Monday, July 03, 2023

See who has endorsed the candidates for mayor

by Rod Williams, July 3, 2023 - The Tennessean has compiled a list of who is endorsing which candidate for mayor.  Here are some highlights. 

The Nashville Creators Coalition which is made up of several organizations doesn't endorse but they rate the candidates and Freddie O'Connell gets the highest rating.  

Planned Parenthood endorsed multiple candidates for mayor, which to my way of thinking, serves no purpose, except to tell me I probably don't want to vote for any of those people.  They endorsed Heidi Campbell, Freddie O'Connell, Vivian Wilhoite and Jeff Yarbro, and Sharon Hurt.

Heidi Campbell has the endorsement of Bo Mitchell, among others, and that is a good reason not to vote for her. 

Jim Gingrich, who has self-financed his campaign to the turn of $2 million, says he is not seeking endorsements. I think that means he doesn't have any. He may be a nice guy but it looks to me like is trying to buy an election. We will see if it works. 

Sharon Hurt has lots of endorsements from other Black politicians and Black pastors.

Freddie O'Connell has the endorsement of several other councilmembers, Jill Speering of the School Board, gay activist John Bridges and Planned Parenthood.

Alice Rolli has the support of former mayoral candidate David Fox, and several prominent Republicans.

Matt Wilshire has the support of the Fraternal Order of Police and seventeen current or former Council Members. It looks like he has the most impressive list of supporters. Some of his supporters are people I view favorably like Robert Nash and Charlie Tygard, to name just two.

To read the article and see the whole list, follow this link

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