Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Who is supporting Morgan Ortagus? A broad spectrum of Republicans. The Republican establishment "establishment," and the Trump establishment.

by Rod Williams, March 1, 2022- Who is supporting  Trump-backed Tennessee 5th congressional candidate Morgan Ortagus?  It seems to be about everybody outside of Tennessee from across the Republican spectrum.  The most important supporter, of course, is Donald Trump, himself.  However, some Trumpinistas are pointing out that she has the support of “establishment” Republicans, "Neo-cons,"  and "RINO's."  People with ties to the Bush presidencies or the campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney and Rubio's primary campaign are in her camp. There was a time this would have been considered a good thing to have a broad spectrum of support.  Not now, however. Now, having a broad spectrum of supporters can hurt you. In many cases, Trumpinistas or more Trumpian than Tump and they expect Trumpian purity. 

A website called The National Pulse pointed out who some of the people are who are sponsoring a fundraiser on her behalf as if this was a negative thing: 

Among the special guests featured at the upcoming Washington, D.C. fundraiser are establishment conservatives including Senator Lindsey Graham – who Trump recently blasted as “a RINO” – as well as Freedom Caucus-basher and Paul Ryan ally Dan Crenshaw.

But even worse than Graham and Crenshaw are the co-sponsors of the event – including officials and commentators who have ruthlessly bashed Trump. ...  But even worse than Graham and Crenshaw are the co-sponsors of the event – including officials and commentators who have ruthlessly bashed Trump. Co-sponsor Reginald Brown served as deputy general counsel to former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Samantha Dravis worked as an attorney on Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, and Alex Lawhon was a Regional Finance Director for McCain’s 2008 campaign.

I have reservations about Morgan Ortagas's candidacy, primarily because she is an outsider.  That she is a beautiful woman is not a negative thing in my view.   My reservation is that I would simply prefer someone who knows the district and did not just move here to run for Congress and to me, that is how it looks.  However, the fact that Ortagas has a broad range of support is not, in my view, a negative thing. 

Morgan Ortagus's endorsements from outside Tennesee continue to mount. Last week, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo endorsed her.  I am not sure how much influence all of these outside endorsements will have in Tennessee, however.  Outside endorsements of the caliber she is getting, mean lots of campaign cash to saturate the airways and the mailboxes of voters and that can be a deciding factor in a campaign. 


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