Sunday, May 19, 2013

Common Core and the Muslim Brotherhood

I reposted an expose a couple week ago that tied Common Core to Agenda 21.  You know Agenda 21?  That is the conspricacy to kill 96% of the worlds population by posioning them with aspertame and floride. Everything from shady sidewalks to bike share programs to roundabouts to art in public  places is part of Agenda 21 according to many Agenda 21 critics. (I have posted extensively about Agenda 21, you can read it hear.)

At the time I reposted the expose that tied Agenda 21 to Common core I said, "I knew the tinfoil hat brigade would tie Common Core to Agenda 21. I just knew it!  I'm still waiting to see the connection to Sharia Law, the NAFTA superhighway, Chem trails, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Aspartame, Fluoride, and the Federal Reserve. If you dig deep enough and really believe it, you can find the connections."

Well, I didn't have to wait long.  Common Core has been tied to the Muslim Brotherhood!  A website called Tennesee Fully Exposed has posted Episode 27: “Common ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ Core Curriculum.” This post features an audio interview with Cathy Hinners who is the founder of the Daily Roll Call and she explains how "Common Core in Tennessee is being pushed by Muslim Brotherhood organizations and why."

As soon as I find the connections to the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and chem trails, I will post it.


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