Friday, January 21, 2022

Tara Houston of the Davidson County Democratic Party needs to get with the program. Is Tara a he/him, a she/her, a they/them, a it, a he/she? She (he, it) needs to tell me. It is confusing when Democrats act like normal people.

by Rod Wiliams, Jan. 21, 2022- I got this fund-raising letter today from Tara Houston, chair of the Davidson County Democratic Party and I am confused.  How should I refer to him?  

You see, last week I got two letters from the State Party.  They made it clear the gender pronoun preference of the sender. 

The one from Brit Bender, the Executive Director of the Tennesee Democratic Party is a "she/her."
The other was from Hendrell Remus. He is the Chair of the Tennesee Democratic Party. He stated his preferred pronoun was he/him. That is clear. No confusion.  

But what about Tara?  Does he not have the same commitment to gender fluidity ideology?  Does he not have a pronoun preference?  Is he not woke? 

Please Tara, make it simple.  Like your state Party leaders, you need to tell me your preferred pronoun. 

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