Friday, July 07, 2023

How do the Mayoral candidates stand on the issue of license plate readers

by Rod Williams, July 7, 2023- Channel 5 News reports on how the mayoral candidates stand on the issue of license plate readers and provides the statements of the eight candidates who took part in the final mayoral debate where this question was asked.  All give answers supporting them but with equivocations. Some criticize the Metro pilot use of license plate readers for a more heavy use of them in Black communities, which of course are also high crime communities.  

Alice Rolli says, "They were, in this pilot, used in too concentrated an area." 

Councilwoman at-large Sharon Hurt says, "I had a nephew who was killed, and they found the killer with a license plate reader, so I have a personal connection, and I do believe they can be useful, but they have to be appropriately used."

Really  I see no significant difference between the positions of the candidates on this issue.  See the full Channel 5 report at this link

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