Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Nashville Scene's attack on Ken Jakes

In case you missed it, here is the Nashville Scene's attack on Ken Jakes.

A government watchdog's records-request bombardment of Metro agencies raises eyebrows at Nashville Farmers Market

by Steven Hale, The Nashville Scene, April 25, 2013- .....They've been inundated by public records requests, filed just about daily by a man named Ken Jakes. .......Every Metro source the Scene reached repeatedly affirmed Jakes' right to request and obtain public records. However, just about all of them used the word "harassment" to describe his actions over the years. (link)

My Comment
I wish there were a dozen Ken Jakes. No wonder Metro officials don't like him. He makes them play by the rules. They don't want anyone poking around and exposing the crony capitalism, corruption, and arbitrary behavior of city bureaucrats.  If not for Ken Jakes, NES brace would still be swapping NES services for Gaylord lodging, golf games, meals, and show tickets; there would still be specifications written in such as way that only one well-connected bidder could bid on them; and, over two hundred NES employees would still have company credit cards and using them to purchase private stuff on Amazon and Ebay. The taxpayers, the ratepayers, and consumers of government services owe Ken Jakes a debt of gratitude.

Ken Jakes is a citizen activist who should be applauded.

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Blackburn on Mismanagement of Obamaphone Program

From Marsha Blackburn


The Lifeline program – commonly referred to as Obamaphones – is paid for by American telecommunications consumers.

The overall cost of this program has exploded in recent years to $2.2 billion dollars a year. Even Lifeline program’s beneficiaries admit it is plagued by waste, fraud, and abuse.

You can see my statement before the Energy and Commerce Committee HERE. And here is a story aired by Fox 25 Baltimore on the abuse in the free cell phone program.

Here’s what you need to know: Lifeline is really symbolic of the Universal Service Fund and Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) mismanagement as a whole. To add fuel to the fire, there are proposals to grow the Lifeline program from wireline and wireless to broadband. The FCC can’t even contain the growth and the waste in the wireless side because they hasn’t yet stood up the eligibility database to root out ineligible participants. In our hearing this week we learned from an expert witness that the number of recipients of free phones in Maryland was nearly twice the number that should be eligible.

If Congress had to reauthorize this program instead of allowing it grow on auto-pilot, Lifeline wouldn’t be able to survive. The Lifeline program shows the government has misplaced its priorities. It’s an example of how the culture of dependency is weakening America. It’s Exhibit A of what you see when big government and crony capitalism collude to transfer wealth from the average consumer to “spread the wealth around.”

That’s why I recently signed onto Representative Tim Griffin’s legislation which would repeal the program (H.R. 176). This effort is really about serving you, making government more efficient, and doing what we can to lower the cost of consumers’ cell phone bills.

For more information on the work I am doing to fight waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government, you can visit my website. You can also e-mail me at And don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

My Best,


The following was not part of the Blackburn email. In case you didn't see it at the time, here is the "Obamaphone lady" explaining about Obamaphones. 

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Changed date for The Quest for Community, by Robert Nisbet.

Gene Wisdom changed the date for The Quest for Community, by Robert Nisbet. New date and time: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 7:00 PM.

Click here to see the latest changes:

I love this book!  It is one of the most thought provoking books I have read in a very long time.  At the recent Conservative Political Action Conference in DC, this was the only book made the subject of a panel discussion in the Intercollegiate Studies Institute series of meetings there. A conservative classic, it will be thought provoking to both the libertarian and the traditionalist.

With the changed date there is time to order and read the book. Here is an Amazon link for ordering and a review of the book. 

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Pro-Life event happening April 27, 2013

*** Update from the TFC ***

Rod -

We want to let you know about a Pro-Life event happening April 27, 2013 at 6:00pm at the New Hope Community Church in Brentwood, TN.

This is a free educational seminar sponsored by the Tennessee Action Council on a discussion of "Amendment #1."  Come learn about this important ballot measure coming in 2014, an amendment that will allow the state to impose stricter limits on abortion. This event will feature speakers like Dr. George Grant, Dr. Neil Anderson, and Mr. David Fowler of Family Action Council of Tennessee. This evening will also feature musical guests and songs centered around the subject of Life by local talent.

We hope you will try to make it and hear what these speakers have to say about this ballot initiative and how we can help make sure it succeeds!

The address for the event is:
New Hope Community Church
605 Wilson Pike, Brentwood, TN 37027
The Board of Directors
Tennessee Freedom Coalition

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Let’s Talk School: Common Core

Tennessee Commissioner of Education Kevin Huffman, SCORE President and CEO Jamie Woodson and Williamson County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney 

will speak on

 Let’s Talk School: Common Core 

The meeting will be held Monday, April 29, 2013, from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of The People’s Church, 828 Murfreesboro Rd, Franklin, TN 37064.

There will be a presentation, panel discussion and Q and A with audience members regarding Common Core in the State of Tennessee. Please plan to attend this informative session to learn the facts about Common Core and what it means for Tennessee students.

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Mayor Dean responds to Ken Jakes civil service complaint against Nancy Whittemore of the Farmers Market.

Mayor Karl Dean has responded to Ken Jakes' civil service complaint against the acting director of Farmers Market, Nancy Whittemore.  The complaint asked the Mayor, as supervisor of  Ms Whittemore, to dicipline her for voioating civl servie rules and Jakes listed each rule violated.

The rules violated related to the selling and allowing to be sold alcoholic beverages at Farmers Market in violation of the established policy. 

Below is the response of Mayor Dean: "Upon review of this matter, the Mayor has determined that no disciplinary action is warranted."

For more on this issue, follow this link and this link

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"The High Cost of America's Inefficient Development Patterns" is now available online

William Fulton's April 22 presentation on "The High Cost of America's Inefficient Development Patterns" is now available online, along with brief comments from audience members and key slides from his PowerPoint. This was very informative. I attended this meeting and have attended most of them. I encourage anyone who is concerned about the future of Nashville to get involved in the NashvilleNext planning process. The presentations of all previous speakers are online.

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The Tennessean reports on the State review of Davidson County Election Commission

In case you missed it:

'Pattern of serious errors' undermined elections 

by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, Apr. 25, 2013 -  The outcomes of two 2012 primary elections in Davidson County might have been influenced by the bungling of new voting technology, a blistering state review of the county’s election process has found.
“While minor mistakes are understandable, our review uncovered an unacceptable pattern of serious errors,” says the 26-page report by Mark Goins, the state coordinator of elections.  (link)

Nashville election chief bashes state report

by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, Apr. 27, 2013 - Davidson County Election Administrator Albert Tieche survived to work another day after enduring sometimes testy questioning by his bosses, who took a scathing state review to heart but decided not to discipline him after a nearly five-hour meeting Friday.
...Tieche contested virtually every charge made by Goins. He wrote that the review “focuses on fault and blame rather than fostering improvement.”
“A casual review of the draft report would cause one to conclude that it is written to be personal in nature.”.(link)

For background on this issue follow these links:
 A move afoot to fire Albert Tieche. Election Commision in turmoil. 
 The Tennessean reposts "Election commission gets good marks in audit"

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Your Metro Tax Dollars funded a Youth Pavillion at the Nashville Gay Pride Festival

Did you know your tax dollars went to fund the Metro Human Relations Youth Area at Nashville's Gay Pride Festival?

Why should the city support the Youth Pavilion at the Nashville Gay Pride event? Many Christian Nashvillians may feel that homosexuality is a perversion and a sin. Should the City be supporting our young people at an event that celebrates and normalizes homosexuality.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The budget hearing of the Department of Politically Correct Propaganda and Indoctrination (Human Relations Commission)

Above is the Mayor's budget hearing of the Human Relations Commission. This is a small Department with only 3.3 full-time-equivalent positions, however, this organization does nothing that is necessary.

Not that all they do is bad, but much of what they do is a duplication of what is already being done by non-profit advocacy groups. Some of what they do is being done by offices such as Tennessee Fair Housing Council or the Attorney General's office. In her testimony, the Director says she only gets two or three calls a month regarding compliance issues.

This organization should more aptly be named the Department of Politically Correct Propaganda and Indoctrination. Why should the city support the Youth Pavilion at the Nashville Gay Pride event? Many Christian Nashvillians may feel that homosexuality is a perversion and that the city should not be in the position of supporting our young people in an event that celebrates and normalizes homosexuality. I would like to know what they taught the 160 students who attended their Human Relations Summit. I would like to be assured that this organization is not undermining the values children are being taught at home.

Metro's 50th anniversary celebration would have happened without a Metro Human Relations Commission and the NashvilleNext program, which I support and which is an on-going planning exercise, would happen without an office of Human Relations.

I actually enjoy the event "Celebrate Nashville" which use to be more apply named the "Celebration of Cultures." If the Human Relations Commission went away, I have no doubt that this celebration would continue.

I don't expect it to happen, but I would hope the Council would defund this office and abolish it. When I served in the Council in the mid-eighties we did defund this office for several years and we survived just fine without it.  I am proud of my role in, at least for a short time, abolishing this agency. If we abolished the Metro Human Relations Commission we would never miss it. Let liberal advocacy groups do their own fundraising instead of getting Metro dollars to advocate for their causes.

I would hope one of our conservative council members would present an alternative budget that eliminates this unnecessary department.  If there is a citizen activist looking to get involved in monitoring agencies of Metro Government, this is one that needs close monitoring. I would like to know who they are collaborating with and what else they are teaching.

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Decosta Jenkins, CEO of the corrupt, scandal-ridden NES, is highest paid Metro employee.

Decosta Jenkins once again ranks number one on the list of highest paid Metro employees at $367, 078.40 a year, a $21,881.60 increase from his 2012 income. NES employees are seven of the top ten highest paid Metro employees. NES employee's hold 44 of the top 100 highest paid positions in Nashville. Think of that the next time you pay a high utility bill. The next time you hear of some little old lady on a fixed income who can't pay her electric bill, remember this.

One would think that being some of the highest paid civil servants in Davidson County that upper brace would not be tempted to trade NES services for free golf games, dinner show tickets, dinners and nights of lodging at Gaylord's Opryland hotel. One would think that they would not be tempted to use NES credit cards to purchase items for personal use on Amazon and eBay.

Instead of getting an increase in pay for serving as CEO and President of NES, Decosta Jenkins should be fired and unemployed. For more on the top 100 Metro Salaries, see Nashville Today, April 18, 2013 For more on the mismanagement and corruption at NES see here, here and here.

For more on the top 100 Metro Salaries, see Nashville Today, April 18, 2013

For more on the mismanagement and corruption at NES see here, here and here.

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Megan Barry appoints treasurer for 2015 Nashville mayoral race

Megan Barry appoints treasurer for 2015 Nashville mayoral race

The Tennessean, Apr. 23, 2013-....Barry filed paperwork at the Davidson County Election Commission late Monday that names attorney Leigh Walton her treasurer, tapping someone connected..

........known foremost as a progressive. She sponsored Metro’s “living wage” ordinance for government employees as well as its nondiscrimination bill for gay, lesbian and transgender workers

. ..... supported Dean’s botched proposal to turn the Tennessee State Fairgrounds into a mixed-use development anchored by a corporate campus.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Rand Paul wins TRA straw poll

Rand Paul won the Tennessee Republican Assembly (TRA) presidential preference poll last Saturday at the annual TRA convention held here in Nashville. As reported by another source, more than 600 people attended the event and a total of 373 votes were cast in the poll.  Rand Paul took a total of 58% of the total votes cast for a vote total of 219. Coming in second was Allen West with 51 votes and in third place of Marco Rubio with 33 votes.

Rand Paul was the keynote speaker at the TRA convention. 

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Senator Steve Dickerson's session wrap-up

A Word from Senator Dickerson…

Senator Steve Dickerson
Session has come to a close!

Quite a session. We made some great progress and accomplished some great things. When I campaigned, I focused on three areas. I wanted to touch on each of those in my final weekly wrap-up of 2013.

First, make Tennessee business-friendly. I am a big believer in the concept that "the rising tide floats all boats" and if we help Tennessee's economy, we are all winners. We accomplished much in this area. We have continued to decrease Hall's tax, lowered the tax on food (which will help the poorest Tennesseans most) and reformed the Workers' Compensation system. A very good year for Tennessee's economy.

Second, improve education in Tennessee. Education is the key to a prosperous future. Our results here were more mixed. Despite our efforts, we were unable to pass legislation dealing with school vouchers or charter schools. However, we did make progress in the Governor's drive to have 55% of Tennesseans attain a post-secondary degree by 2025. The Alternative Diploma Act and our funding of the partnership with the Western Governors University are noteworthy.

Third, cut government waste. I am particularly excited by the legislation forming the Office of the Repealer. This will act to identify duplicated, unnecessary and counter-productive statutes and will give us the chance to repeal them and hopefully increase the efficiency of our state government. Finally, I have to mention the changes to the per diem. Senator Haile sponsored (and I co-sponsored) legislation that significantly decreases the per diem available to local members of the General Assembly. While the actual money saved represents only a modest part of our overall state budget, it is a great statement.

As Mark Twain said, "No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” Rest easy, we are adjourned until 2014!

I also spoke with the folks from the Nashville Ledger about my first year as a State Senator. You can read the article at the following link:

State Senate approves budget and closes 2013 legislative session
The State Legislature passed a state budget and several key bills including unemployment compensation reform, education reform, school safety and prescription drug abuse before adjourning the 2013 legislative session to become a part of Tennessee history.  The action came after three and a half months of legislative deliberations and is one of the earliest adjournments in 23 years. 
The $32.8 billion budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year is fully balanced and incorporates approximately $43 million in tax cuts for Tennesseans.  Senate Bill 502 allocates $18.7 million to take the second step in a four-year process to phase out the state’s inheritance tax, also called the death tax.  It also provides $1.5 million to allow more senior citizens to qualify for Hall income tax relief and $22.2 million to reduce the state sales tax on grocery food from 5.25% to 5.0%. 
On K-12 education, the budget fully funds the Basic Education Program, invests $51 million to assist local governments in paying for technology transition upgrades in schools across the state and makes available $34 million to address ongoing capital needs that can be used for increased security measures to protect students.  It appropriates more than $35 million for K-12 teacher salary increases and provides $47 million in funding to help improve Tennessee’s lowest performing public schools.
The budget prioritizes higher education by providing $307.3 million to fund capital outlay projects in higher education, $35 million to fund the state’s new outcome-based formula adopted under the state’s Complete College Act, $5 million to provide assistance to 2,675 needy students and $16.5 million for equipment for Tennessee’s Technical Centers and Community Colleges. 
Other highlights of the budget include: 
  • $104 million cost increase for a 1.5% pay raise salary market adjustment for state employees;
  • $46.3 million cost increase for state employee group health insurance;
  • continues the state 401 (K) match at $50 per month;
  • reduces state employee positions by 299 or .08%;
  • $350 million cost increase for TennCare inflation and related expenses;
  • $8.6 million cost increase for Cover Tennessee programs;
  • $7.5 million cost increase for Children’s Services;
  • $100 million to the Rainy Day Fund, bringing it to $456 million by June 30, 2014;
  • $79.6 million cost increase for local jail payments, a new prison in Bledsoe County, medical contracts and other inflationary growth;
  • $3.9 million cost increase for mental health;
  • $4.3 million in capital outlay for the Montgomery County veterans’ home;
  • $134 million in capital outlay for state building improvements through the Facilities Revolving Fund;
  • $8 million in one-time funds for tourism marketing;
  • $1 million in one-time funds for the College 529 Savings Plan;
  • $37.9 million for health and wellness initiatives;
  • $110 million for economic development; and
  • provides tax relief for low income seniors, veterans and the disabled by fully funding the growth of the property tax freeze program enacted in 2007   
The budget assumes a general fund revenue growth of 3.89% during the 2013-14 fiscal year. 
Legislation approved this week continues the work done on unemployment compensation reform last year
State Senators approved legislation this week before adjourning the 2013 legislative session that continues the work done on unemployment compensation reform last year.   Before passage of the 2012 law, Tennessee did not have an efficient system in place to verify a claimant’s efforts of seeking employment while on unemployment benefits.  As a result of that new law, the Department of Labor is now required to conduct weekly audits to ensure that claimants are actively seeking work while on unemployment benefits. 
The Department found that claimants who are audited under the 2012 law, on average, return to work five times faster than those who were not.  This year’s legislation raises the number of audits to be conducted from 1,000 per week to 1,500 per week. 
Last year’s legislation also clarified the definition for misconduct as it affects unemployment insurance compensation so that a claimant who is consciously insubordinate, knowingly violates state regulations, has been caught stealing or is chronically absent could not  receive benefits.  Johnson said this year’s bill continues those efforts to define misconduct by adding to that definition any conduct that is constituted as a criminal offense for which the employee is seeking benefits. Senate Bill 783 applies to cases involving dishonesty that arose out of the claimant’s employment or that was committed while he or she was acting within their scope of employment. 
The legislation also helps ensure the solvency of Tennessee’s Unemployment Trust Fund by returning the base period benefits from the current level to pre-2009 stimulus funding, which required Tennessee to expand benefits.  According to the financial analysis, the total recurring savings to the Trust Fund is reasonably estimated to be over $50 million.
Senate passes “Step up Scholarships” to give students with developmental disabilities the opportunity to receive a Tennessee Lottery Scholarship
Legislation sponsored giving students with developmental disabilities the opportunity to receive a Tennessee Lottery Scholarship was approved by the State Senate on Thursday.  Senate Bill 36 would create the Tennessee STEP UP Scholarship to provide accessible funding for high school students with intellectual or developmental disabilities who have college aspirations.
“Tennessee’s lottery scholarships were created to help Tennessee’s high school graduates reach their dreams,” Senator Overbey said.  “This legislation removes the barriers so scholarship opportunities are open to everyone who shows a desire through their coursework to obtain a college degree, regardless of disability.”
Like the larger HOPE Scholarship program, the bill allocates $4,000 per year for a maximum of two years to each student who qualifies, starting for the 2013-2014 academic year.  To be eligible, a student must display Tennessee residency, graduate high school in his or her own Individual Education Program, and be admitted to and enroll in an eligible postsecondary institution no later than 16 months after graduation.
In Brief….
Crime / Gangs -- Legislation passed the full Senate on Tuesday rewriting and simplifying the state’s Criminal Gang Enhancement statute, which prosecutors report is too difficult to interpret and navigate.  Currently, prosecutors must prove the group is a “criminal gang;” show the defendant is a “criminal gang member;” demonstrate the gang and/or an individual has committed a criminal gang offense, and establish the group has a pattern of “criminal gang activity.” The revised statute lists the specific offenses considered to be criminal gang offenses rather than asking prosecutors and courts to interpret today’s more vague definition. According to 2012 data from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, gang members now outnumber law enforcement officers 2 to 1 in the state.
DUI / Interlock Devices – State Senators have approved key legislation to curb drunk driving, requiring the use of ignition interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers.  In 2011, 257 people were killed in Tennessee in alcohol-related crashes, which is approximately 27% of all traffic fatalities in the state.  Senate Bill 670 decreases from 0.15 percent to 0.08 percent, the breath or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is considered an enhanced offense for purposes of issuing a restricted driver license. The bill also requires the interlock device be capable of taking a photo, to ensure that another person does not provide the sample for a convicted offender.  The average first offender has been on the road 80 times drunk before their first arrest according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).  Currently, 17 states require interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers.
Attorney General -- The Senate has approved a resolution sponsored by Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) calling for the State Attorney General (AG) to be selected by the General Assembly, provided voters agree.  Currently, the Tennessee Attorney General is selected by the State Supreme Court and serves until he or she resigns or are replaced by the five Justices.  The resolution, Senate Joint Resolution 196 would give citizens the opportunity to vote on changing that process to provide that the Attorney General be selected in a joint convention of the legislature to a four-year term beginning in January 2019.  The constitutional amendment process requires approval by both the 108th General Assembly currently in session, and the 109th, which will take office in 2015.  If approved, the question would then go to voters in a statewide referendum in the 2018 general election.
Student Health / EpiPens -- Legislation to help ensure that every public school in the state has epinephrine injector pens on hand, or EpiPens, was approved by the full Senate.  Senate Bill 1146 would help make the EpiPens available in public schools in Tennessee in case of a life-threatening allergic reaction when the student does not have one available. The legislation authorizes the school nurse or other trained school to administer the epinephrine auto-injectors to respond to an anaphylactic reaction using protocols from a physician.
Tennessee Technology Colleges -- The name of the “Tennessee Technology Centers” will be changed under legislation passed by the full Senate this week.  Senate Bill 643 changes the name of the centers to “State Colleges of Applied Technology.” 
LEAP / Jobs and Higher Education -- Senate Bill 1330 passed the during last week of legislative action to create the Labor Education Alignment Program (LEAP).  The measure allows students at Tennessee's technology centers and community colleges to combine occupational training in a high-skill or high-technology industry with academic credit and to apply that experience toward a degree.  The legislation is drafted so that wages or other compensation received by students will not impact eligibility for state need-based financial assistance or grants.  The legislation is modeled after "cooperative education” programs where students are paid to learn while applying what they learn at work for credit toward a degree.  This program recognizes that an important outcome of a student's education is job opportunity.  Having employers work closely with state agencies creates increased collaboration and focus across the board, giving students the opportunity to attain credentials.
Contact Information
You may contact Senator Dickerson at
310 War Memorial Building
Nashville, TN 37243

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NashvilleNext tonight addresses Smart Growth

William Fulton AICP, Smart Growth America's Vice President and Director of Policy Development and Implementation, will discuss "The High Cost of America's Inefficient Development Patterns" at 5:30 pm Monday, April 22, at the Nashville Children's Theater, 25 Middleton Street.

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Congressman Marsha Blackburn attends the funeral of Margaret Thatcher, Video and her commentary.

Published on Apr 17, 2013 Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) speaks with Sky News following the funeral service for Baroness Margaret Thatcher. Blackburn was selected by House Speaker John Boehner to lead a delegation that included Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and George Holding (R-NC) to attend the service for the former British Prime Minister, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

Blackburn Statement on Baroness Thatcher's Funeral

Washington, Apr 15 - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) today was selected by Speaker John Boehner to lead a delegation of House members to Baroness Margaret Thatcher’s state funeral.

"It is a distinct honor to lead the House delegation to former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Baroness Margaret Thatcher's funeral,” Blackburn said. “Lady Thatcher's fight for freedom and freedom's cause is one we will honor as we pay our respects to her family, her colleagues, and the country she loved. Her deep and abiding friendship with America altered the course of history and I am grateful for her example and legacy."

“Margaret Thatcher was one of the greatest champions freedom has ever known, and her funeral gives Americans and friends around the world an opportunity to pay our final respects,” said Speaker John Boehner.  “I’m pleased that Congressman Blackburn will lead a House delegation to Baroness Thatcher’s funeral to communicate our prayers and condolences to her family and the British people.”

The House delegation will also include Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and George Holding (R-NC). 

Iron Lady led with grace, championed noble causes

The Tennessean, editorial page, Apr 22, 2013- They stood a dozen deep. Young and old, they lined the streets behind the flag-draped barricades. The rain began to fall almost as if the sky itself mourned the loss of a leader.

She held true to her conservative principles in the face of overwhelming public opinion. Her determination in freedom and freedom’s cause truly changed the world. She was a noble leader for noble causes. (link)

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ken Jakes files civil service complaint against Whittemore of Farmers Market for willfully violating rules

Ken Jakes, a citizen activist who has observed the disregard for established rules at Nashville's farmers market, has filed a civil service complaint against the acting director. So far he has been ignored. This, unfortunately, is representative of how government often views the public with contempt and chooses which rules will be obeyed and which will be ignored.

Rule of law is an important principle and a feature of democratic societies. It will be interesting to observe if Mayor Karl Dean, our former Law Director, believes in the rule of law or thinks he gets to select which rules are enforced. 

Quite frankly, I approve of the sale of wine at the farmers market. I love my adult beverages, especially wine. However, this issue is not about whether or not one wants wine sold at farmers market but whether or not we will follow established rules. If the Farmers Market administration wants to allow wine sales and wants to sell wine at the farmers market, they should change the rules.

Below are Ken Jakes' emails calling for disciplinary actions against Nancy Whittemore, the acting director of the farmers market:

From: "Ken Jakes"
To:,, "Nancy Whittemore" , 
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 1:30:21 PM

Subject: Re: SUPERVISOR / : Disciplinary Actions for Nancy Whittemore.

Mr. William H. Farmer, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission,

I am forwarding this civil service complaint to you to file on my behalf as a citizen and taxpayer of Davidson County against Ms. Nancy Whittemore. Please review the forwarded complaint. If there is a complaint form for me to fill out please contact me and I will act immediately to file with you.
Thank you,
Ken Jakes

From: "Ken Jakes"
To:,, "Nancy whittemore" (and numerous others)

Subject: SUPERVISOR / : Disciplinary Actions for Nancy Whittemor.

Mayor Karl Dean,

I sent this complaint to you to file a citizens complaint for violation of Civil Service Rules and have listed each rule violated. To date I have not heard a response. It was my understanding that you, as Mayor, are the supervisor of the directors of your administration and it is my understanding that all civil service complaints are to be filed with the supervisor. If I am incorrect please notify me as to whom to file this complaint and I will forward it to them.

Thank you,
Ken Jakes.

From: "Ken Jakes"
To:, "C" , "Nancy whittemore" , (and numerous others)
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 3:12:38 PM
Subject: Disciplinary Actions for Nancy Whittemor.

Mayor Karl Dean, 
I am filing with you, as a taxpaying citizen of Nashville-Davidson County, a complaint against employee Nancy Whittemore. She is your administration's Acting Director of the Nashville Farmers Market. By the Rules and Regulations of the Board of the Nashville Farmers Market it is the responsibility and duty of the Director of the NFM to see that the rules and regulation of the Board are obeyed and enforced. 
I have documented to Nancy Whittemore on numerous occasions that the NFM was in violation on Rule G (2) "No Alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance in any form shall be consumed, kept, bought, or sold in any kind of containers at any stall, or location on the Farmers Market Premises."
 Furthermore I have documented through your administration's police department, by complaint case number 13-345544, that Nancy Whittemore, having been made fully aware of the Board Rule  G (2), willfully and intentionally permits alcohol to be sold on the market premises and is thus continuing to violate the NFM Board's rule.
I file this complaint under the Metro Civil Service Rule 6.7 numbers 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 and 12.  It is my opinion that you. as the leader in charge of our city, hold the responsibility to enforce disciplinary action.. Should you need me to sign a complaint form, please let me know. Below are the civil service rules cited:
The following constitute grounds for disciplinary action:
1. Neglect or failure to perform official duty.
2. Deficient or inefficient performance of duties.
5. Neglect or disobedience to the lawful and reasonable orders given by a supervisor.
10. Violation of any provision of the Metropolitan Charter or any written Executive or Administrative Orders.
11. Violation of any written rules, policies or procedures of the department in which the employee is employed.
12. Violation of any of the rules or regulations of the Metropolitan Civil Service Commission.
If you need me to sign affidavit and have it notarized please let me know.
Ken Jakes. 

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TN education board maintains support for Common Core

TN education board maintains support for Common Core

The Tennessean, Apr 20, 2013- A recent wave of backlash against new academic standards for Tennessee’s schoolchildren has state officials so concerned that they talked twice this week about how best to show their support for the standards.

The State Board of Education discussed newly organizing criticism against the Common Core State Standards at meetings on Thursday and Friday before deciding to officially renew its support for the standards. The board plans to vote on a resolution reaffirming its faith in the standards at the next meeting, set for July 26.(link)

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