Monday, January 17, 2022

Coal makes a comeback. The U.S. is further off course in meeting its emissions targets under the Paris Agreement.

 Climate Watch

by Rod Williams, Jan. 15, 2022- America's emissions of greenhouse gases increased in 2021 compared to 2020 moving the U.S further away from its emission targets under the Paris Accords.  This is largely due to a jump in the use of coal. The U.S. has witnessed the first annual increase in coal generation seen in the U.S. since 2014. This is primarily due to an increase in the price of natural gas, resulting in a greater reliance on coal. While natural gas produces greenhouse gases also, it produces significantly less than does coal.

Most of the natural gas produced is acquired by the process known as fracking. President Biden has banned fracking on federal lands. Fortunately, most fracking is done on private land and thankfully President Biden has no authority to ban fracking on private land.  If fracking were banned, we would witness an even greater use of coal. For more on this topic, follow this link

For more of my post on the topic of climate change, follow this link

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