Wednesday, July 27, 2022

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please email ALL COUNCILMEMBERS with your comments asking them to SAY YES to the RNC !

Robert Swope
by Councilman Robert Swope, July 27, 222- The ordinance to approve the contract between the RNC and Metro to host the 2024 Republican National Nominating Convention has been re-filed with the Metro Clerk to be heard by the Metro Council on August 2nd.  Additionally, we have filed a Resolution alongside the ordinance welcoming the RNC and DNC conventions to Nashville and welcoming a discussion with the State of TN enabling Development Impact Fees to be implemented in Davidson County, like they are in 93 of 95 TN counties.

Now is the time to ACT.      And WE NEED YOUR HELP!   Please email ALL COUNCILMEMBERS with your comments asking them to SAY YES to the RNC !

The direct email to all members is:

Both pieces of legislation will be considered at the August 2nd Metro Council meeting, and here are countless reasons to say YES, including:

  • Nashville, Tennessee has recently been named by National Geographic magazine as being the Number One place in the World to visit, furthering our international status as one of the greatest cities in the world, and has, for decades, been globally recognized as one of the most Welcoming Cities in America;
  • Nashville has flawlessly executed enormous citywide events including the NFL Draft, the 4th of July Celebration, the NRA Convention, the News Years Eve Bash, and numerous other events bringing tens of thousands of guests into the downtown area without incident;
  • Nashville has the unique and esteemed opportunity to host the 2024 Republican National Committee National Nominating Convention in the summer of 2024 and the opportunity to host the 2028 Democratic National Committee National Nominating Convention in the summer of 2028.  
In consideration of this opportunity, a contract between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County has been negotiated that fully indemnifies Metro from any and all financial obligations as the host of the 2024 RNC Convention.  The estimated revenues from hosting this convention are estimated to exceed $200 Million dollars net to the Metropolitan Government, and will further create additional and considerable revenue for the entire middle TN region.  The Federal contribution for this convention is $50 Million, the State of TN has committed $25 Million, and the Nashville Host Committee has agreed to cover any and all additional expenses Metro may incur;

Regarding security, it is common practice for any National Nominating Convention (RNC or DNC) to supply over 5000 additional police, fire and EMT personnel to assist in the security of these conventions, and will operate under the direction of the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department;

In our capacity to host world-class events, Nashville can further its stellar reputation for welcoming respectful civil discourse on an international stage by welcoming these conventions.

PLEASE email the Metro Council, Invite your friends and family to do the same.   This is a one-time vote to show we are the Welcoming City we claim to be!

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