Friday, January 24, 2025

Prediction: Donald Trump will Declare Martial Law and Suspend the Constitution.

by Rod Williams, Jan. 18, 2025- Ever since the election and increasing so as we near the inauguration, many opinion writers and pundits have been writing pieces and speculating on news panels as to what to expect from a second Trump administration.

Much of what others predict and what I would predict is too daring. Some things he has said he will do; you can expect him to do. He has said he will institute a massive deportation plan on day one. I think it a safe bet to predict he will do so. I don't think the funding will be there or the time to deport anything like 15 million people, but I think it safe to assume that significant deportations will occur. I expect he deports those who have orders of deportation already who have not turned themselves in and criminals, which may add up to be about 2 million people. I then think the money, or the clock runs out and deportations stall. 

Along with the deportation prediction I suspect the campaign promise and speculation that he will secure the border is a safe bet. Again, that will take money to physically secure the border but when migrants get the message that they are not welcome and they see deportations occurring, border crossing will drop dramatically.

Those are the two easy ones. Beyond that one's crystal ball gets kind of cloudy. What about tariffs? I do not predict the massive across-the-board tariffs that Trump threatened. Economist of every stripe think that would be detrimental to economic growth and would be inflationary. I think Trump will be talked out of it. He will implement some limited tariffs, claim his threat of tariffs changed behavior, and declare victory.

What about Ukraine? I predict the war to end on unfavorable terms for Ukraine. If the war ends with Ukraine giving up Russian-occupied territory and no grantees for Ukraine security and with a prohibition on Ukraine joining NATO, then Russia will have won. After a couple years, Russia will resume its attack on Ukraine or subvert the country and turn it into a client state. An encouraged Russia intent on creating a Russian-dominated Eurasia is a threat to world peace. I don't like that outcome, but unfortunately, I predict that is what will happen. 

I predict we will not take the Panama Canal, purchase Greenland or make Canada the 51st state. I may be wrong, but I just don't think it will happen. Panama would be easy pickings and many Trumpinistas would cheer loudly. However, I think Panama may replace the Chinese company operating the port with a non-Chinese company, Trump will claim a victory and the threat to retaking Panama will be over. Trump spouts a lot of garbage that I have learned to not take too seriously. I don't think the US will invade and annex Greenland or force Denmark to sell it.   

I predict NATO will continue to exist but with a less robust American leadership. One thing to watch for is to see if nuclear proliferation increases. If nations, such as Germany, do not feel secure under the American nuclear umbrella, they may seek nukes of their own. That is a frightening proposition. This is not quite a prediction but something to watch.

I am predicting that six months from now the price of dozen eggs and the price of a gallon of gasoline will not deviate more than 10% from what they are today. 

What about retribution and the enemies within? I predict that there will be some investigations of the people on Kash Patel's enemies list, and it will cost the targeted a lot of money and anxiety. However, I am predicting Liz Channey will not be imprisoned. For the most part our institutions will hold.

So, what is my big prediction? I am going out on a limb: Within nine months of Trump's inauguration Trump will declare martial law. 

I am unsure of the pretexts, but it is what authoritarians do. Frustrated with the pace of deportation and the obstinance and defiance of sanctuary city mayors, Trump may declare a state of emergency and direct the military to engage in deportation activities. We may see nationalized National Guard troops raiding worksites and patrolling the streets.

The pretext for declaring martial law may be a terrorist attack. If we had a series of events happen in a close time frame, related or not, similar to what happened in New Orleans, Trump could use that as the pretext. I am sure he can find a pretext. I am not going beyond saying Trump will declare martial law and predict what the outcome will be. It could be short-lived and almost insignificant or it could be catastrophic. 

Sadly, I suspect that the majority of Trump supporters will support this. This is what they signed up for. They were looking for a strong man and will be pleased with decisive action. They will say Trump is bringing about law and order and defending national security. Abuses will have to get pretty extreme before his core supporters will care. Many of the new low-information Trump supporters will be back to playing video games. Activist liberals will care, but when they take to the streets that are under martial law that may just provide an excuse for further suppression. 

Why would I think Trump would impose martial law? For one, he has called for terminating parts of the constitution before. In Dec. 2020 expressing frustrated with his failure to hang on to power he advocated terminating parts of the Constitution. Here is a X tweet where he called for that:

Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections! (link)

On June 1, 2020, when the country was in the grip of riots as Black Lives Matter and Antifa led violent protest following the George Floyd death,  President Donald Trump gave a Rose Garden press briefing and Trump told governors and mayors to stop the disturbances, or he would:

I have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets. If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. (link)

During this period of the George Floyd riots Trump considering evoking the Insurrection Act but was talked out of it. My fear is that now, he will not have the same kind of people surrounding him as he did in his first term.

What could be the worst that could happen under a declaration of national emergency and martial law? We don't know. If he has the support of the American people and Congress, which he very well could have, his power would be virtually unlimited. He could exercise dictatorial powers, and then Liz Chaney could face a military tribunal, as Trump once threatened. If Trump seizes power through a declaration of national emergency and imposition of martial law and he begins to lose popularity, it may be difficult to force him to relinquish the power.

Martial law is essentially the same as suspending the constitution. Under martial law, the government could wield massive power. The right to trial by jury could be curtailed. The freedom of press could be suppressed. Elections could be delayed. The President could rule by degree. We have as a guide the World War II example of the U.S. military placing Hawaii under martial law.

Can he do it? Can he legally seize power and suspend the constitution? Yes, he can. It has never been done nationwide before in the United States, but there have been many instances in our nation's history where martial law has been imposed in certain regions for limited periods of time. There have been 68 instances in our nation's history where either state governors or the president have declared martial law. The first instance was Andrew Jackson declaring martial law in New Orleans prior to the Battle of New Orleans in 1814.

President Abraham Lincoln declared martial law in 1862 and applied it to “all rebels and insurgents, their aiders and abettors, within the United States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia draft or guilty of any disloyal practice affording aid and comfort to rebels against the authority of the United States.” (*

In recent history, in 1957 Eisenhower used the U.S. military to integrate a school in Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1962, Attorney General Robert Kennedy sent federal troops to Oxford, Mississippi, to quell rioting following the admission of James Meridith to the University of Mississippi, and in 1963, 1964, and 1965 federal troops were used for the purpose of facilitating integration or protecting protestors. In 1992 George W. Bush used federal troops to restore order in Los Angeles following the Rodney King riots. 

While there has never been a nationwide declaration of martial law, there is nothing to prohibit it. The Constitution does not specifically make a provision for declaring martial law and the Supreme Court has never ruled on the matter. Despite the constitution not providing for it and the Supreme Court never acting on it, since martial law has been declared many times before, there is likely a legal assumption that a president has the authority to impose martial law. 

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