Wednesday, March 02, 2022

At-Large Metro Councilmember Steve Glover Resigns. Resigns due to health challenges.

Steve Glover addresses the "Let us work" rally August 
2020, opposing the mayor's lock-down policy.

 by Rod Williams, March 2, 2022-  Steve Glover has resigned his seat on the Metro Council. I have known Steve was having health issues but I do not know and do not think Steve has made public the nature of his health issues. He has been absent from several recent Council meetings.  Previously, a regular poster to Facebook, he has been mostly absent from Facebook for some time. 

Steve was elected as a Council-at-large member in 2019.  Prior to that, he had served as a district Council member and prior to that, he had served as a member of the School Board.

Steve Clover has served with distinction and has accomplished an almost impossible feat in heavily Democrat-leaning Davidson County. He managed to get elected to a county-wide office as an unabashed conservative.  While he did not have to run with the albatross of the Republican Party label around his neck, he did not shy away from taking conservative positions.  Steve opposed higher taxes and reckless spending and was reliably conservative on issues before the council. He did not shy away from letting it be known he was a supporter of Donald Trump for president.

In 2020, when the Council passed a 37% tax increase budget, Steve led the effort to pass an alternative budget with much less of a tax increase (link). While that effort failed, Steve fought hard. 

When Metro Public Schools awarded Meharry Medical Group a no-bid contract worth up $18 million for just four-and-half months of work assisting Metro Schools in developing Covid-19 vaccine plans and dealing with other issues surrounding COVA, Steve Glover was openly critical. “Don’t tell me there aren’t other people that are capable of doing this for less money,” he said in blasting the deal (link).

When the Council finally voted to end lifetime health benefits for future members of the Council, Steve Glover voted to end it (link). Steve was an outspoken critic of the Mayor's Covid-19 lock-down policies. When Metro's water system financial crisis emerged and it was revealed that mismanagement had caused the city to reach the point to where the city did not even have funds for emergency water repairs, Steve took the lead in exposing the scandal and explaining the crisis. When most of the Metro Council jumped on the pro-gay or pro-illegal immigrant bandwagons, Steve did not. Time and time again on fiscal matters as well as social issues and simply government efficiency issues, Stever Glover was often the lone voice for reason and conservative values. 

To my friend Steve Glover, thank you for your service to our city. It is not easy being the Lone Ranger.  You were often a voice crying in the wilderness. I admire and respect you. Best wishes for improved health and well-being.  

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