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Saturday, April 03, 2021
Metro's HOPE program which pays past due rent and utilities will include illegal aliens. No SS # required.
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9 Crazy Examples of Unrelated Waste and Partisan Spending in Biden’s $2 Trillion ‘Infrastructure’ Proposal
Just roughly one-third of the money goes to the kinds of spending people would usually associate with infrastructure.
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How Mayor Cooper plans to spend the $10 million of Covid relief money.
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Mayor John Cooper Brings Violence Prevention Expert to Metro. Newly-Created Position And $3 Million Aims to Enhance Community Safety
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Friday, April 02, 2021
Here Is How Much People Pay in Taxes in Tennessee
Day. However, the IRS announced in March that American taxpayers would have an extra month to file their federal income taxes, pushing Tax Day to May 17 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, state filings will still proceed as planned in most places.
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Thursday, April 01, 2021
Tennessee bill would eliminate privilege tax for more professions
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10 new radical ideas that are destroying America
By Victor Davis Hanson, reposted from American Greatness, March 31, 2021 - There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently. Victor Hanson
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Many Trump loyalist are like other cult members. They have a my-mind-is-made-up-don't-confuse-me-with-facts mindset.
Jonah Jacob Goldberg (born March 21, 1969) is an American conservative syndicated
columnist, author, political analyst, and commentator. The founding editor of National Review Online, from 1998 until 2019 he was an editor at National Review. Goldberg writes a weekly column about politics and culture for the Los Angeles Times. In October 2019, Goldberg became founding editor of the online opinion and news publication The Dispatch. Goldberg is the author of Liberal Fascism, which became a No. 1 New York Times bestseller shortly after its release in January 2008; The Tyranny of Cliches: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas, released in 2012; and Suicide of the West, which was published in April 2018 and also became a New York Times bestseller, reaching No. 5 on the list the following month. (link)
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Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Facebook Suspends Dr. Carol Swain - Bannon War Room Interview
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Monday, March 29, 2021
Bellevue Breakfast Club meets Saturday, April 3. Speaker will be Attorney Jim Roberts with 4 Good Government.
Greeting Breakfast Club Members,
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NFIB Statement of Business Fairness Act (SB 474)
NASHVILLE (March 29, 2021) -- NFIB State Director Jim Brown released the following statement tonight in response to the final passage of SB 474, the Business Fairness Act. The House passed it this evening by a vote of 90-0. The Senate approved it earlier by a vote of 28-0.
This is a big victory for Tennessee's small businesses because it means they can remain open during a pandemic or other health emergency as long as they follow government guidelines to keep customers and employees safe.SB 474 ensures that state and local government won't be put in the position of picking winners and losers by deciding some businesses are 'essential' while others aren't. SB 474 puts small businesses on a level playing field with the national chains. SB 474 says if you follow the rules, you can stay open. Hopefully, we'll never have another situation like the one we've had with the coronavirus, but if we do, we need to make sure small businesses can survive.
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Uncle Sam reports dismal financial results, to deafening silence
by Bill Bergman, Truth in Accounting, March 29, 2021- Late last week, the federal government of the United States issued its annual financial report. The report arrived, as it usually does, to deafening silence. Meanwhile, the American Rescue Plan of 2021 and related legislation under consideration have only amplified the disturbing trends evident in the results for fiscal year 2020.
There are, however, other significant resources available to the government beyond the assets presented in these Balance Sheets. Those resources include stewardship PP&E in addition to the government’s sovereign powers to tax, and to set monetary policy.
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The official U.S. Treasury Department's 2020 Financial Report of the U.S. governments says we are on an "unsustainable fiscal path.
by Rod Williams, 3/29/2021 - I feel like I am watching a train wreck in slow motion and few seem concerned that a disaster is imminent. We are going down hill like a snowball headed for hell, and no one, or almost no one, cares. The liberal establishment doesn't care. The legacy mainstream media doesn't care. It is not a major topic of conversation on conservative radio talk shows. And, is not a priority of Trump Republicans, which apparently are most Republicans.
The U.S. Treasury Department just released its 2020 Financial Report of the U.S government. This is the report released under the authority of Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen. She signs the cover letter. This report paints a gloomy picture. This is what it says, " … The continuous rise of the debt-to-GDP ratio projections based on the assumptions in this Financial Report indicates that current policy is not sustainable. These projections assume that current policy will continue indefinitely, and are, therefore, neither forecasts nor predictions. While the projections are inherently uncertain, it is nevertheless nearly certain that current fiscal policies cannot be sustained indefinitely.”
And, to make it worse, the Government Accounting Office, the non-partisan body that works for Congress says of the report: "... serious financial management weaknesses prevented us from giving the government a “clean opinion” that its financial statements are fairly presented. These weaknesses continue to hinder the federal government from having reliable, useful, and timely financial information to operate effectively and efficiently."
I have not read all 265 pages of the report but the gloom is within the first few pages. It is a shame that this does not grab the public's attention. We can not fix this mess by, as people often assume, just cutting defense spending or cutting foreign aid, or cutting welfare. We certainly can't spend our way out of it and neither can we tax our way out of it. And, I don't think we can tax-cut our way out of it. Unfortunately, we are not trying to stop this runaway train, we are pouring on the steam.
I fear our days as a great nation are behind us. The way I see it we will either have cataclysmic occurrence that leads to massive inflation and then economic collapse or we will manage a decline with a more gradual loss of our standard of living. With American in decline and less able to provide leadership and deterrence, authoritarian regimes will come to dominate and the free world will become more isolated. Whether a cataclysmic event or a more gradual decline, either way we are screwed. I am not so sure we can even put it back together again. We may be past the point of no return. For the first time in our history, you cannot expect your children to have a brighter future than you did.
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2020 Financial Report of the U.S. Government |
For more of my views on the coming economic collapse see:
How will the $1.9 Trillion stimulus plan be paid for?
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Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, is guest at the AF-Nashville and the Beacon Center April networking event!
Join AF-Nashville and the Beacon Center for our April networking event! We will be joined by Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, a taxpayer advocacy group Norquist founded in 1985 at President Reagan’s request. ATR works to limit the size and cost of government and opposes higher taxes at the federal, state, and local levels and supports tax reform that moves towards taxing consumed income one time at one rate.
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Sunday, March 28, 2021
In Tennessee, if you were born a boy you can not play sports as if you were really a girl.
by Rod Williams - It doesn't matter if one is physically all male and simply identifies as a female, or if by a process of breast implants and surgeries and hormones one looks female except still has a penis, or if one has gone for the full transition and the penis has been turned into a vagina; if you were born male, as shown on your original birth certificate, you can not complete in Tennessee public schools sports as if you were female. Also, the reverse is true and women cannot compete as men.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed into law SB 0228 that makes this the law. The reason for this bill is to protect women's sports. When men compete as women, they usually have an advantage over real women. The LBTQ community and liberal organizations are having a conniption. They call this discrimination against transgender teens.
What will happen now is unknown. Probably, somewhere a student who was born male will attempt to compete as a female. The school will follow the law and not allow the student to compete. Some organization, such as The Trevor Project or maybe the ACLU, will file suit and allege this is sexual discrimination. No matter which side wins, the losing side is likely to appeal the decision. If the Supreme Court agrees to hear the appeal then it will be argued and the Supreme Court will hand down a ruling. If the Court does not agree to hear the appeal then which ever way the District Court rules will determine the status of the law, unless two different Districts reach different conclusions in which case the Supreme Court is likely to hear the case.
Also, President Joe Biden has sought to bar gender discrimination in many areas, including school sports, through a January executive order. The EO does not directly address the issue of transgender's students playing sports competing in the gender category with which they identify, but opens the door to allege that to deny them to do so is to violate sections of the Civil Rights Act. Basically, the January EO could change the meaning of "sex" in federal law and whereas it did mean "male" or "female," now when "sex" is used in Federals laws it could be interpreted to include transgendered people despite that not being the meaning a the time the law was passed. This could lead to federal education funding being withheld. Simply having a law such as the new Tennessee law on the books is not likely to trigger policies that lead to punitive action against the state. The law would actually have to be applied. So, when the law is tested and enforced, and the Federal government does, if it does, attempt to penalized a state, then the state is likely to challenge the legitimacy of the EO. There are limits as to how far executive action can go in compelling state policy changes. So the legitimacy of the EO is likely to be challenged in court.
So, this is not settled and Tennessee may not be the place in which it is settled. Similar laws have been passed or are pending in twenty-one other states. If the challenge to a similar law is resolved in another state which is also in the 6th District Court of Appeals then the status of Tennessee's law would also be determined by that ruling. However, if different district appeals courts rule differently, this is likely to be decided in the supreme court.
For more on this see this link, and this link.
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