Sunday, January 11, 2015

Nashville Scene: Megan Barry walks the line between her progressive reputation and her support for the chamber.

The Nashville Scene has published the first of a six-part examination of the candidates running for Mayor. The first in the series is a profile of Megan Barry. This is good reporting without the often display of the Scene attitude. You can read the article at this link: Megan Barry walks the line between her progressive reputation and her support for the chamber, Dean.

I recommend reading the article but below are some major take away points.

  • "Barry is the only 2015 mayoral candidate who can boast having won a countywide election, and she's done it twice."
  • She has a lot of rich friends, but "her fundraising efforts have not been impressive."
  • She recognizes a roll for charter schools.
  • Like many liberal parents, she would not sacrifice her son's future in order to be true to her liberal values. Rather than have him attend Martine Luther King public school, she enrolled him in the private University School of Nashville.
  • "Barry's pitch is primarily focused on economic development, education and transit." She has really ambitions plans for mass transit.
  • " her administration, "we will have universal pre-K."'
  • She hangs out with the more "progressive" politicos in the city and they often gather at her house.
  • She was the sponsor of the bill banning discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transsexual metro employees and the living wage bill for Metro employees which increased the pay of only four people.

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