Wednesday, July 05, 2023

At-Large Candidates: A Deeper Look

The Nashville Scene
, July 5, 2024 -
Following the deadline for candidates to qualify for the ballot, the Nashville Banner sent a questionnaire to all Metro Council candidates asking them basic questions about themselves and policies they support, oppose or might encounter while in office: the Titans stadium plan, license plate readers, police staffing, property taxes, the city-state relationship, affordable housing and transit. The following is a synthesized version of each of the 21 at-large candidates’ responses, including some extra context about some of the candidates.  ....

Russ Pulley is term-limited in District 25. He is a retired FBI agent and spent 24 years officiating college football in the Southeastern Conference. He has been a part of various community organizations and church groups in the Green Hills area. He voted yes on the Titans stadium deal, wants to invest in more police and “strongly” supports LPR usage. Crime, public safety and affordability are some of his top priorities. During the 2020 budget cycle, he pushed for a $2 million increase in the Metro Nashville Police Department budget, despite an attempt from current Councilmember At-Large Bob Mendes to strip that from the budget. Recently, he was a main opponent of a bill from District 5 Councilmember Sean Parker that redefined “family” in the zoning code, allowing more unrelated individuals to live in a single household. ... (Read this informative article at this link)

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