Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Ron DeSantis attacks Trump for being too pro-gay


by Rod Williams, July 5, 2023- If anyone knows me, or has read my blog with any regularity, or follows me on Facebook, you know I am a never-Trumper. I have been welcoming of anyone who could keep Trump from winning the 2004 nomination. I think DeSantis has been a good governor for Florida and had thought he would make a good Republican nominee.  Well, my favorable view of DeSantis is slipping. It seems that on some issues, DeSantis is trying to out-Trump Trump.

A couple days ago DeSantis' War Room Twitter account reposted a video attacking Trump for being too pro-gay.  I don't buy it. I do not criticize Donald Trump for being too soft on homosexuality. Don't get me wrong. I don't like the pro-gay proselytizing we witness. I don't like Target selling pro-gay apparel for kids or Bud Light selling a Trans ideology. I don't like the perversion of the language in order to deny that there are men and there are women. I don't like this gay stuff rammed down our throat (so to speak, no pun intended). Young children in school do not need to learn about homosexuality. And, I abhor the irreversible mutilation of confused children who think they are a person of the opposite sex.  That said, I am just not that upset if some guy dresses up like Dolly Parton and lip syncs. I really don't care much what people do in private.  I really don't care if someone is gay. And, it doesn't disgust me if I see too men holding hands in public.

I normally don't defend Donald Trump. However, following a tragic mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Florida, Trump's statement denouncing the anti-gay killing was right. Also, if I were Trump, and Caitlyn Jenner came to an event at Trump Tower, I would let her use the bathroom of her choice.  DeSantis has gone too far in stoking anti-gay animosity.  The ad is hateful and unnecessary.  Shame on DeSantis.

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  1. I expect that if "Caitlyn" Jenner showed up at a Trump event he would grab him/her/whatever by the damn-what-is-that and then decide. I mean, you know, to stay in character.

    As Trump attacked pro-lifers my guess, since Trump believes in one thing-Trump, my guess is that his outreach is to broaden his hopefully shrinking base. Hopefully social conservatives in his base see some reason to back away.

    What bothers me in the appeal to the LGBTQ-whatever "community" is the implicit endorsement of that agenda which includes the things you mentioned being rammed down our non-pun throats. That agenda has proceeded too far already as seen in the valid fears you list. To those I would the drag queen story hours and more. I'm glad to see DeSantis, in both his Presidential candidacy and his governance, distance himself from that community/agenda.

  2. I expect that if "Caitlyn" Jenner showed up at a Trump event he would grab him/her/whatever by the damn-what-is-that and then decide. I mean, you know, to stay in character.

    As Trump attacked pro-lifers my guess, since Trump believes in one thing-Trump, my guess is that his outreach is to broaden his hopefully shrinking base. Hopefully social conservatives in his base see some reason to back away.

    What bothers me in the appeal to the LGBTQ-whatever "community" is the implicit endorsement of that agenda which includes the things you mentioned being rammed down our non-pun throats. That agenda has proceeded too far already as seen in the valid fears you list. To those I would the drag queen story hours and more. I'm glad to see DeSantis, in both his Presidential candidacy and his governance, distance himself from that community/agenda.
