Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Graves Rushes to aid of Arriola

The Tennessean blog In Session reports that long-time employee of John Arriola, Sandra Alexander Graves, has asked District 16 Councilwoman Anna Page, a member of the council’s rules committee, to delay action on a memorializing resolution which will be on the council agenda Aug. 2. (link)

The resolution sponsored by Councilman Robert Duvall list the offenses committed by Mr. Arriola which include pocketing the money and failing to report the money he receives for performing weddings and his having his campaign treasurer on the Metro payroll. The resolution ask Mr. Arriola to resign.(read the resolution)

In a Facebook message, Sandra Graves wrote Council Member Anna Page and asked her to consider “giving Mr. Arriola consideration, delaying the process and letting the final investigate (sic) go ahead and run the proper course.”

Sandra Graves is the wife of former council member and current Metro Council candidate Jerry Graves.This is an example of what is wrong with Metro Government.  There are too many people who think of Metro Government as a family business.  There are too many office holders who have their kids or wife or other family member on the payroll. There are too many people not interested in efficiency or offices being managed with integrity because they have an interest in the status quo. There are too many "good 'ole boys" with family and long-time friends working for Metro to bring honest government and professionalism to court house offices. Too many people see public service as an opportunity to reward family and friends.

Too many people in elected office have family members or close friends on the payroll to honestly look at cutting budgets. If a metro department or agency can get by with less, then it may be your friend or wife or relative who loses a job. When you owe someone a favor because they hired or continued to employ your wife or child or close friend it is hard to be objective. 

It is time to end nepotism, machine politics and the good 'ole boy system of government.

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