Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Please vote for Tonya Esquibel for Metro Council, District 17

Tonya Esquibel
by Rod Williams, July 5, 2023- I met Tonya Esquibel at a political function last week and immediately liked her and I was also impressed.  She is running of Metro Council in District 17, which is the district in which I live, so I can vote for her and will.  

Before I realized she was a candidate for the district in which I live we talked about an interest we share.  She is a leading successful loan officer and I have worked as a loan officer, and I spend most of my working years as a housing counselor either helping low-income people become homeowners or helping people who were homeowners avoid foreclosure. We talked about things like, affordable housing, zoning, land use policy, financial literacy, the housing crisis of 2008, and Nashville's growth.  I found we shared the same insight on these issues and shared the same values. 

When I found out she was the candidate seeking the council seat in my district I was pleased. We talked about taxes and crime and issues facing the city and again we were in agreement. She strikes me as a good person with a heart for helping people, someone who is thoughtful, someone who would work hard at the job of serving her constituents, and a person with common sense. 

I have just sent her a contribution and I have her sign in my yard. If you do not live in the 17th, you won't be able to vote for her, but you can still help her. it is important to have some sane common-sense people in the Council to counter the woke progressives. Even if you can't vote for her, you can contribute to her campaign. To donate use this link

Below is more about Tonya, from her campaign website

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