Sunday, May 19, 2013

Update from Senator Bob Corker: IRS Actions Outrageous and Disturbing

In a letter Wednesday to President Barack Obama, Senator Corker joined Senate Republicans in demanding that the administration fully comply with congressional investigation requests on how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeted conservative groups. The senators outlined concerns regarding conflicting responses from the nonpartisan agency and said it is imperative the administration work with Congress to restore public confidence.

Last week, Senator Corker called initial reports that the IRS inappropriately flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews “outrageous [and] disturbing.”
“As I said last year, all nonprofit organizations seeking tax-exempt status should be treated fairly and equitably by the IRS,” said Corker. “The IRS’s admission that its employees were specifically targeting conservative groups – including groups in Tennessee – is outrageous, disturbing, and will further erode Americans' trust in the federal government. Swift and decisive action should be taken to punish those responsible and to assure the American people that these actions will not be tolerated at the IRS or any other federal agency.”
Last March, Corker joined Senate colleagues in asking the IRS to treat all nonprofit groups seeking tax-exempt status fairly in the designation process. In a follow up letter last June, Corker and colleagues asked the IRS to clarify what authority allowed them to request confidential donor information from organizations applying for tax exempt status.

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