Friday, January 31, 2025

Chattanooga's Rachel Campbell To Lead Tennessee Democratic Party. What I Want to Know is .....

 Nutty Tennessee Dem's proudly showcase their
gender fluidity ideology with every communication.
by Rod Williams, Jan. 31, 2025- What I want to know is if the new Chair will feel compelled to identify herself (himself, themself, itself) with a pronoun accompanying the closing signature with each email communication. 

I will await the first email from the new chair (chairman, chairwomen, chair). Outgoing Chair Hendrel  Remas always had to end his emails with a "he/him" until about March of last year when he suddenly stopped the practice. There was never an explanation of why he stopped with the gender identification, it just suddenly stopped. 

There are a lot reasons Democrats lost to Trump in the recent election. Considering Trump is an authoritarian, is cruel, mocking, rude, constantly lies, and attempted a coup, Dems should have won easily. I know that immigration and the economy are the reasons most often attributed to a Trump win, but I think it was due to wokeness, and all that goes with it. 

Two days in a row, the Tennessee Democratic
 Party sent me an email without stating
the sender's preferred pronoun.
People were sick, I think, of DEI, of inability of Democrats to say what a woman is, of forcing schools to allow boys who think they are girls to compete in girls' sports, of cancel culture, of tampons in boys' bathrooms, of murdering the language by using terms like "birthing parent," instead of "mothers," and a whole bunch of other stuff.  People were also sick of hectoring self-riotous progressives looking down their noses at normal people who wouldn't participate in their delusion. 

In some of the post-mortems, I have seen a few Democrats, not many- but a few, identify this wokeness and related issues as a factor in their loss. While I still consider myself a Republican, I cannot be part of the Trump cult. I wish there was an alternative I could embrace.  I think we need two viable political parties, so when one becomes a cult, there is an alternative. Unfortunately, if Democrats remain in this out-of-touch, elitist. snobbish, self-righteous mode, I think the Trump cult will continue to win. I don't think the politically correct identity fluidity ideology cult can trump the Trump cult. 

I am looking forward to my first email from Rachel Campbell. 

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