Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What happend at the School Board Meeting of 1/13/15? Board Ok's KIPP Conversion of Kirkpatrick. Suprise, surprise, Amy Fogge votes "no."

Due to work and other things that interfere with blogging, I have determined that I cannot continue doing a play-by-play of Metro School Board meeting. I hope someone is watching however. There is not much that the city of Nashville does that is as important as educating our children and the schools spend the bulk of our local tax dollars.

With The Tennessean shrinking their news hole and staff and focusing more on what their polls tell them people want to read about, the Tennessean is becoming more like a gossipy tabloid than a city newspaper.  I am not even sure they cover School Board meetings anymore. Fortunately, The Nashville Scene does cover school board meeting. They at lease tell you the most important thing that happened at a school board meeting. Below is a link to the Scene story of the school board meeting of 1/13/2015.

If you want to keep informed about what is happening at the school board you are almost on your own. To watch the school board meeting in less time, you can watch it in time-and-a-half or double time and not lose much content. If your computer does not automatically give you that option, follow this link and click "HTML5 player." If you find something worth watching, please post a comment and summarize it and give a timestamp video location.

The School Board produces great school board meeting agendas. You can get your copy of the 222- page agenda of this meeting at this location: Agenda.

The Nashville Scene, By Andrea Zelinski , Wed. Jul. 14, 2015 - After months of the district wringing its hands over which school it should hand over to an area charter, the Metro Nashville School Board easily handed over the keys for Kirkpatrick Elementary to KIPP schools on Tuesday.

The board voted 7-1 to approve the conversion, transitioning management of the kindergarten and first grades to the charter school beginning in the 2015-16 school year and adding a grade annually through fourth grade.

....The only board member to vote against the conversion plan was Amy Frogge....

School board members also hired a company to help the district assess what capacity it has to turn its own low-performing schools around, heard a proposal to expand community services to 16 more schools — including eight priority schools — and were put on notice that one board member wants to put a moratorium on all new schools until the district devises a way to close a projected $22 million budget hole.

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