Sunday, June 02, 2013

Free Speech Rally in Manchester June 4th

Atlas Shrugged, The American Freedom Defense Initiative, Tennessee Freedom Coalition, local 9-12ers and others are calling for a massive rally in favor of free speech on June 4th at 5:30pm at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd, in Manchester, Tennessee.

At that time a U.S. attorney in Tennessee along with the FBI special agent that runs the Knoxville office, are set to speak to a special meeting with the local Muslim community, informing them about their rights under federal law.  They have vowing to use federal civil rights statutes to clamp down on offensive and inflammatory speech about Islam. The Free Speech rally will occur outside the building where inside the federal government officials will be conducting their seminar.

I sided with the Muslim when they wanted to build a mosque in Murfressboro, because I support the First Amendment and believe in freedom of religion.  In this controversy, I am siding with the people I previously opposed because I still support the First Amendment and I believe is freedom of speech.

I can't take off from work to attend this rally. I have had to take too much time off from work to care for my ailing wife. If you can go, please attend and stand up against a growing tyrannical government trying to silence dissident voices.

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1 comment:

  1. You sound like a very confused person. You should try watching less faux news.
