Thursday, October 28, 2010

$20K Saturday: Raising $20,000 for Final Media Push for David Hall

Hey David Hall Volunteer Army!

Our targeted, grass roots campaign is bearing fruit, and we want to have a media push during the last few days before the polls open on November 2nd, to carry us over the top.

But playing ads on television takes money, so we're calling on you--our volunteer army, to help make it happen.

More than 700 people will receive this email directly from our campaign, and if everyone on the list invests $30 we can raise over $20,000 to broadcast our message to the entire 5th District. (Of course, a contribution of $50 or $100 would be even better.) Our message? That Jim Cooper is masquerading as a conservative or Blue Dog Democrat when in Nashville and voting like a Pelosi liberal when he's in DC. People need to see the facts about Cooper's voting record. And your financial support will make it happen.

Go here to make your secure, online donation before Saturday at 5pm.

Go here to view our "Where's Jim Cooper?" Ad.

Please forward this to like-minded folks in your sphere of influence!

Fire Jim Cooper! Fire Nancy Pelosi! Elect David Hall!

Comment: I just made my $30 contribution. Please, Please do it now. Don't put it off. It is quick and easy and painless. We are in the final lap of the race. Don’t stop now! This could put David Hall over the top. Thanks, Rod

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