Thursday, January 20, 2022

Biden Cast Doubt on Election Legitimacy

Offered a chance to defend election integrity, Biden instead adds asterisks

Washington Post- “Speaking of voting rights legislation,” a reporter offered, “if this isn’t passed, do youstill believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be legitimate?”  ...  Biden didn’t reject the idea that the election results would be beyond question. ... “It all depends on whether or not we’re able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election,” he said

Rod's Comment:  Seems like I have heard something similar before. This is the kind of answer Trump gave to the same type of question prior to the 2020 election. We may need to make allowances for Biden saying this, however.  I suppose if he understood the question and the implications of his answer he would have answered differently.  Most of the time it seems Biden is in a fog and unsure of the question and just rambles and tries to fake it. However, he is the president.  It is embarrassing but it appears Trump and Biden share the view that American elections are only legitimate if your side wins.

For more on this story, see below.

National Review: Georgia Secretary of State Takes Biden to Task for Casting Doubt on Election Legitimacy

BBC News: Biden questions if US midterm elections will be 'legit'

Real Clear Politics: White House Clarifies: Biden Did Not Intend To Cast Doubt On Elections

Reason: Were Joe Biden's Election Legitimacy Remarks Dangerous or Just Stupid? They were a bit of both.

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