribes to some strange conspiracy theories.

Hitler ObamaThis sign has been showing up at town hall meetings and clearly carries the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee name on it. You can go to the Lyndon Larouche website (link) and see if for yourself.

To listen to the smear tactics coming from people like Rachel Maddow, you would think these signs were the work of Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck, when in fact they are the work of a registered Democrat with a long history of ties to communist and leftist causes.

To read more about Lyndon LaRouche see Wikipedia. To read more on the roll of the LaRouche Obama=Hitler campaign see: Obama as Hitler exposed as a leftist plant and Lyndon LaRouche and the Hitler Meme.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

More Adventures of Blue Dog

Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

ObamaCare: What could possibly go wrong?

Let me get this straight.

Obama's health care plan will be
written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it,
passed by a Congress that hasn't read it,
signed by a president who smokes,
funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes,
overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and
financed by a country that is nearly broke.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thousands of surgeries may be cut in Metro Vancouver due to government underfunding

By Darah Hansen, Vancouver Sun, August 16, 2009

VANCOUVER — Vancouver patients needing neurosurgery, treatment for vascular diseases and other medically necessary procedures can expect to wait longer for care, NDP health critic Adrian Dix said Monday.

Dix said a Vancouver Coastal Health Authority document shows it is considering chopping more than 6,000 surgeries in an effort to make up for a dramatic budgetary shortfall that could reach $200 million. (read more)

Comment: Rationing?

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Marching Orders from the Obamanist Camp: Time to set the record staight.

Dear Fellow Members of the Right Wing Fringe, Mobsters, Paid Advocates of for the Insurance Companies, Members of the Frightened Crowd, Tools of the Special Interest, Defenders of the Status quo, and Swastika Painters,

I thought you might want to see the latest marching orders from the Obamanist Camp. You may want to subscribe to Organizing for America so you can know what the Obamanist are up to as soon as the Obamanist do. You may want to submit a question and join the Obamanist strategy session.

Organizing for AmericaFriend --

It feels like a new lie about health insurance reform crops up each day. Government taking over all health care? Not true. Euthanasia for seniors? Couldn't be more false. Rationing of care? Reform will stop rationing, not increase it.

These lies create fear and anger, and we're seeing the results around the country. Frightened crowds have flooded town halls, and the office of a Georgia representative was defaced with a swastika.

It's time to set the record straight -- and, more importantly, expose the special interests and partisan attack organizations behind the lies and misinformation.

That's why we created our new "Setting the Record Straight" site. Check out the site today and then spread the word to your friends.

(click here)

As the site makes clear, these lies are no accident. They're part of a deliberate plot by the special interests who profit from the status quo to kill any reform at all. While Americans watch their paychecks dwindle, their coverage disappear, and their businesses struggle, special interests are trying to scare folks into opposing reform.

Our "Setting the Record Straight" site has all the info you need to fight back, as well as easy ways to get involved in the fight for health insurance reform. We'll be updating it often with new information debunking health care lies, so stop by regularly.

As we learned during the campaign, lies like these can spread like wildfire through viral emails and from friend to friend. The best way to stop them is to arm yourself with the facts -- and make sure your friends and family know the truth.

Check out the site, and share it with everyone you know:


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

P.S. -- Reminder: President Obama is holding a live strategy meeting on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time for all Organizing for America supporters. Click here to RSVP and submit a question for President Obama.

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The National Debt Road Trip

How do the Obama deficits compare with past presidents? And how did the national debt get so big anyway. This video tries to answer those questions by looking at the debt as a road trip and seeing how fast different administrations have been traveling.

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National Debt Hits $11.4 Trillion; your share $37,000!

We are spending about $500 million a day in interest alone on the national debt.

WASHINGTON – The Founding Fathers left one legacy not celebrated on Independence Day but which affects us all. It's the national debt.

The country first got into debt to help pay for the Revolutionary War. Growing ever since, the debt stands today at a staggering $11.4 trillion — equivalent to about $37,000 for each and every American. And it's expanding by over $1 trillion a year.

The mountain of debt easily could become the next full-fledged economic crisis without firm action from Washington, economists of all stripes warn.

"Unless we demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal sustainability in the longer term, we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth," Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently told Congress.

Higher taxes, or reduced federal benefits and services — or a combination of both — may be the inevitable consequences.

The debt is complicating efforts by President Barack Obama and Congress to cope with the worst recession in decades as stimulus and bailout spending combine with lower tax revenues to widen the gap. (Read more)

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nancy Pelosi funnies

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

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Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS admitting his Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance

How do you tell if Obama is lying? His mouth is moving. He had denied that the public option is a Trojan horse for single payer. Watch this video and see Obama in his own words admitting his Health Care Plan will eliminate private insurance.

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Monday, August 17, 2009


White House disables e-tip box

ByMIKE ALLEN 8/17/09, Politico

Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan. (read more)

Comment! It is gone! We shut it down! There has been no official announcement. It is just gone. Let Freedom ring!

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Is the snitch email site closed down?

I just tried to snitch on a neighbor for spreading fishy ObamaCare rumors and my mail would not go through. What is up with that? Do you suppose that the thought police in the White House were getting so many reports of ObamaCare proponents spreading "fishy rumors" that they realized they were not getting a good enemies list? Or, do you suppose they had second thoughts and decided that maintaining a political snitch line was not appropriate in a democracy?
Maybe it is just temporarily down due to overloading. I hope it is gone, but I will kind of miss it. I turned in 37 people.

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In a Dentist Shortage, British (Ouch) Do It Themselves

William Kelly, British Dental Care, Health Care
By SARAH LYALL, New York Times, Published: May 7, 2006

ROCHDALE, England, May 2 — "I snapped it out myself," said William Kelly, 43, describing his most recent dental procedure, the autoextraction of one of his upper teeth.

[Excerpt] Mr. Kelly's predicament is not just a result of cigarettes and possibly indifferent oral hygiene; he is careful to brush once a day, he said. Instead, it is due in large part to the deficiencies in Britain's state-financed dental service, which, stretched beyond its limit, no longer serves everyone and no longer even pretends to try. (Read More)


Isn't socialized medicine great! Routine dental care is simply not available to many people in England. Long lines, shortage of dentist, and extracting your own teeth and replacing your own crowns are commonplace according to this article. Many liberals would not care however. They would prefer equality of bad treatment to unequally available good treatment.

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Comrade! Do not spread fishy rumors

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Senate Pulls Plug on Death Panels

Health Care Obamacare Death Panels cartoon

This would be a victory for our side except there never was any “death panels.” Talk of death panels is more than rhetorical excess, it is downright untruthful scare tactics and fear mongering and I fear it poisons the atmosphere for any future health care reform discussion.

While I don’t subscribe to it, I understand the logic of how one gets from what is in the bills to talk of death panels. It goes like this: One of the health care bills before us provides for end of life counseling. One bill also sits up a panel to evaluate best practices that determine which treatments work best and which are most cost-effective. The bills provides for a “public option” which is a government health insurance program. Private insurance will not be able to compete against the public option and overtime, private insurance will disappear and we will all be on the government plan. We must cut cost of healthcare. To cut cost, the government insurance will determine what is the best use of limited healthcare dollars and which practices are best and who is worth saving and who is not. The elderly will be advised to go ahead and die when their time comes. Others will be denied expensive treatment that may only extend their life a short while and others who may not be elderly but have incurable conditions that make for a poor quality of life may be denied treatment. A panel would meet to determine if a particular procedure was cost-effective and weather sick people would get to live or die. Thus the “Death Panels.”

That is the logic, and talk of death panels is an inference from what is in the bills. It is a stretch and there never were any “death panels” in any of the bills before us. What the bill actually provided for was voluntary Medicare-funded end-of-life counseling.

We have long had government backed end-of-life counseling and disclosure requirements. What was different about the Senate health care bill was a provision to pay doctors for this session so it would get more serious attention and doctor and patient would spend more time seriously discussing these issues rather than these issues getting a cursory check-off on an initial visit. The conversation between the patient and the doctor would include discussion of living will, learning about appointing someone to make your health care decision for you if you can’t and learning about hospice care for the terminally ill. There was no requirement to attend regular end-of-life counseling sessions, and there was no provisions encouraging euthanasia

This end-of-life counseling provision has now been removed from the bill. I think this is a hollow victory for opponents of the current health care proposals. Removing this provision from the bill is one “victory” that should have not been won and a concession that I wish the other side had not made. This was an easy concession for the Democrats to make since it is not anything that is essential to their health care program anyway and giving it up removes a potent argument of the opponents.

I think the end-of-life counseling should be available. It is hard for the family to let go of a loved one. It is hard to tell the doctor that after the third time of resuscitating the patient that next time, let them go. I have not had to make those decisions myself, but I have had close family that had to make them. With the modern miracle of medicine it may be possible to keep a body living in a vegetative state long after there is any hope of recovery. Counseling the patient on these issue while they are still healthy would give the patient more say in how they wanted to be cared for in their final days.

Many people needlessly surfer, impoverish their families and die comatose plugged into machines and only gain a few weeks or months of miserable time on earth. There ought to be better ways to die.

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