Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Metro needs to reject the proposal for a new $2.1 billion indoor stadium. Back to the drawing board.

by Rod Williams, Dec. 13, 2022 - Bruce Barry writing in Tennessee Outlook sheds light on the issues surrounding the proposal to build a new stadium for the Titans. Below are some of the highlights of the points he makes

  • Proponents of the new stadium have stage-managed the public comment sessions. Vested interest used the public comment sessions as a vehicle for advancing the establishment's pro-stadium narrative.
  • The assertion that “This doesn’t cost Nashville’s taxpayers a dime; the revenue is coming from people who travel here and come from outside” is demonstrably false.
  • County superstar Garth Brooks in a letter to Metro Council said "domed stadiums are revenue-generating machines because they can be kept busy 365 days a year." Others have made the same argument. Barry provides data. Sofi in Los Angeles which books more events than any other domed stadium only booked 17 nights last year. 
  • The alternative to building the new stadium is to rehab the existing one and "we still don’t actually have a conclusive and reliable analysis of those costs. "
The push for a new stadium needs to be slowed down and the Council needs real cost analysis and facts before allowing this to be railroaded though. 

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1 comment:

  1. I am in agreement with the conclusion that a new domed stadium is fool's gold, but, is Bruce Barry, who is pretty much a Marxist, really the person you want to be carrying the flag for this position?
