Saturday, October 02, 2021

Nashville General CEO's pay may rise above $900,000, drawing scrutiny from mayor

by Brett Kelman, The Tennessean, Oct. 2, 2021- The Nashville General Hospital oversight board could soon consider a proposed contract for CEO Joseph Webb that may eventually pay him more than $900,000 per year, raising overcompensation concerns in the mayor’s office, according to hospital and city hall documents obtained by The Tennessean.

The proposed contract – an incomplete draft not yet presented to the full board – offers a $479,000 base salary, a $15,600 car allowance and the potential for 10% incentive raises each of the next three years. The contract also includes yearly deferred compensation payments amounting to 45% of Webb’s base salary. Webb’s proposed compensation is “considerably greater” than salaries for executives at the Nashville Electric Service, Music City Center, the Nashville Airport, the Nashville Housing Authority, the Metro Public Health Department and the Metro Transit Authority. (link)

Rod's Comment: This is an outrage.  The CEO should not be paid this kind of salary.  We should phase out General Hospital.  Close it! You may recall that former mayor Megan Barry proposed doing so, but got distracted and didn't do the heavy lifting to make it happen.  At least she proposed it. There is not a state law, nor a charter requirement that Metro provide a charity hospital.  Many cities do not operate a charity hospital. Poor people have Medicaid and they have choices.  For those who do not have Medicaid, hospitals provide charity care and write off the cost.  Poor people do not have to go to General and few do.   General cannot fill its beds. To read what I have written about General over the years, follow this link

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