Saturday, June 08, 2013

Bill Freeman says we must save the fairgrounds

Bill Freeman is chairman of Freeman Webb Inc., a real estate investment, management and brokerage company based in Nashville, a major Democratic fund raiser, and the former treasurer of the Tennessee Democratic Party. He is often mentioned as a potential candidate for Mayor. If he is interested in running for Mayor, he is smart to get out front on this important issue to the people of Nashville.

In this article, he makes the case for saving the fairground. I agree that we must keep the fairgrounds as the fairgrounds. In my view however, instead of the city making the investment that the property needs, we should give a private entity a long term lease on the property and let them improve it while they maintain the current uses as a fairground and expo center and develop new attractions. 

by Bill Freeman, The Tennessean, Jun. 6, 2013- A Metro Council proposal to provide a $200,000 subsidy to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds highlights an important reality: It’s time our city’s political and business leadership focused on preserving and enhancing one of Nashville’s most important and long-lasting cultural amenities. Nashville’s leaders often benchmark their efforts to grow and improve our city and region in comparison to other cities — and it is a smart strategy to look at successful efforts other cities have undertaken in such things as education and transportation.

When we apply that approach in looking at our Fairgrounds and State Fair, it is abundantly clear that our fair and our fairgrounds are underperforming and we have not been....(read more)

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