Saturday, January 08, 2022

Shame on Ted Cruze for groveling before Tucker Carlson.

by Rod. Jan. 7, 2021-
If you missed it and you want to see a grown man grovel and debase himself and lose all dignity, watch the above video where Ted Cruze kowtows to Tucker Carlson.  Even after groveling, Carlson won't let Cruze off the hook and he has to grovel some more. This is embarrassing. 

The day before the anniversary of the Jan. 6th attack on the capitol, Ted Cruz called the Jan.6th attack on the capitol a "violent terrorist attack." He went on Tucker Carlson's show and said the use of that term was "sloppy and dumb" and tries to explain why he used the term and says he should not have done so. He is made to say it again and again. 

My view of the Jan. 6th event is that it was not a nine-eleven, but with mobs overtaking the Capitol carrying zip ties and seeking out Vice President Mike Pence to hang, I am sure those who lived through the event felt terror. Maybe to call the event a "violent demonstration" is appropriate but "terrorist attack" sounds about right too.  

Throughout the summer of 2020 we witnessed Antifa and BLM-led terrorist attacks across American and the press and friends of the terrorist called what happened "mostly peaceful demonstrations." Because the left calls their terrorist "mostly peaceful demonstrators," we should not do the same.  Maybe a proper term for what happened on January 6th is a "mostly peaceful terrorist attack."

I see no reason Cruz should have gone on Carlson to clarify what he meant.  He should have let his words stand for themselves. Clearly, Cruz was not calling all supporters of Donald Trump "terrorists."  He was not calling the thousands on the mall that day "terrorist."  I have talked to people who were in Washington on January 6th and some told me they did not even know an attack on the capitol had occurred until they saw it on the news.  Those who went to Washington on that day who peaceably exercised their constitutional right to protest are not terrorists and if they, or Tucker Carlson, think Ted Cruz was calling them terrorists, then they are choosing to believe that. They are choosing to be offended.  They are politically posturing. 

At one time I was an admirer of Ted Cruz.  He was not my first choice for the Republican nominee in 2016, but was near the top in the crowded field.  If he had been the party's nominee, I would have enthusiastically supported his candidacy.

My admiration for Ted Cruz evaporated as I witnessed him suck up to Donald Trump.  In the primary campaign of 2016, Trump repeatedly referred to Cruz as "lying Ted."  Trump used the birther claim to say Cruz was not eligible to run for president, called Cruz's wife ugly, and threatened to "spill the beans," about Cruz's wife. Tump alleged that Ted Cruz's father was connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  

It is normal for candidates to fight and denounce each other during the primary and then join hands for the general election, but some things should be considered over the line.  Tump's attack on Cruze, his father, and Cruz's wife was over the line.  That should not have been dismissed as just politics. If this had been a previous century, I think Cruz should have challenged Trump to a duel.

Ted Cruze embarrassed himself by groveling at the feet of Tucker Carlson. The last remnant of any respect I had for Ted Cruze is gone.

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Wall Street Journal: Is Nuclear Power Part of the Climate Solution?

By Gernot Wagner, Wall Street Journal, Jan. 7, 2022 - As the world’s climate continues to warm, more than 50 nations have pledged to achieve “net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions by midcentury. That means producing radically lower levels of these gases in the decades ahead while removing from the atmosphere the equivalent of what we do produce. Coal-burning power plants are on their way out, and clean energy sources like solar and wind are growing rapidly. In the U.S., energy generation from renewable sources, including hydropower and geothermal power, surpassed coal in 2020 and is now second only to gas.

The notable exception in this low-carbon energy boom is nuclear power, which has been stalled for decades. Most reactors now operating were built in the 1970s, and many in the U.S. and Europe are being closed. Worldwide, 450 reactors generate 10% of the total electricity consumed today, down from more than 15% in 2005, thanks to a rapid global build-out of power capacity that has largely left nuclear behind. Nuclear power in the West will start to collapse like coal generation unless aging reactors are replaced with new plants.

Despite longstanding concerns over its safety, nuclear power can play an important role in a low-carbon world. A recent study sponsored by the Environmental Defense Fund and the Clean Air Task Force concluded that to meet its net-zero pledge by 2045, the state of California will need power that is not only “clean” but “firm”—that is, “electricity sources that don’t depend on the weather.” The same is true around the world, and nuclear offers a relatively stable source of power. 

... All of the nuclear waste produced in the U.S. since the 1950s adds up to about 85,000 tons of material. Compare that with the tens of billions of tons of carbon dioxide that would have been produced had that electricity come from fossil fuels instead. (If you subscribe, read it all.)

Rod's Comment: It is so encouraging to see the tide turn and some realism creep into the discussion of climate change. For decades climate policy has been counterproductive or merely symbolic.  Climate policy has been set by social justice warriors intent on wealth redistribution or well-intentioned climate warrior romantics. There are signs that that is changing.  There is much to be done before we can turn the corner on effectively combating climate change, but by recognizing that nuclear energy has a role in combating climate change implies a  recognition that we cannot solve the problem of climate change by relying on wind, solar, and living an austere lifestyle.  For more of my post on the topic of climate change, follow this link

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Friday, January 07, 2022

Questions remain for Metro Schools board members over $14.3 million COVID-19 contract with Meharry

 Questions remain for Metro Schools board members over COVID-19 contract with Meharry

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American Dream Conference, Jan. 14-15.


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Thursday, January 06, 2022

Anniversary of a Disgrace. Don't Make Every Day January 6

 Anniversary of a Disgrace

Rod's Comment: I agree with the views expressed in the above essay.  The January 6th effort to stop Congress from fulfilling its duty to certify the electoral college vote can not be excused. Jan. 6 was not the Civil War nor 9-11 however, but it was an attack on our Democracy.  That in the summer of 2020 left-wing terrorists attacked federal courthouses and police and caused loss of life and millions and millions of dollars in property damage in cities across America does not excuse the January 6th riot by a small number of fringe Trump supporters. That the left does just as bad or worse is not an excuse for right-wing rioting.  To riot for the purpose of subverting an election outcome is despicable. 

Don't Make Every Day January 6

I also agree with the views expressed in the article linked above.  Rioter of January 6 should not be treated more harshly than the left-wing rioter of the summer of 2020. Revulsion at the rioters of January 6th does not justify trambling their civil liberties nor more harsh sentences than that meted out to the left-wing rioters of 2020, many of whom were released with only the mildest of punishment. Participants in the mostly peaceful terrorist attack of January 6th should not be held in solitary confinement while awaiting trial. 

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Metro Budget 101 Series: How Does the City Spend Money? NDOT and Others

Metro Budget 101 Series: How Does the City Spend Money? NDOT and Others

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Remembering the terrorist insurrection

Seattle Antifa Attack Historic Federal Courthouse

Antifa attack Portland federal courthouse

Metro Nashville Courthouse sit on fire.

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Wednesday, January 05, 2022

How should Metro Nashville spend that extra American Rescue Plan money? Share your opinion.

Metro Nashville would like your input about how Metro Nashville should spend the American Rescue Plan funds. To complete the survey and share your priorities, click here

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Metro ends vehicle emissions testing

 NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - In one month, people in Davidson County will no longer have to wait in line and pay to get their emissions tested.

On Tuesday night, Metro Council voted unanimously to end the program. That means this decision impacts anyone who drives a vehicle in Davidson County.

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Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Americans for Prosperity Citizen Lobbyist Training, Jan. 5th.


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A move toward Climate realism: The EU admits nuclear and natural gas are part of the energy solution.

By The Editorial Board Wall Street Journal, Jan. 3, 2022 - Could this winter’s energy crisis be shocking Europe into climate realism? Believe it or not, the European Union is set to include nuclear and natural gas on the list of industries eligible for “green” investments. Someone please pass the smelling salts to the Sierra Club.

.... Wonder of wonders, nuclear and natural gas make the cut. The draft taxonomy released late on New Year’s Eve deems investment in nuclear power sustainable as long as the investment is made before 2045 and a plan is in place to dispose of the waste. The draft also includes natural-gas power plants built by 2030, subject to emissions limits and as long as they replace heavier-emitting plants.

The usual suspects are furious for the usual reasons. (If you are a WSJ subscriber, read it all.)

Rod's Comment: It may not be possible to significantly slow global warming, but if we

warming the planet for 47 years.

continue doing what we have been doing for the last 55 years, it is certain we will not slow it.  The world is producing more greenhouse gases; not less. The world is still warming.

Unfortunately, climate-warrior-romantic-environmentalists have been setting climate change policy and have set the US and the world on a course of more global warming. Dirty coal-burning power plants could be replaced by cleaner natural gas-powered power plants if not for "environmentalist" blocking of fracking. 

Nuclear is the most promising means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but "environmentalists" oppose nuclear and stop the building of nuclear plants that could replace coal-fired power plants.  What so-called environmentalists do that is not counterproductive is simply symbolic and ineffective and does nothing to slow greenhouse gas emissions, an example being stopping the keystone pipeline.  It is time that realist set policies that will actually slow global warming instead of leaving global warming policy to climate warrior enthusiast and romantics.

For more of my views on climate change follow this link

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Metro Council to vote on emissions testing in Davidson Co.

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV), Jan. 4, 2022

– Metro council could vote to end the vehicle emissions testing program in Davidson County tonight.

The resolution to end the mandatory emissions testing currently has the support of 26 council members, which is more than half of the council.

Should they vote to cease the program, the Metro Public Health Department would then be directed to take the required actions to end it by January 14th, consistent with state law. (read more)

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Monday, January 03, 2022

Councilmember Alleges Problems at Bellevue Middle School

District 35’s Dave Rosenberg aired concerns at a recent school board meeting. 

The Scene, by KELSEY BEYELER, DEC 22, 2021 - ... Rosenberg cited an instance in which one student reportedly called another a racial slur, saying it wasn’t properly addressed. He also noted lockdowns and drug dogs, unpunished and unreported “nonconsensual sexual incidents,” dismissed formal complaints and issues with administration. (Read it all)

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Where people are moving from, to, and why.

by Rod Williams, Jan. 3, 2022- I don't know if one could call it a mass exodus but people are on the move. They are leaving liberal high-tax states like California and New Jersey and moving to conservative low-tax states like Tennessee, Florida, and Texas. Level of taxation, of course, is not the only factor and may not be the biggest factor but it appears to be a factor.  Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming — do not levy a state income tax nor a tax on dividends and interest. Of these, Alaska, Tennesee, South Dakota, and Florida are among the top ten states for in-migration. States losing population are among the most heavily taxed. 

Of course, tax rates are not the only factor. If one looks at the list, the states that have been most draconian during the Covid pandemic are losing population and those less draconian are gaining population. Correlation, of course, is not cause and effect and that may or may not be a factor.

Another factor in determining where people move from and to is affordability, primarily the cost of housing.  While we Nashvillians are shocked at Nashville housing prices, to people moving to Nashville from Los Angeles, housing is a bargain.

Quality of life is something that is hard to quantify but people, especially young people, may want to move to a town with nice restaurants, parks, live music, festivals, and an energetic vibe.  They may want to move away from areas that are crime-infested and with large visible homeless populations, and that are dirty and depressing.

One factor in where one moves is economic opportunity.  Most people have to work.  People move to where they think there is a good prospect of making a living. Another factor may be a mild climate.

While there are a lot of factors that determine where one moves from and moves to, many of these factors are a result of public policy choices.  Things like economic opportunity, level of taxation, housing cost, homelessness, and crime are often the result of the policies adopted by those who are elected. 

I am dismayed, that so many people flee high-tax, highly-regulated, crime-tolerant, homelessness-encouraging states like California and move to Tennessee and then want to turn Tennessee into a copy of the place they fled.  

To our immigrant friends fleeing liberal states, if you want your new hometown to be like your old hometown, why did you leave?  If you prefer the policies of the place you left, why just not go back? 

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Poll Watcher Training from Davidson County Republican Party, Saturday, January 15.

Poll Watcher Training from Davidson County Republican Party
Saturday. January 15.  9-11 am
Bold Patriot Brewing
410 39thAve N. 37209

Please RSVP to:

We have 162 precincts which means we have 162 polling locations where we are needed. Bring conservative friends if you like and let me know so we have materials for everyone.  For those who live in Davidson County, we need poll workers also.  Watchers are volunteers while workers are paid and must be fit enough to work a 12-hour shift. 

To be a poll worker go to the link below and apply. Scroll down to the red button. Forward your receipt of the application to Jim Garrett -- -- as he is going to make sure that Republicans are included. He says we might not hear from the Election Commission until March/April as the next election is not until May 3.

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Sunday, January 02, 2022

Nuclear energy is the best solution for climate change

The Tennessean, Your Turn, Natalia M. Best, Guest columnist, Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022-  ...  I’m

very proud of my home state’s contributions to clean energy. Tennessee is the home of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory ... outstanding institutions of higher education ... leading the way to create sustainable, zero emission ...

... Climate Change Conference, COP26, in Glasgow. The U.N. Secretary-General admitted that nuclear power will be a part of the solution. The White House and State Department delivered other announcements that strongly support nuclear energy’s value in fighting climate change.

If nations and states do not increasingly commit to resilient, zero emissions energy alternatives like nuclear fission, extreme weather events like these could become more frequent, more severe or both.

While California and New York close and dismantle their nuclear power plants and increasingly turn to fragile, less reliable and less sustainable forms of clean energy like solar and wind, Tennessee’s two nuclear plants contributed 47% of the state’s electricity in 2020. This enabled the state to increasingly phase out other forms of energy with high carbon emissions

... when compared with all the existing clean energy alternatives, nuclear is the best, the most reliable and the safest large-scale clean energy solution we have for now. ... Given nuclear energy’s overdue recognition coming out of COP26, I’m hopeful more states will follow Tennessee’s lead by prioritizing and incorporating nuclear energy into their electric grids. (read it all if you have a subscription)

Rod's Comment: It may not be possible to significantly slow global warming, but if we continue doing what we have been doing for the last 55 years, it is certain we will not slow it.  The world is producing more greenhouse gases; not less. The world is still warming.

Unfortunately, climate-warrior-romantic-environmentalists have been setting climate change policy and have set the US and the world on a course of more global warming. Dirty coal-burning power plants could be replaced by cleaner natural gas-powered power plants if not for "environmentalist" blocking of fracking. 

Nuclear is the most promising means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but "environmentalists" oppose nuclear and stop the building of nuclear plants that could replace coal-fired power plants.  What so-called environmentalists do that is not counterproductive is simply symbolic and ineffective and does nothing to slow greenhouse gas emissions, an example being stopping the keystone pipeline.  It is time that realist set policies that will actually slow global warming instead of leaving global warming policy to climate warrior enthusiast and romantics.

For more of my views on climate change follow this link

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