Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Mayor Lies Again

In a recent mailing supporting Councilman Duane Dominy's opponent, Mayor Dean gave credit for a long fought for four-way stop sign to Dominy's opponent who had absolutely nothing to do with it. Now, as reported by Channel 4 news, the Mayor is using the same tactic to support the opponent of Councilman Robert Duvall. A flyer mailed to voters in the new District 33 gives Duvall's opponent credit for the new fire station on Hobson Pike and a bunch other accomplishments and works-in-progress.

"It's just a total misrepresentation of the truth," said Duvall."I consider it a political hack job."

Regarding the fire hall, current district Councilman Sam Coleman says, "I don't know Mrs. Page real well, but I don't recall her being instrumentally involved in it."

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